How Do I Create or Edit a Class?

Learn how to create a new class, as well as the settings you'll need to configure that will be referenced during the setup process. Also learn how the system calculates the tuition amount based on the Billing method selected during the setup process, and how "Bill Dates" control enrollment dates and/or the class billing period.

See our "Getting Started with Classes" guide for more information about creating classes and enrollments!

Prerequisite Settings

During the Class setup process, you will need to assign certain field values.  Before you begin, take a few minutes to look over the following knowledgebase documents to be sure you have everything set up.

Creating a New Class

  1. Navigate to the CLASSES page.
  2. Click the New Class button in the upper left hand corner of the page.
  3. This will open the New Class window, focused on the DETAILS tab.

Details Tab

  1. Enter the details for the class you are creating. Required fields on the Details tab include a class name (either manually entered or built dynamically), a program for tracking income, min/max ages for students (entered as a combination of year/month, a maximum number of enrollments, and gender requirements.
    • Age requirements are restricted based on the student's age on the next class meeting date. If a session/rolling session is assigned to the class that has a future start date, or if a future "Start Date" is specified on the "Bill Dates" tab, the system will calculate their age as of that date to determine whether they will meet the age requirement for the class.
  2. The Autopilot Settings area allows staff to determine whether the "Send Waitlist Offer" Autopilot workflow will process for the class and if so, how the system should handle waitlist offers for students who do not meet class requirements.
    • The Waitlist Autopilot option determines if waitlist automations will process for this class. If this option is enabled, waitlist automations will automatically generate offers for this class if an enrollment spot opens up in the class for which the student is waitlisted.
    • The Allow Waitlist Offers if Requirements Not Met option determines if waitlist automations will offer spots to students who are on the waitlist, but do not meet the class requirements.
      • NOTES:
        • A copy of the "Waitlist Management" Autopilot workflow must be configured and enabled for the system to honor these settings.
        • Classes that do not allow web registration, as well as those designated as "Punch Pass/Single Day only" will be ignored when processing Waitlist requests.
  3. The Online Settings options allow you to "Show to Customers", "Hide Enrollments", "Allow Registration", or "Punch Pass/Single Day Only," and to enter a class description for customers (available from the Customer Portal class list). The recommended size for images included in the class description is 400px x 200px.
    - The Show To Customers option determines whether or not the class is visible to customers on the Customer Portal.
    - The Hide Enrollments option determines whether or not enrollment status in the class is displayed to the customer while the setting is enabled. (The most common use for the setting would be to hide the enrollments when assigning students to specific teams, so you can sort/enroll all students in the class before making it public.)

    Important note: enabling the "Hide Enrollments" option will also hide these classes from results when redeeming makeup tokens in the Customer Portal.

    - The Allow Registration option determines whether or not customers are allowed to create enrollments in the class from the Customer Portal. If the "Show to Customers" option is enabled and "Allow Registration" is left disabled, customers will be prompted to contact you to enroll.
    - The Punch Pass/Single Day Only option designates that enrollment in the class is limited to Punch Pass enrollments. If this option is enabled, the class will ONLY appear for customers in Punch Pass redemption workflows in the Customer Portal/Mobile App and Check-In Kiosk. However, the class will show in ALL enrollment workflows in Office Portal. (Except in the cases of Punch Pass redemption, enrollment type restrictions will not apply to staff members creating enrollments within the Office Portal.)

Billing Tab

Go to the Billing Tab

If you enable the "Non-Billable Class" option, you will be prompted to indicate whether enrollments in the class should be counted towards multi-student/multi-class discounts. 

If the class is billable, leave the "Non-Billable Class" option disabled. 

If the "Non-Billable Class" option is disabled, or if you will allow enrollments in the class to count towards discounts, you will use the Billing Wizard to set up the billing structure for your class. 


The Billing Wizard walks you through setting up your class billing structure by answering questions about how you bill, how you want to handle discounts/proration, and other common billing questions.

The Billing Wizard will walk you through a number of options based on your response to the question “How Do You Bill?”

There are three billing options:

"Hourly" Billing

With Hourly billing, the class bills based on the number of hours a student is expected to attend (the actual amount charged depends on the duration of the class). To set up Hourly billing, answer the following questions:

  • How often will you bill for the class? - This setting determines whether the total hours for the class will be calculated once per month/session or once per week for billing purposes.
    • Once a month/session – totals the number of class hours in the billing cycle (month or session)
    • Once a week – totals the number of class hours per week
  • This class calculates prices by the number of hours in a…
    • Month/Session – totals the number of class hours in a month/session when figuring price/discounts/proration
    • Week – totals the number of class hours in a week when figuring price/discounts/proration, then sums them for monthly/session billing
      • NOTE: If the "Week" option is selected, the system will calculate classes based on a Monday-Sunday weekly period.
  • Do you allow discounts?
    NOTE: When using Hourly billing, the system will calculate the number of hours in the billing cycle and discount based on the total.
    • Yes
      • Override discount schedule
        • Check appropriate discount schedule (if enabled)
      • No
    • Do you allow proration?
      • Yes/No
      • See our "How Does Proration Work?" document for more information about how iClassPro figures proration based on how your class is set up.
    • Is this class tax exempt?
      • Yes - selecting this option means that tuitions for this class ARE NOT subject to tax, even if a Tax Rate is assigned to the class Program.
      • No - selecting this option means that tuitions for this class ARE subject to tax, and will be taxed at the Tax Rate based on your following choices.
        • Override tax rate set on program
          • If disabled, the system will charge the Tax Rate assigned to the class Program.
          • If enabled, a "Check appropriate tax rate" option will be displayed.
            • Select the appropriate Tax Rate from the "Choose Override" drop-down menu.
    • What is your billing schedule and tuition rate?
      • Billing Schedule – select the appropriate billing schedule
      • Tuition - select the appropriate tuition rate to be paired with the billing schedule
      • Default – mark the selected billing schedule/tuition pair as the default for enrollments
      • Add Another – click to add more billing schedule/tuition pairs

"Time Slot" Billing

With Time Slot billing, the class bills based on the number of time slots the student is expected to attend (regardless of the duration of the class). To set up Time Slot billing, answer the following questions:

  • This class calculates prices by the number of time slots in a…
    • Month/Session – totals the number of time slots in a month/session when figuring price/discounts/proration
    • Week – totals the number of time slots in a week when figuring price/discounts/proration, then sums them for monthly/session billing
      • NOTE: If the "Week" option is selected, the system will calculate classes based on a Monday-Sunday weekly period.
  • Do you allow discounts?
    NOTE: When using Time Slot billing, the system will calculate the number of class time slots in the billing cycle and discount based on the total.
    • Yes
      • Override discount schedule
        • Check appropriate discount schedule (if enabled)
      • No
    • Do you allow proration?
      • Yes/No
      • See our "How Does Proration Work?" document for more information about how iClassPro figures proration based on how your class is set up.
    • Is this class tax exempt?
      • Yes
      • No
        • Override tax rate set on program
          • Check appropriate tax rate (if enabled)
    • What is your billing schedule and tuition rate?
      • Billing Schedule – select the appropriate billing schedule
      • Tuition - select the appropriate tuition rate to be paired with the billing schedule
      • Default – mark the selected billing schedule/tuition pair as the default for enrollments
      • Add Another – click to add more billing schedule/tuition pairs

If you are using timeslot billing calculated by the number of timeslots in a week, this may affect how students are ordered for discounts.  See our "How Do I Set Up a Discount Schedule?" document for more information.

"Flat Rate" Billing

With Flat Rate billing, the class bills a flat amount per billing cycle. This is our “traditional” billing structure. To set up Flat Rate billing, answer the following questions:

  • Do you allow discounts?
    NOTE: When using Flat Rate billing, the system will count the number of enrollments the student has during the billing cycle and discount based on the total.
    • Yes
      • Override discount schedule
        • Check appropriate discount schedule (if enabled)
      • No
    • Do you allow proration?
      • Yes/No
      • See our "How Does Proration Work?" document for more information about how iClassPro figures proration based on how your class is set up.
    • Is this class tax exempt?
      • Yes
      • No
        • Override tax rate set on program
          • Check appropriate tax rate (if enabled)
    • What is your billing schedule and tuition rate?
      • Billing Schedule – select the appropriate billing schedule
      • Tuition - select the appropriate tuition rate to be paired with the billing schedule
      • Default – mark the selected billing schedule/tuition pair as the default for enrollments
      • Add Another – click to add more billing schedule/tuition pairs

Click here for more information about hourly billing

Click here for more information about setting up Discount Schedules.

How Class Bill Dates Work

The Bill Dates tab will allow you to choose Sessions or Rolling Sessions which indicate the length of time billing is assessed over and control re-enrollment.

Classes must use one of the following bill date options:

  1. This Class Bills Monthly - this means that enrollments are continuous (with no set start/drop date) and billed by the calendar month (4-5 weeks, depending on the billing schedule settings).
    • Class registration date options are displayed on the BILL DATES tab for all classes when “This Class Bills Monthly” is selected. (Session/rolling session dates will already control these options for session-based classes.)
      Note: Show Online and Allow Registration must be enabled for this class for these dates to have an effect.
      • CLASS DATES START/END DATES - The start date can be set to define the default or earliest start date that can be chosen for an enrollment made in the Customer Portal. The end date can be set to define the default or latest drop date that can be chosen for an enrollment made in the Customer Portal.
      • REGISTRATION START/END DATES – These dates define the date range that this class will appear in the Customer Portal. (Similar to camp registration dates).
      • PRIORITY REGISTRATION START/END DATES: These dates define the date range that this class will appear in the Customer Portal for students that have the priority class registration keyword. (See our “What are the Customer Portal Registration Modes?” document for more information about configuring Priority Registration Mode.)

        If "Global Priority Registration Mode" is enabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>GENERAL SETTINGS, those settings will override any priority registration dates set on the individual classes and any selected keywords apply to all classes/camps. If the setting is disabled, then the selected keyword only applies to that classes that have Priority Registration Dates defined. All other classes will still show on the Customer Portal and accept enrollments as usual.
  2. This Class Bills According to Custom Date Ranges - Rolling Sessions (Keep students enrolled after session ends) - this means that the enrollments are continuous (with no set drop date) and are billed by custom date ranges, such as every 6 weeks (which are typically back to back).
  3. This Class Bills According to Custom Date Ranges - Sessions (Drop students after session ends) - this means that the enrollments have pre-defined start and drop dates, where the student must re-enroll for class each session. Student tuition is then billed and prorated over the session dates.
  • After students are enrolled in a session, the dates of the session can no longer be edited in Settings > Setup > Class Settings.
  • If you are changing the way your classes bill (ex: switching from rolling session bill dates to monthly bill dates), you must create a new class. See Duplicating a Class for more information on how to do this.

Schedule Tab

The SCHEDULE tab is a required setting where you can add the days and times that this class meets. Students enrolled in the class will assume all days on the schedule for billing and attendance purposes.

If you have a class that is set up to allow students to choose which days they attend, each class day should be set up as its own class.

Other Tabs

  • (Optional) The Instructors tab allows you to attach coaches or instructors to the class.
    • NOTE: When populating the list of Instructors, the system will load a maximum of 100 instructors at a time, and allow search functionality to locate and select instructors who may not appear in those results. As instructors are selected, they are moved to the top of the list and additional instructors are listed below.
  • (Optional) The Keywords tab allows you to attach one or more keywords to the class for custom filtering options on reports and pages.
  • (Optional after initial save) The Notes tab allows you to enter noted related to the class. These internal notes are only visible in the Office Portal when editing the class, in the Staff Portal when taking attendance, or they can be viewed by generating a Class Notes Report (CLA-19).
    • NOTE: The permission to EDIT a class is required to be able to create/edit/delete Class Notes.
  • (Optional after initial save) The Promo Codes tab allows you to determine which promotional codes set up in your account can be applied towards this class. Promo Codes are added under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>PROMOTION CODES.
  • (Optional) The Skill Tree tab allows you to override the default Skill Tree that the class inherits from its Program. Skill Trees are set up under SETTINGS>SKILLS.
  • (Optional) The Custom Fields tab allows you to keep track of additional class information visible only to staff members. Custom fields can be created under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>CLASS CUSTOM FIELDS.
  • (Optional) The Auto-Approval tab allows you to set specific age and or Skill Level criteria to decide whether enrollments are auto-approved on a per-class basis, or to allow auto-approval of all enrollments just for that specific class, without having to enable auto-approval for all enrollments.

After entering all of the required data, be sure to save your work.

Editing an Existing Class

To edit an existing class, navigate to the CLASSES page and click the pencil/edit icon to the left of the class you wish to edit.

After making any necessary changes, be sure to save your work.

Editing the class schedule will affect how records for the class are displayed historically. To maintain accurate historical reporting, we recommend taking the following steps if you need to change the class schedule:

- Duplicate the class
- Transfer any enrollments to the new class
- Make the original class inactive

Important Notes:

  • If you are changing the status of a class from ACTIVE to INACTIVE, you will be prompted to assign a drop date for any current enrollments.  Any future enrollments or Waitlist enrollments will be dropped.
  • For the purposes of enrollment history, iClassPro does not track historical updates to the class itself (although it does retain some data in the financial records). When updating the Program on an existing class, in order to maintain accurate historical data we recommend duplicating the current class, making the necessary changes on the new class, then transferring enrollments to the new class and making the original class Inactive.
  • If you attempt to manually change the tuition associated with a billing schedule, the system will display a warning as follows:
    • You are about to update the tuition for this billing schedule. Any current or future enrollments using this billing schedule will use this new tuition amount for new charges.
      • You will need to click OK to continue or have the option to CANCEL.
  • If you attempt to remove a billing schedule manually, the system will present a warning if any current or future ACTIVE or SINGLE DAY enrollments are still associated with the billing schedule via billing schedule override. You will be unable to remove the billing schedule until these enrollments have been edited to remove or change the billing schedule override.
    • You can find enrollments linked to specific billing schedules by running the Student List Report (STU-1) and using the "Class Filters" option to filter by Billing Schedule.
  • If you attempt to change the default billing schedule for a class, the system will display a warning similar to the one below (verbiage may differ based on different scenarios):
    • Any existing enrollments using the current class default will use this new default billing schedule and tuition amount moving forward unless they have a billing schedule override in place.
      • You will need to choose from one of the following three options:
        • Continue - acknowledges the warning and changes the default billing schedule. You may need to manually update enrollments if they need to have a billing schedule override assigned.
        • Cancel - Will cancel the task and return to whichever window launched the task.
        • Override Billing Schedule for current enrollments - If this option is selected, the system will automatically assign a billing schedule override to any current enrollments attached to the original default billing schedule that do not already have a billing schedule override assigned, then update the default billing schedule on the class. Any new enrollments created will use the new default billing schedule.
  • If the class only has ONE billing schedule attached and that billing schedule is simply changed to a different one, the system will display a warning similar to the one below (verbiage may differ based on different scenarios):
    • You are about to update the billing schedule for this class. Any current or future enrollments using this billing schedule will use the new billing schedule for new charges. Choosing to "Override Billing Schedule for current enrollments" will create an additional billing schedule/tuition pair on this class if one does not exist to match the original billing schedule being replaced.

      • You will need to click OK to continue or have the option to CANCEL.
  • If you are assigning the Class to a specified Zone that would result in overbooking the Zone, the system will display a warning.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).