Learn about the filtering options available from the CAMPS page to help narrow your results when sending Email Blasts, generating evaluation reports, or just to see at a glance which camps are associated with particular programs or camp types.
After you have finished with a particular set of filters, be sure to click RESET FILTERS or press the ESC key on your keyboard to clear them.
- Camp Status - allows you to limit results based on the status of the camp (Active/Inactive).
- ALL - shows ALL camps, regardless of whether the status is marked Active or Inactive.
- ACTIVE - only shows camps where the status is marked as Active.
- INACTIVE - only shows camps where the status is marked as Inactive.
- All Start Times - allows you to limit results to only show camps that start within a specific 1/2 hour time frame. Times will only show if there is a camp that meets the criteria (e.g., if your camps do not start until 4pm, you will not see any start time options prior to "4:00 pm - 4:29 pm").
- All Active Periods - allows you to limit results to only show camps which were/will be active during the selected Active Period(s), based on the "Camp Dates" in Camp Details.
- Current and Future Active - only shows camps that are currently active or will be active in the future, based on the current date. (This is the default option.)
- Past Active - only shows camps that were active in the past, based on the current date.
- All Programs - allows you to limit results to only show camps attached to the selected Program(s).
- All Instructors - allows you to limit results to only show camps attached to the selected Instructor(s).
- All Keywords - allows you to limit results to only show camps attached to the selected Camp Keyword(s).
- All Camp Types - allows you to limit results to only show camps assigned to the selected Camp Type(s).