Party Booking Management
Support docs for the Party Booking Management System
- What is Party Booking Management?
- How Do I Activate the Party Booking Management System and Give Staff Members Access?
- How Do I Navigate the Party Booking Management System?
- Where Do I Configure Party Booking Management Settings?
- How Do I Create Party Time Slots?
- How Do I Create Party Stations?
- How Do I Create Party Packages?
- How Do I Create Party Add-ons?
- How Do I Configure Financial Settings for Parties?
- How Do I Book a Party in the Customer Portal?
- How Do I Configure the "Other" Party Settings?
- How Do I View/Search for Parties?
- How Do I Book a Party in the Office Portal?
- How Can I Move/Transfer a Party to Another Date?
- How Can I Disable Specific Party Time Slots?
- How Can I Print Party Booking Information?
- How Do I Cancel a Booked Party?