How Do I Create or Modify a Camp/Event Enrollment in the Office Portal?

Learn how to create a new camp enrollment in the Office Portal.

When modifying an existing enrollment, canceled camp dates will not be available for selection.

Creating a new Camp Enrollment

New camp enrollments can be created from either the FAMILIES or STUDENTS page. 

  1. From either page, click on the "Enrollments" icon.
  2. Click on "New Camp Enrollment."
  3. Start typing a camp name into the camp field and/or use the drop down menu to select a camp.
  4. Choose an enrollment type (Active or Wait list).
  5. Select the blocks the student is registering for. You can use a day of the week check box to choose all Mon, Tues, etc during the camp, use the All box to select all available blocks in the camp, or choose individual blocks from the list. Keep an eye on the number of openings for each camp block to avoid over-booking the camp.
    • NOTE: the blocks available to be selected may be affected by the setting to "Restrict enrollment start date based on camp start time" under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION.
  6. You can also use the Override Tuition check box and price field to set a custom tuition for this student's entire camp enrollment.
  7. Choose whether or not to send an email to the primary email address for the family to confirm the enrollment.
  8. If you are utilizing User Defined Questions on this camp, click the Questions tab at the top of the screen and answer the required questions.
  9. SAVE the enrollment using one of the following options:
    • Click Save to simply save the enrollment and return to the FAMILIES or STUDENTS page.
    • Click Save & Add Another to save the enrollment and reopen the "New Camp Enrollment" window to create a second enrollment for this student.
    • Click Save & Charge to save the enrollment and open the NEW CHARGE window.

Modifying an existing Camp Enrollment

If a student has an existing camp enrollment and wishes to enroll for additional camp blocks, you will need to modify the existing enrollment instead of creating a new one.

To modify an existing camp enrollment:

  1. From the FAMILIES, STUDENTS, or CAMP page, expand the Enrollments view.
  2. Click on the pencil/edit icon next to the camp enrollment you wish to modify.
  3. Under the "Camp Blocks" drop-down menu, select the option to "Show All Blocks":
  4. Select any additional camp blocks for which the student should be enrolled.
  5. SAVE the enrollment using one of the following options:
    • Click Save to simply save the enrollment changes and keep the edit window open.
    • Click Save & Close save the enrollment and return to the FAMILIES, STUDENTS, or CAMPS page.
    • Click Save & Charge to save the enrollment and open the NEW CHARGE window to charge the family for the additional camp blocks.
    • Click Close to close the edit window without making any changes.
    • Click Delete to completely delete the camp enrollment.

Charging for modified enrollments

If a camp enrollment is modified, the system will calculate the TOTAL AMOUNT the family should be charged for all enrollment blocks in the camp, subtract the total amount the family has already been charged, then charge the difference.  For example, a camp uses the following pricing schedule:


  • Students A & B register for a camp for one block each. Student A is considered Student 1 and is charged $100. Student B is considered Student 2 and is charged $10.
    • This is a total of $110 charged.
  • Later, Student B modifies their enrollment to add an extra block, making 2 total. As they are the only student modifying their enrollment, they are now considered Student 1.
    • The total amount Student B should be charged for two blocks is $500.
  • At this point, the system will calculate the TOTAL AMOUNT the family should be charged for all blocks in which students have been enrolled.
    • Student 1 should be charged a total of $500.
    • Student 2 should be charged a total of $10.
    • This is a total of $510.
  • As the family has already been charged $110 for the camp, the system will apply this toward the total amount due, leaving a balance of $400 ($510-$110 = $400).

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).