How Do I Duplicate a Class?

Learn how to use the "Create a Duplicate" option to save time and effort when creating a group of classes where the only information that is changing might be the name, the schedule or other minor details. Also learn how to duplicate classes in bulk using the Mass Copy Tool.

See our "Getting Started with Classes" guide for more information about creating classes and enrollments!

How can I duplicate classes?

iClassPro offers two methods for duplicating classes.  Each method handles the class "Bill Dates" structure differently, so it is important to note how each method handles this and why.

  • Manually Duplicating a Class
    When using the "Create a duplicate" option at the bottom of the "Edit class" window, you are creating one new class at a time. This allows you to review all of the class details in the new class window and make any desired changes as you go. In this scenario, iClassPro tries to preserve as much data as possible, while also allowing you to edit the structure of the "Bill Dates" tab on the new class. By keeping any previous Session/Rolling Session settings intact, this keeps you from having to set the class back to "This class bills according to custom date ranges" and attach sessions each time you make a copy.
  • Using the Mass Copy Tool
    When using the "Mass Copy" tool, iClassPro creates all of the duplicate classes as "Monthly" classes instead, as you might have a mixture of Monthly and Session/Rolling Session-based classes selected. This allows you to then use the mass "Assign Sessions" tool to change the class billing setup if you wish (for example, from Session to Rolling Session, or Monthly to Session/Rolling Session).

Manually duplicating a class

  1. Create and save your first class (the one you will want to duplicate).
  2. Use the pencil/edit icon to open the details of that class.
  3. Click the "Create a Duplicate" button at the bottom of the window.
  4. In the duplicate class window (labeled "Class Details :: New Class)edit the details to match the information for the new class you want to create.
  5. Save the duplicate class with the new details.

You will now see both of the classes listed on the classes page! We hope you find this time-saving tool easy to use.

Duplicating classes using the Mass Copy tool

  1. On the CLASSES page, select the classes you wish to duplicate.
  2. At the bottom of the screen, click the "Mass Copy" icon (shown in blue below).
  3. In the window that comes up, make any changes that should be made to the duplicate classes, including enabling/disabling proration, tax exempt settings, class requirements, Autopilot settings, online settings, and billing schedules/tuitions. 

    It is recommended to use the first option to assign a keyword to the newly created classes to help identify them more easily (the keyword can be removed later). The keyword created will be labeled with the date and time that the class copy took place.

  4. You can mass update instructors assigned to the selected classes on the "Instructors" tab.
    • NOTE: When populating the list of Instructors, the system will load a maximum of 100 instructors at a time, and allow search functionality to locate and select instructors who may not appear in those results. As instructors are selected, they are moved to the top of the list and additional instructors are listed below.
  5. You can mass update the "Auto-Approval Prerequisites" assigned to the selected classes on the "Auto-Approval" tab.
  6. Click "Copy" to copy the classes.


  • You can only disable billing for ACTIVE classes. If the Class Status is set to INACTIVE, the “Class Billing” option will not be available.
  • You must enable the Online Setting to "Allow Registration" in order to enable the "Punch Pass/Single Day Only" option.
  • Any addition of session/rolling session data can be made after copying the classes by searching the classes page by the keyword created during that process and then using the Mass Assign Sessions tool.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).