How Do Time Clock Administrators Review Time Clock Entries?

Learn how to review Time Clock entries and make adjustments as needed.

Who can review Time Clock entries?

To be able to review the Time Clock records for employees, the staff member will need to have “full” access to the Time Clock page in iClassPro as well as a minimum of “view” permissions for the Time Clock task to see the activity. To make edits, that permission will need to be set to “full”.

For more information about staff permissions related to time clock, click here.

Reviewing Time Clock entries

To review Time Clock records for employees, the staff member will go to the Time Clock page, then click on Employees on the left-hand side. This will list all employees with entries in the Time Clock system.

On this page, there is a date range and location filter to allow your business to quickly find information about employee hours within a specific time frame. The time frame defaults to entries within the last 30 days. A Search Staff field appears above the employee list for quickly finding individual employees.

PRO TIP! To view a single employee's time entries by pay period, you can also go to the Staff page, open the staff member's record and click on the Time Clock tab. The staff member's entries will appear at the bottom of that window.

Entry Details

By default, the staff members are sorted alphabetically. There is also a small circle indicator next to employees to quickly determine whether or not the employee is currently clocked in. Staff members with a green indicator are clocked in.

PRO TIP! To quickly find all staff members which are clocked in, click the circle indicator next to the column titles at the top of the list of employees. The Employee, Regular Hours, Overtime Hours and Total Hours fields can also be used to sort the list of records.


Clicking on the entry for an individual staff member will expand details about each Time Clock entry within the date range and location set in the filters on the page. These entries will be sorted by date and within each date, from earliest (AM) to latest (PM) entry. The details for each entry also include the day of week, location, in time, out time, role and total hours.


NOTE: If a clock in/clock out entry has a pending adjustment attached to it, this will be indicated by a red alert icon to the left of the Total hours (as shown below).


Color Coding

Entries that are made with the punch pad or the kiosk mode will show normally (plain text on the normal background color). To easily identify changes made to employee entries by staff members, time entries that have been changed will be color coded (green for an added entry, blue for an edited entry and red for a deleted entry).

About Overtime Estimations

Overtime in iClassPro’s Time Clock feature is defined as any hours over 40 spent clocked in (across all locations and across all roles). Time is tracked to the nearest minute and reported as HH:MM.

NOTE: At this time, there is not a way to directly edit which role assumes overtime first if the cumulative number of hours between roles is more than 40, but none of the roles have exceeded 40 hours individually. Changes to where overtime is appropriated would need to occur in the export file or your payroll system directly.

If your business would like to track hours under different roles or locations separately (towards different 40 hour weeks), the staff member will have to be added as a staff member to iClassPro once for each location/role and use separate PINs to clock in and out in order track hours under the different areas.

iClassPro includes special built-in roles for time clock administrators to use when adjusting or manually entering time entries in the Office Portal. These roles cannot be deleted, and cannot be selected by staff members when recording time.

These roles are: Vacation, Sick, Holiday, Jury Duty, and Bereavement.

Overtime is not calculated against hours when any of these roles are selected.

Manually Adding a Time Entry

To manually add a time entry to a staff member, the staff member would have already had to have used the Time Clock system to clock in and clock out at least once within the filtered date range to be visible in the Employees section of the Time Clock page.  If the employee is not visible in your result set, you may need to adjust your "From" date.

To add a time clock entry:

    1. Search for the employee by name.
    2. Click on the employee’s entry to expand it.
    3. Click Add Time at the top right of the list of entries.
    4. In the new window, select:
      1. location worked
      2. date worked
      3. time clocked in
      4. time clocked out
      5. position worked
    5. (as needed) Click Add Row to make another clock in and clock out entry.
    6. (optional) A comment can be added regarding why the entry needed to be made manually.
    7. Click Save to create the entry.

Adding_a_time_entry.pngThis new time entry will be highlighted green to show that a staff member added it manually.


Clicking the lightning bolt next to the entry will allow a staff member to review any changes made to that entry at the bottom of the screen (changes are also color coded).


Manually Editing a Time Entry

To manually edit a time entry for a staff member, the staff member would have already had to have used the Time Clock system to clock in and clock out for the shift. This way, the shift will be able to be found on the Employees section of the Time Clock page.

First, use the search and filters on the page to find the employee and the date of the entry that needs to be edited. To make the changes:

  1. Click on the employee’s entry to expand it.
  2. Click the lightning bolt icon to review the details of the entry that needs edits.
  3. In the window, make the necessary changes.
  4. (optional) Leave a comment about the changes made.
  5. Click Save.

manually_editing_an_entry.pngThis edit will be highlighted blue to show that a staff member made changes.


Clicking the lightning bolt next to the entry again will allow a staff member to review any changes made to that entry at the bottom of the screen (changes are also color-coded).


Deleting a Time Entry

To delete a time entry for a staff member, use the Employees section of the Time Clock page to find the employee and the time entry. To delete the entry:

  1. Click on the employee's entry to expand it.
  2. Click the lightning bolt icon to review the details of the entry.
  3. Click Delete at the end of the row of the appropriate time entries.
  4. (optional) This will open a confirmation window, where you can add a comment about the deletion.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the action.


This deleted entry will be removed from hourly totals and highlighted red to indicate the deletion.


Clicking the lightning bolt next to the entry again will allow a staff member to review any changes made to that entry at the bottom of the screen (changes are also color-coded).


Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).