Learn how to make edits to class enrollments in the Office Portal.
- How Do I View or Edit Class Enrollment Details?
- When Should I Edit a Class Enrollment?
- How Do I Adjust Billing After Editing an Enrollment?
- How Can I Tell If an Enrollment Was Edited?
How Do I View or Edit Class Enrollment Details?
Class enrollments can be edited by staff from several pages in the software.
Families and Students Pages
In the Families and Students pages the enrollment will be presented with a series of action buttons next to it, including a pencil icon (view/edit details), down arrow (drop), right arrow (transfer out) and a trash can (delete).
Calendar Page
On the calendar page, after selecting a class, you will find a list of enrollments in the window which will include the pencil icon (view/edit details), a right arrow (transfer out), a student icon (to view/edit the student), a family icon (to view/edit the student's family), a check mark (to access student attendance) and a star (to access skills).
Classes Page
The Classes page also has an enrollments view for all students in a class which will display a collapsed Actions Menu icon to conserve space. Under that menu, you will find the following options pertaining to the enrollment itself:
- Edit Enrollment
- Drop Enrollment
- Transfer Enrollment
- Delete Enrollment
Enrollments Page
The Enrollments page also uses the collapsed style of the menu icon in the main interface. Here, the enrollment can be edited in one of two ways:
- Click on the collapsed Actions Menu icon to see the actions available for each enrollment. Choose the View option to expand the enrollment details and access the Edit button (pencil icon).
NOTE: Active and Trial classes will also provide the options to Drop or Transfer. Makeup and Casual enrollments, which are typically limited to one day, will only offer View (edit) and Transfer options. Meanwhile, Waitlist enrollments will include View (edit), Drop, Notify and Approve actions. - Click directly on the enrollment entry on (or to the right of) the student name and use the action icons in the expanded enrollment details below. These include the pencil icon (view/edit), trash can (delete), a student icon (view/edit student), a family icon (view/edit family), a checkmark (attendance), a star (skills), and a ledger icon.
Enrollment Information
In any of the pages mentioned above, select the pencil icon to make any edits. In the edit enrollment window, the following items are for informational use only:
- Class Name
- Class Schedule
- Class Location
- Class Occupancy
Fields or items which can be edited will include:
- Under the Details tab
- Enrollment Type
- Active
- Single Date/Casual
- Makeup
- Trial
- Wait
- Session/Rolling Session - if attached to the class, select one to populate enrollment dates
- Start Date - the date that the enrollment begins
- Drop Date - the last date that the enrollment is valid
- Drop Reason - if enabled, the reason for the drop
- Billing Schedule - the frequency or group the client will be billed with
- Tuition Override Amount
- Expiration Date
- Enrollment Type
- Under the Notes Tab
- Enrollment Notes
- Drop notes
For more details about enrollment types, click here.
What Warnings or Errors Might I Encounter?
There are certain times when editing an enrollment may prompt a warning or an error. Below, we have included the more common scenarios and information about how to correct them:
- Choosing a start date after the drop date can cause the following error to appear. Click Ok. Then adjust the enrollment dates so that the start date is on or before the drop date of the same enrollment. Enrollments should always have at least one meeting date.
- When the start date selected will cause the enrollment to conflict with a previous enrollment in a transfer sequence, a box will appear prompting the user to adjust the start date to a date beyond the drop date of the previous enrollment. This conflict is not allowed because the enrollments are considered to be parts of the same continuous enrollment period and they will have the same rank (or placement) when discounts are assigned during billing, For example, if the original enrollment was ranked as class 1, then the enrollment it is transferred into is also ranked as class 1. If the two enrollments were to overlap, there would be no second class discount given for either enrollment.
- When an adjusted drop date selected will cause the enrollment to conflict with a future enrollment in a transfer sequence, a box will appear prompting the user to adjust the drop date to a date prior to the start of the future enrollment. This conflict is not allowed because the enrollments are considered to be parts of the same continuous enrollment period and they will have the same rank (or placement) when discounts are assigned during billing, For example, if the original enrollment was ranked as class 1, then the enrollment it is transferred into is also ranked as class 1. If the two enrollments were to overlap, there would be no second class discount given for either enrollment.
- Forgetting to add a drop date on a session enrollment will prompt the following error. Correct this by adding a drop date on or before the session end date to successfully save the enrollment.
You may also encounter problems saving changes to an enrollment if any of the following items are missing or invalid:
- An enrollment type
- An enrollment start date
- A drop reason (if drop reasons are set up as required)
If the class is linked to a rolling session, the enrollment start date MUST be within the dates of the current rolling session when the enrollment is first created. However, if the enrollment is later edited, it is expected that this start date may fall outside of the rolling session if these dates have been changed.
Start dates for enrollments linked to "regular" sessions will always need to be within the session start/end dates.
When Should I Edit a Class Enrollment?
The way that iClassPro handles edits is much different than how it would handle deletions, transfers or new enrollment tracking. So knowing when to edit the enrollment can be important. An edit will replace the prior choices for the enrollment with the new choices, without leaving a history of its past state (start date, drop date, enrollment type, etc).
Editing a class enrollment is most appropriate in the following scenarios:
- when an enrollment was created incorrectly (such as for the wrong enrollment type, session/rolling session, or start/drop dates)
- when a student makes changes to their start or drop date
- when a billing schedule override needs to be added or removed
- when a tuition amount override needs to be added, edited or removed
- when a tuition amount override expiration date needs to be added, edited or removed
- when enrollment notes need to be added, edited or removed
However, there are several other scenarios that may occur which should be handled by a different action than an edit, such as dropping a class, creating an entirely new enrollment, deleting an enrollment or transferring a student from one enrollment to another.
Some common scenarios where you should NOT edit the enrollment, but perform another action instead can include:
- when adding a drop date in situations where informing the customer or including a drop note is important
- when transitioning a student from one enrollment type to another in the same class
- when a class enrollment is being edited in such a way that it will never meet
When Should I Drop a Class Enrollment Instead?
Any time you add a drop date to an enrollment that did not have one previously, it is recommended that you use the Drop action, rather than editing the enrollment. The reason for this is that the drop workflow enables the staff member to include not only a drop date, but also drop notes, drop reasons (if enabled) and to trigger the drop email to be sent to the customer.
If a drop date is added to an enrollment from the edit screen, it does not provide an input box for drop notes and it does not trigger a drop email to be sent to the customer.
When Should I Create a New Class Enrollment Instead?
When transitioning a student from one type of enrollment to another in the same class, it can seem easier to simply edit the enrollment and adjust the enrollment type and dates. However, this is not the recommended method for handling that transition because it will leave your business without a record of the original enrollment type and dates.
For example, if a student was enrolled as a makeup in yesterday's class and has decided they would like to take a permanent position in that class (in addition to their current enrollments), then the appropriate action would be to drop the makeup enrollment as of yesterday and also create a brand new Active enrollment beginning today (or as of the most immediate class meeting date). This way, the student record can reflect that the new Active enrollment occurred after the student took the class as a makeup.
Editing an enrollment from one type to another or changing its dates will not leave a history of the past enrollment status on the account. For a makeup in particular, it can also remove the token use history when makeup tokens are enabled.
When Should I Transfer an Enrollment Instead?
Similar to knowing when to create a new enrollment, you may also run into scenarios where it seems like editing the enrollment is the easiest solution - but transferring the enrollment is the more appropriate action.
There are two key factors to note about how transfers are indicated inside of iClassPro's Admin Portal, Staff Portal and Reports that can help with monitoring for lost business.
First, when viewing enrollments, a transfer icon will appear next to a student who isn't simply dropping an enrollment, but is being transferred out of it into something new. This is a good indicator for a coach that the student has not been lost altogether.
The second is in the Drop List report, which will indicate whether an en enrollment was simply dropped with a D for the drop type - which indicates there may or may not be another class enrollment to follow it; or whether it was transferred instead, with a T for the drop type.
One situation where a transfer may be more appropriate than editing an enrollment is if there is an extended gap between the dates that a student can attend a class. Rather than keeping the student enrolled to hold their position, the student can be transferred into a future date range of the same class. This might be more appropriate if a gap is longer than a few class periods in a row. If the student remains enrolled through the gap instead, their enrollment counts toward class openings and an opening will not be reflected for another paying enrollment to fill. Only makeups would be able to book automatically from the Customer Portal into the expected absence spots (if allowed in settings). Otherwise, staff would have to fill the gap manually. The attendance records will also reflect absences on those gap dates, which can impact makeup token distribution.
Another example would be to transfer a student between two different enrollment types in the same class. Rather than editing the original enrollment, which would cause you to lose history - a transfer would leave a record of both enrollments on file for the student.
When Should I Delete an Enrollment Instead?
If a student is enrolled in a future class, but then changes their mind - it can be tempting to simply drop the enrollment prior to a date that the class would have met. However, leaving that enrollment in the system would mean that some filters (such as the day of week, as of/enrollment dates, program filters, class filters, etc) would still see that enrollment as a potential result and this could throw off enrollment counts or cause that family to get unintended communications.
To avoid miscommunications and inaccurate reporting, deleting a class enrollment, rather than simply editing its dates, is the most appropriate action if the student will not have the opportunity to attend at least one meeting date in that class.
How Do I Adjust Billing After Editing an Enrollment?
iClassPro does not adjust existing class billing automatically except in the case that you have approved a transfer from one future enrollment to a different future enrollment that will replace it.
If you have just edited an enrollment's start or drop dates, it is an Active type of enrollment, and a charge had already been created for it - you will likely need to access the ledger and perform one of the following actions:
- Delete a charge for any enrollments starting and ending outside of billable class dates - for example, a charge for a Wednesday class enrollment where the start and drop dates don't include any Wednesdays. Or you may delete the charge for an incorrect total to replace it with a new one so that the original charge amount is preserved - more information about why this may be preferred can be found in the Accounting Notes section below.
- Edit and adjust an existing charge amount to correct the amount billed. This can be handled similarly to adjusting ledgers for transferred enrollments, by adjusting the amount to the desired total directly or adding a discount line item.
- Issue an account credit for any amount that should be deducted from the existing charge, without editing the original charge total. To learn how to issue account credit, click here.
Accounting Notes
Editing a charge amount directly will change historical financial reports including that charge. Similarly, adding a discount line item to the charge will allow you to reference the original charge total within the charge data, but it will appear as if the discount always existed in financial reports; this is not treated as an adjustment with its own date in financial reports.
For businesses using accrual-based accounting, if the charge has already been included in previous accounts receivable totals entered into your accounting software - it is not advisable to directly change charge amounts included in those past periods.
Instead, recommended paths to reduce a charge would be:
- Issuing a credit to the customer and applying it to the charge. This will adjust the balance owed by the customer, to compensate for any eligible proration while enabling the charge history to remain unchanged.
- Deleting the original charge (preserving the record of the original amount billed). Then re-issue it with the new reduced total.
The recommended paths to increase a charge would be:
- Issuing a brand new charge for the difference, with current charge dates and the correct charge category for the charge being adjusted.
- Deleting the original charge (without edits) and issuing a new charge for the appropriate total with current charge dates.
Customers will not see deleted charges, but deleted charges are accounted for in the category list report on the dates the action occurs.
How Can I Tell if an Enrollment was Edited?
Any time an enrollment is edited, the audit log will document that a change occurred. You can search the audit log by the action "Updated Enrollment" and the student name to find documented activity. However, the entry does not identify what information in the enrollment details was updated.