Learn how to create new Punch Passes in the iClassPro Office Portal.
Creating a new Punch Pass
To create a new Punch Pass that can be purchased via the Point of Sale system, navigate to USER MENU>PUNCH PASSES.
This will bring up the Punch Pass creation window:
When creating a new Punch Pass, you will need to enter the information below.
Title & Description
- Title – Used to identify the Punch Pass; will be displayed in the Point of Sale, Office Portal (when staff are viewing Punch Pass information) and to parents in both the Customer Portal and Check-In Kiosk (if those options are enabled)
- SEO Slug – used as part of URL to link to a specific Punch Pass. Auto-created or can be overridden to customize.
- Description
- Assign Categories - The first time you create a Punch Pass, the system will automatically create a "Passes" category in the POINT OF SALE>CATEGORIES section and automatically assign that category to the Punch Pass.
- If a Punch Pass is also assigned to a sub-category, it will continue to appear in both areas. If the sub-category they are attached to is marked as "not visible", Punch Passes will continue to show as only attached to the main "Punch Pass" category.
- Image (optional)
- Holder Type
- Select Family/Student
- Family - the Punch Pass can be used by any student associated with the purchasing family.
- Student - the Punch Pass can only be used by the student selected at the time of purchase.
- Select Family/Student
- Visibility
- Available for Sale – determines whether a Punch Pass is available for purchase within the Point of Sale system in the Office Portal. If this option is enabled, Punch Passes will be displayed even if the sub-category they are attached to is not visible (they will simply show as only attached to the main "Punch Pass" category).
- Disable Sale on Customer Portal - Only appears if "Available for Sale" is enabled. This option determines whether a Punch Pass is available to purchase from within the Point of Sale system in the Customer Portal/Mobile App. (By default, all Punch Passes are eligible for purchase from the Customer Portal/Mobile App if SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>PUNCH PASSES>”Enable Purchase on Customer Portal Point of Sale” is enabled.)
- Disable Redemption on Customer Portal - determines whether a Punch Pass can be redeemed from the Customer Portal/Mobile App. (By default, all Punch Passes are eligible for redemption from the Customer Portal/Mobile App if SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>PUNCH PASSES>”Enable Redemption on Customer Portal” is enabled.)
- Available for Sale – determines whether a Punch Pass is available for purchase within the Point of Sale system in the Office Portal. If this option is enabled, Punch Passes will be displayed even if the sub-category they are attached to is not visible (they will simply show as only attached to the main "Punch Pass" category).
- Price/Priced Per Use
- PRICE – purchase price of the Pass is a single flat amount
- PRICED PER USE – purchase price of the Pass is determined by the number of uses defined
- Max # of Uses/Unlimited
- If “Priced Per Use”, this becomes “Default # of Uses”
- Max # of Passes Issued/Unlimited
- MAX # OF PASSES – limits the number of specific Punch Passes that can be sold
- UNLIMITED – there is no limit to the number of specific Punch Passes that can be sold
- Program – used when a charge is created for the item; can be used to help filter financial reports to reflect Punch Pass purchases.
- Charge Category – used when a charge is created for the item; can be used to help filter financial reports to reflect Punch Pass purchases.
- Tax Rate – used when a charge is created for the item. Note that if you charge tax for Punch Passes, you will need to ensure that the proper tax rate(s) are associated with the correct Location(s) in your "Tax Rate" settings. (NOTE: Click here for another important note about how tax rates are applied when purchasing Punch Passes from different Locations.)
- Use Program Tax Rate (the system will use the location-specific tax rate associated with the selected Program -- this is the default setting if nothing else is selected)
- Select a specific Tax Rate (this will override any location-specific tax rate associated with the selected Program)
- Tax Exempt (if enabled, sales tax will not be figured when a sale is recorded for this Punch Pass, even if a tax rate is assigned to the selected Program).
- Use Program Tax Rate (the system will use the location-specific tax rate associated with the selected Program -- this is the default setting if nothing else is selected)
- Low Punches Email Threshold (enabled/disabled) - used to trigger "Punch Pass Low" email to be sent when redeeming the Punch Pass. This option is disabled by default.
- NOTE: If triggered, the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>ICLASSPRO>"Punch Pass Low" for this communication.
- Pass Date options
- Has Start & Expiration Dates
- Has No Expiration (Requires start date)
- Expires “X” Days from Date of Purchase
NOTE: The "Expiration Date" is the date after which the Punch Pass is no longer accessible for the families to redeem. However, it does not restrict the start date of the enrollment for which the punch is redeemed.
- For example, a Punch Pass that expires on September 30th can still be redeemed for an enrollment that will take place on October 3rd, as long as the redemption takes place before the end of the day on September 30th.
For Classes
This section allows you to limit the redemption of Punch Passes to specific Locations, Programs, or Classes. Note that although this section is titled "For Classes", the settings here will also apply to Appointments if these are enabled.
NOTE: Punch Passes can be purchased from any Location. However, if the Punch Pass is limited by the settings in this area, it can only be redeemed within the parameters of the selected restrictions.
- By Location/Program/Level
- Location - limits Punch Pass redemption to only classes/appointments at the selected Location(s).
- Program - limits Punch Pass redemption to only classes/appointments associated with the selected Program(s).
- Level - limits Punch Pass redemption to only classes associated with the selected Level(s).
- By Individual Classes - limits Punch Pass redemption to only the selected Class(es).
If a Punch Pass is set to "By Individual Classes" and does not have any classes selected, it will be marked as suspended or inactive. The Punch Pass will be moved to the "Suspended" section in the Family/Students Enrollments view to prevent it from appearing with other Passes until an active class is linked to the pass.
Please note that customers will still be able to purchase these Punch Passes if set for sale on the Customer Portal, but will not be able to redeem them until a class is associated with the Punch Pass.
A warning message informing the staff that "The Punch Pass will not be eligible for redemption as no classes are selected" will be displayed to staff if they attempt to create a pass that does not have any eligible classes associated with it.
An important note about tax rates
The system will always apply the tax rate associated with the Program at the Location that is selected whenever a punch pass is purchased. Therefore, if you allow the same punch pass to be purchased from multiple Locations, you will need to ensure that you have properly configured the Program to use the correct "Location tax rate" under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>PROGRAMS.
Suspending/Unsuspending existing Punch Passes
Globally Suspending a Punch Pass
After a Punch Pass has been created, it can be suspended from sale without actually expiring it. To do this:
- On the "Active" tab, click on the existing Punch Pass you wish to suspend.
- Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Suspend Pass option, then confirm that you wish to suspend the pass.
- Click Save.
After saving, you will note the following in relation to the Punch Pass:
- The Punch Pass entry has been moved to the "Suspended" tab under USER MENU>PUNCH PASSES.
- The Punch Pass is no longer displayed in the Point of Sale when looking at Punch Passes to purchase.
All existing instances of the Punch Pass on family/student accounts have also been suspended and therefore cannot be redeemed.
- On the Customer Portal, families will see the pass listed under the "Inactive" category with an indicator that it was suspended.
Globally Unsuspending a Punch Pass
- On the "Suspended" tab, click on the existing Punch Pass you wish to suspend.
- Scroll to the bottom of the window and click the Unsuspend Pass option, then confirm that you wish to suspend the pass.
- Click Save.
After saving, you will note the following in relation to the Punch Pass:
- The Punch Pass entry has been moved from the "Suspended" tab under USER MENU>PUNCH PASSES back to the "Active" tab.
- The Punch Pass will be displayed in the Point of Sale when looking at Punch Passes to purchase.
- All existing instances of the Punch Pass on family/student accounts have also been unsuspended and will be available for redemption.
Suspending/Unsuspending Individual Punch Passes
Staff can also suspend/unsuspend a Punch Pass on a per-family or per-student level by:
- Navigating to the FAMILIES or STUDENTS page.
- Locate the family/student for whom you wish to suspend or unsuspend a Punch Pass.
- Expand the Enrollments view to display the Punch Passes associated with the family/student.
To SUSPEND a Punch Pass, ensure that you are viewing "Active" passes, then click on the "Suspend Punch Pass" icon next to the pass to be suspended.
- Confirm that you want to suspend the Punch Pass.
To UNSUSPEND a Punch Pass, ensure that you are viewing "Inactive" passes, then click on the "Unsuspend Punch Pass" icon next to the pass to be unsuspended.
- Confirm that you want to unsuspend the Punch Pass.