Learn about the different credit types available and how to issue credit from the family ledger.
If you are using a multi-location iClassPro account, make sure that you have the location selected at the top of the page that you would like associated with this credit balance.
Crediting Account Credit
- Navigate to the FAMILIES or STUDENTS page.
- Find the family or student to whom you wish to issue credit.
- Click the Ledger icon/Currency symbol to open ledger options.
- Click on New Payment.
- Edit the Payment Title and Date if necessary.
- Under the Payment Type drop-down menu, choose one of the Credit Types.
- See below for more information about the different Credit Type options.
- Type in the Amount of credit that should be issued.
Note: You can also include check numbers or additional information in the reference field. Reference notes show on the bank deposit report. - If the credit should be immediately applied to outstanding charges, select those charges in the "Apply to Outstanding Charges" section. If nothing is selected in this section, the credit will remain on the customer's account as non-applied credit for future use.
- Click Process Payment to record the credit on the customer's ledger.
Credit Types
- Coupon - If a customer uses a coupon for a discount, you would enter the discounted amount here in the coupon field. This allows you to create the appropriate charge for your records, then apply both the payment and coupon discount at the same time. The coupon amount will be added to the total of the payment.
- House - House credits are generally reserved for comps or preferred customers. This indicates that the gym provided the customer with general purpose credit on their account.
- Other - This credit type can be used for any credits which do not fit the description of other two credit types. For example, many iClassPro customers use this category to carry over credit from a previous software which may still be available on a family's account.
- GiftCard - This credit type is reserved to be used when issuing credit following the purchase of a Gift Certificate. Improper use of this credit type could have a negative impact on your Balance Sheet if you enable integration with QuickBooks Online.
Note: When issuing credit, you can also print or email a receipt to show that the credit was issued.