What are Keywords?

Learn about Keywords, how they are created and assigned, and how you can use them to help identify specific families, students, staff members, classes or camps for reporting and marketing purposes.

What are Keywords?

Keywords are labels you can assign for identification and filtering purposes in iClassPro. You can create keywords for families, students, classes, staff, programs, camps, or appointments.

How are Keywords used?

Assigning keywords allows you to identify specific groups of people, types of classes, camps, or appointments, or programs belonging to a specific portion of your business! The keywords can then be used as filters from various pages of iClassPro as well as pulling reports.

Creating & Customizing Keywords

Go to Settings > Setup > General Settings > Keywords

  1. Click Add New Keyword.
  2. Enter the Keyword Name.
  3. Check the boxes for the keyword types you would like to create. This should be any items on the list the keyword will be directly associated with. 
  4. Click Create.

Keywords are handled differently in the system based on which keyword type is chosen.  For example:

  • FamilyStudent and Staff keywords are permanently assigned to families, students or staff accounts and do not change based on enrollment status.  To remove one of these keywords you will need to go into the family, student or staff member's profile and manually uncheck the association on the "Keywords" tab.
  • Class, Camp, Program, and Appointment keywords are permanently assigned to classes, camps, programs or appointments, but the association of that keyword with family, student or staff member only occurs while a student has an active enrollment in the class, camp, program, or appointment, or while a staff member is assigned as an instructor to a class, camp, program, or appointment with that keyword assigned.

    For example, a student will be associated with a class keyword of "Team" while they are actively enrolled in a class with that keyword assigned.  Once their enrollment drops, they will no longer be associated with it.

    Likewise, a staff member will be associated with a class keyword of "Team" while they are assigned as an instructor to a class with that keyword assigned.  if they are removed as an instructor on that class, they will no longer be associated with it.

Individually assigning Keywords

Keywords can be assigned individually by editing a Class, Appointment, Camp, Student, Family, or Staff Member, then clicking on the Keywords tab. From here, enable the relevant keyword(s) in the list shown, and click SAVE.

To use Keywords with a Program, edit your Program by going to SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>PROGRAMS.

To remove a keyword individually, follow the same instructions above, but uncheck the assigned keyword and then click SAVE to update.

Mass Assigning/Unassigning & Using Keywords

To assign keywords to Families, Students, Classes, Appointments, Camps, or Staff, go to the corresponding page.

  1. Use the search filters to find the people, classes, or camps to be associated with the keyword.
  2. If necessary, adjust the Page View at the top right to include all results in the same window.
  3. Check the boxes for the items in the list you would like to assign the keyword to. 
  4. At the bottom of the page, click the Keywords icon.
  5. In the window, choose the keyword to associate with the selected items. (Be sure to select the keyword from the appropriate section.)
  6. Click Assign to begin assigning the keyword.
  7. The keyword will be assigned in your background tasks. Wait for the task to complete before trying to search or report using the keyword.

To mass remove keywords, follow steps 1-5 above. but click Unassign on step 6.

Expected behavior when mass assigning keywords

In all cases, the "Enrollment Date" refers to the date specified in association with the Enrollment Type filter. This can be labeled any combination of "Active, Trial, Makeup, Wait, Single Day, Inactive On Date" depending on which Enrollment Type(s) are enabled.

Mass assigning keywords from the FAMILIES Page

  • Family keyword - will assign the keyword to all selected families. (Changing the Enrollment date does not affect this functionality.)
  • Student keyword - will assign the keyword to all students in the family. (Changing the Enrollment date does not affect this functionality.)
  • Class keyword - will assign the keyword to classes in which students in the family have a current active enrollment. (Other than filtering the list of students, changing the Enrollment date filter does not affect this functionality.)
  • Staff keyword - Will assign the keyword to the instructor associated with classes in which students in the family have a current active enrollment. (NOTE: the keyword will not be assigned to appointment or camp instructors.)
  • Appointment keyword - will assign the keyword to the all Appointments in which students in the family have a current active booking.

Mass assigning keywords from the STUDENTS Page

  • Family keyword - will assign the keyword to the families associated with all selected students. (Changing the Active date does not affect this functionality.)
  • Student keyword - will assign the keyword to all selected students. (Changing the Active date does not affect this functionality.)
  • Class keyword - will assign the keyword to classes in which selected students have a current active enrollment. (Other than filtering the list of students, changing the Enrollment date filter does not affect this functionality.)
  • Staff keyword - will assign the keyword to the instructor associated with classes in which selected students have a current active enrollment. (NOTE: the keyword will not be assigned to appointment or camp instructors.)
  • Appointment keyword - will assign the keyword to the all Appointments in which selected students have a current active booking.

Mass assigning keywords from the CLASSES Page

  • Family keyword - will assign the keyword to the family of all students with an enrollment of any type on the specified Enrollment date for selected classes.
  • Student keyword - will assign the keyword to all students with an enrollment of any type on the specified Enrollment date for selected classes.
  • Class keyword - will assign the keyword to all selected classes, active and inactive, irrespective of enrollments.
  • Staff keyword - will assign the keyword to all instructors attached to the selected classes, active and inactive, irrespective of enrollments.
  • Appointment keyword - will assign the keyword to any appointments in which students with an enrollment in the selected class(es) have an active booking.

Mass assigning keywords from the APPOINTMENTS Page

  • Family keyword - will assign the keyword to the families of all students with a booking in the selected appointment timeslot(s).
  • Student keyword - will assign the keyword to all students with a booking in the selected appointment timeslot(s).
  • Class keyword - will assign the keyword to any classes in which students with a booking in the selected appointment timeslot(s) have an active enrollment.
  • Staff keyword - will assign the keyword to the instructors associated with the selected appointment timeslot(s).
  • Appointment keyword - will assign the keyword to all selected appointments.

Mass assigning keywords from the STAFF Page

  • Family keyword - will assign the keyword to the families of all students with class enrollments with the selected staff member(s) assigned as instructor. (Does not consider camp or appointment bookings.)
  • Student keywords - will assign the keyword to all students with class enrollments with the selected staff member(s) assigned as instructor. (Does not consider camp or appointment bookings.)
  • Class keyword - will assign the keyword to all classes with the selected staff member(s) assigned as instructor.
  • Staff keyword - will assign the keyword to the selected staff member(s).
  • Appointment keyword - will assign the keyword to all appointments with the selected staff member(s) assigned as instructor.

NOTE: there is currently not a way to mass assign keywords to Camps or Programs.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).