How Do I Create and Manage Subgroups and Users?

The features described in this article are only available to customers subscribed to iClassPro's Enterprise Plan. For more details or to request additional information about our Enterprise Plan, visit

Learn how to create subgroups in your Enterprise Portal and how users are assigned.

What are Subgroups?

Subgroups are exactly what the name suggests: a subsection of your main Enterprise Portal group. These are set up in such a way that users assigned to a specific subgroup will only have access to see data and access specific accounts. This is particularly useful in situations where a business owner may require access to several different accounts.

Creating Subgroups


  1. Select “Groups” from the Enterprise Portal navigation menu.
  2. Click the “+” button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to launch the “Create Group” screen.
  3. Enter the following information for the new Group:
      • Name - the name of the Group to be created.
      • Active/Inactive - determines whether the Group is enabled or disabled.  All new accounts are considered “Inactive” upon creation.
    • USERS
      • User Email - the email address for a “regular” staff user that will exist in all of the selected accounts.
      • Admin Email - the email address for an “admin” staff user that will exist in all of the selected accounts.
      • Click the “+” button to the left-hand side of an account to add it to the Group.
  4. After you have added all the necessary details, click the checkmark in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to save the group.

Assigning Users to Subgroups

Users are assigned to a specific Group/Subgroup when their user account is created.

Enterprise Portal: Users

There are TWO User Types/Levels that can be assigned to Enterprise Portal Users:

  • Admin – Has permission to log into the Enterprise Portal and can manage other Enterprise Portal users.
  • User – Has permission to log into the Enterprise Portal.

Login to the Enterprise Portal is managed via Google Login or Microsoft Azure (365). Any additional login restrictions (such as 2FA) can be established with those platforms.

NOTE: When a user logs in to Enterprise Portal, Google or Microsoft issues them a token that is valid for about one hour. Therefore, if a user account is suspended or deleted during their session, it might take up to an hour to fully process that the user no longer has access to.

Group Users vs. Enterprise Portal Users

For more information about how the User Type assigned to the Enterprise Portal User is linked to the Group User login configured in your Enterprise Portal setup, see the "Group User Type/Level Credentials" section of our "How Do I Set Up My Enterprise Portal Account?" document.

Adding Enterprise Portal Users

    1. From the main Enterprise Portal screen, click “Users” from the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
    2. Click the “+” button on the bottom right-hand side of the screen to launch the “New User” window.
    3. Fill in the following details for the new user:
      • DETAILS
        • First Name
        • Last Name
        • Email/Login
      • STATUS
        • Level
          • User/Admin
        • Active/Disabled
          • NOTE: all new users are considered “Active” by default.
        • Group
          • The “Group” option will list all available Subgroups along with a “No Group” option.
            • If a specific group is selected, the User will be made a member of that group/subgroup
              • If “No Group” is selected, the user will be part of the Parent Group.
        • Power BI Link
          • If a link is defined, the user will have access to both the embedded Power BI report and the Enterprise Portal Dashboard.
          • If no link is defined, the user will only have access to the Enterprise Portal Dashboard.
    4. After you have added all the necessary details, click the checkmark in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen to create the user.


  • Once a user has been assigned to a Group/Subgroup, this cannot be edited. If a user must be moved to another group, you will need to delete/recreate the user and assign the new user profile to the correct Group/Subgroup.
  • If the system detects a user assigned to a Group/Subgroup that has been deleted, they will be listed in the results with the words "No group assigned" in the "Group" column.

Need more assistance?

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