Learn about the Family Punch Pass Report, its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Family Punch Pass Report?
The Family Punch Pass Report is a list of family punch passes and usage status. The report includes the Primary Guardian Name, Punch Card Pass Name, Punch Card Pass Type (Family/Student), Date Issued, Date Expires, Purchase Price, Maximum Number of Punches Allowed, Number of Punches Redeemed, Number of Punches Remaining, and an indicator to show whether the Punch Pass is Expired (Y/N).
If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our "Preset Filters for Reports" document for more information.
Available Formats
The Family Punch Pass Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
Available Filters
General Filters
- ISSUED START DATE/ISSUED END DATE: allows you to specify a date range for the report. This system will only report punch passes that were issued within this date range.
- OPTIONS: by default, only active Punch Passes that have remaining punches available will be included in the results. Enabling one or more of these options will allow you to include expired, expended or suspended passes in the results.
- Include Expired - if enabled, the report will include expired punch passes in the results.
- Include Expended - if enabled, the report will include fully expended punch passes in the results.
- Include Suspended - - if enabled, the report will include suspended punch passes in the results.
- Include Student Punch Passes - - if enabled, the report will include student punch passes in the results. The name of the student associated with the punch pass will also be added following the Primary Guardian name.
- PROGRAMS: selecting one or more Program(s) will limit the results to only Punch Passes allowed to be redeemed for enrollments in the specified Program(s).
- CHOOSE PUNCH PASS: selecting one or more Punch Pass(es) will limit the results to only the specified Punch Pass(es).