How Do I Make a Camp Inactive?

Learn about how to make old camps inactive, including how the system will handle existing enrollments tied to the camp.

What is the difference between “Inactive” and “Past Active”?

“Inactive” refers to the camp status itself, which can either be “Active” or “Inactive.”

“Past Active” refers to the Active Period (i.e., the period of time when the camp was active based on the camp dates). The Active Period can be either “Current and Future Active” (which means that the camp start and/or end date is in the future) or “Past Active” (which means that the camp end date is in the past).

It is possible to have a “Past Active” camp that is still marked as “Active.”

Why make camps Inactive?

In a word: housekeeping.

When a new camp is created, it is marked ACTIVE by default. If you run a lot of camps, or if you have been with iClassPro for several years, the list of camps in the database can get rather lengthy.

While this issue is somewhat alleviated by using the “Active Period” filter to only view “Current and Future Active” camps, it can still be difficult to navigate “Past Active” camps, particularly if you tend to have similar names for your camps from year to year.

Marking older camps as INACTIVE helps your staff by only displaying camps that are still ongoing (or just recently completed), yet still giving the option to display older camps by filtering by INACTIVE or ALL status.

How do I change the status of a camp?

  1. Navigate to the CAMPS page.
  2. Click the pencil/edit icon to the left of the camp name. From here, you can change the status of the camp using the “Status” drop-down menu to the right of the “Camp Name” field.
  3. If you are changing the status to INACTIVE, you will receive a warning that marking the camp Inactive will drop any current enrollments, and delete any future enrollments or waitlists:
  4. From here, you can set a Drop Date to be applied to any current enrollments.
  5. You can also enable the “Send Email Notification To Affected Families” option to notify families with existing enrollments in the camp that their enrollment has been dropped.
    • Enabling this option will display an “E-mail Comment” field. Any text entered in this field will be included in the email that families will receive.
  6. After entering the required information, be sure to SAVE your changes to complete the status change.
  7. Upon saving, the following actions will be performed:
    • Current enrollments will be updated to use the drop date defined in the “Drop Enrollment” window.
    • Any future or Waitlisted enrollments will be deleted.
    • Families whose enrollments were dropped will be sent a notification email using the "Camp Canceled" email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>EMAIL TEMPLATES>ICLASSPRO (as making the camp Inactive effectively cancels all remaining camp dates).
    • The camp status will be changed to “Inactive.”

How do I change the status of multiple camps at once?

  1. Navigate to the CAMPS page.
  2. Use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to get a list of camps you wish to mark INACTIVE.
    • If you wish to mark ALL of the camps on the list as INACTIVE, click the “SELECT ALL” option at the top of the screen.
    • If you only wish to mark SOME of the camps as INACTIVE, manually select ONLY those camps.
  3. At the bottom of the screen, click the Quick Edit icon to launch the “Quick Edit Camps” screen:
  4. Changing the Status option from ACTIVE to INACTIVE will bring up some additional fields:
    • A warning that marking the camp Inactive will drop any current enrollments, and delete any future enrollments or waitlists.
    • Drop Date for ACTIVE enrollments
    • Drop Notes
    • Option to “Send Drop Email” to notify families with existing enrollments in the camp that their enrollment has been dropped.
      • As making a camp Inactive essentially cancels all future camp blocks, the system will use the "Camp Canceled" email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICAITON TEMPLATES>"iClassPro."

After entering the required information, be sure to SAVE your changes to complete the status change.

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