How Do I Create/Configure Tuitions and Tuition Schedules?

Learn about tuitions and tuition schedules, how they are created, and how iClassPro uses them to determine how much a student will be charged for a class enrollment.

What is a Tuition?

Tuitions define the amount you wish to charge for an enrollment. Each tuition should have a unique price. Since the same tuition can be assigned to multiple classes, you only need one tuition for each rate being charged.

A tuition can be entered in one of two ways:

  • Flat Rate - the tuition amount is entered as a flat fee or an amount per timeslot/hour, depending on how you have your billing configured on the class
  • Tuition Schedules - the tuition is entered in a table format (similar to a camp pricing schedule), which allows you more control to allow a higher/lower discount based on the number of classes/timeslots/hours taken.

Flat Rate Tuitions

Flat rate tuition prices are the non-discounted prices that are assigned to a class for a specific billing schedule (monthly, session, etc.)

To create a Flat Rate tuition:

  2. Click ADD NEW TUITION to launch the “Create Tuition” Window.tuitions01.png
  3. Enter a TUITION NAME
  4. Choose the RATE option.
  5. Enter a Rate for your tuition.
    • The tuition amount does not use the currency symbol.
    • Tuition amounts support values up to two decimal places. However, it is not necessary to enter decimal values if the rate is a whole number.

Tuition Schedules

Tuition Schedules replace the tuition/discount schedule setup with a table that gives actual prices with the discounts accounted for.  This allows you more control to allow a higher/lower discount based on the number of classes/timeslots/hours taken (instead of the flat discount that the Discount Schedule allows)

Tuition Schedules must account for all possible hours to bill correctly. For example, if a student can take up to ten possible hours in a billing period, your Tuition Schedule needs to include ten rows so it can calculate the billing amount properly.

Tuition schedules support values up to two decimal places.


 To create a Tuition Schedule:

  2. Click ADD NEW TUITION to launch the “Create Tuition” Window
  3. Enter a TUITION NAME
  4. Choose the SCHEDULE option
      • Count Classes/Time Slots/Hours By
        • One at a Time
          • To count classes One At a Time means to assign each class a number. The system will rank classes from highest to lowest tuition before discounts are applied.
          • To count hours One At a Time means to use the number of hours this class attends to find a discount for this enrollment. The period of time the hours are totaled for is controlled from within each class itself. (To set a class to bill hourly, check “This Class Bills Hourly” in the class record.)
        • One at a Time Per Student
          • To count classes One At a Time Per Student means to assign each class a number, separated for each student enrolled. The system will rank classes from highest to lowest tuition before discounts are applied.
            This setting only affects scenarios when you also choose to Count Students By Total and there are multiple active students in the family. (Otherwise the system works the same as if you just chose One at a Time.)
          • To count hours One At a Time Per Student means to use the number of hours for each class the student attends to find a discount for their enrollments. The period of time the hours are totaled for is controlled from within each class itself. The system will rank classes from highest to lowest tuition before discounts are applied.
            This setting only affects scenarios when you also choose to Count Students By Total and there are multiple active students in the family. (Otherwise the system works the same as if you just chose One at a Time.)
        • Total
          • To count classes by Total means the system will total how many individual classes in which the student is enrolled and discount based on that number. In this case, classes are not ranked by tuition cost since they are both treated the same.
          • To count hours by Total means to use the number of hours all relevant classes attend to find a discount for this enrollment. The period of time the hours are totaled for is controlled from within each class itself.
        • Count Students By
          • One at a Time - To count classes or students One At a Time means to assign each one a number. The order students are put in is controlled by the Order Students By
          • Total - If you choose to count students by Total, classes will be counted and ordered for the family as a whole instead of per student.
        • Students Ordered By - When counting students One at a time, you can order them according to either Most Expensive Class or Highest Total Tuition.
          • Most Expensive Class - Most Expensive Class order means that the student enrolled in the most expensive class is student 1.
          • Highest Total Tuition - Highest Total Tuition order tells the discount schedule to add up the tuitions for all the classes each student is enrolled in. The student with the highest total is then student 1.
  5. Define the Tuition Schedule Table.
  • COLUMNS represent students in the family
  • ROWS represent Classes/Timeslots/Hours


The AMOUNT entered in the cells of the table should be the TOTAL AMOUNT YOU WISH TO CHARGE FOR THAT CLASS/HOUR/TIMESLOT (including any discounts).

Tuition prices will be calculated as the cumulative total of the number of classes/hours/timeslots taken.  So using the screenshot above as an example, if Student 1 is enrolled in two classes/timeslots/hours, their tuition would be Cell 1:1 (20.00) + Cell 1:2 (40.00) = $60.00.

If you are billing hourly or by timeslot over the course of a month, the classes will be ranked based on their tuition rates and then the appropriate cells will be calculated from the table.  For example, if a student is taking three classes where one class meets five times and the other meets four times during the billing period, the pricing will be as follows:

  • Class 1: the tuition would be the total of cell 1:1 through 1:5 (class meets 5 times)
  • Class 2: the tuition would be the total of cell 1:6 through 1:9 (class meets 4 times)
  • Class 3: the tuition would be the total of cell 1:10 through 1:13 (class meets 4 times)

If you allow discounts on the class and a discount schedule is also attached to the Class Program, the discount schedule will be applied in addition to any discounts already reflected in the Tuition Schedule.

Editing existing Tuitions

To edit an existing tuition, navigate to SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>TUITIONS and click the pencil/edit icon next to the tuition you wish to update.

After making any necessary changes, be sure to save your work.

If you attempt to delete a tuition that is applied to an active class, the system will display a warning as follows:

This Tuition cannot be deleted while applied to active classes.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).