How Can I Be Prompted to Automatically Send an Email When a Skill Level is Marked “Passed”?


Learn how to configure the system to automatically prompt you to send an email when a Skill Level is marked “Passed” using a predefined custom email template.

Create or edit your custom email template

  • Custom Emails can be created/edited under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>CUSTOM.skill_tracking_settings04.png

    • "Enable prompt to send congratulations email when passing level" – if enabled, the system will automatically prompt you to send an email to the family whenever a Skill Level is marked as “Passed” if an email template has been selected for that Skill Level.
      • "Send to all email addresses on file" – automatically enables the option to send the email to all email addresses on the family record. (This option only appears if the previous setting is enabled.)

Assign a custom email template to the Skill Level

Once the "Automatically send out congratulations email when passing level" setting is enabled, you will need to select a custom email template to use for the Skill Level from the “Email Template to Use For Level” drop-down menu SETTINGS>SKILLS>EDIT LEVEL:


  • ONLY custom email templates can be selected.
  • This field is NOT required – if you wish to prevent specific Skill Levels from sending emails automatically, just leave the template selection menu blank.
  • When the setting is enabled AND a template is selected, the system will trigger a “Congratulations” email based on the selected custom email automatically.
  • When the setting is enabled AND NO TEMPLATE IS SELECTED, the system will NOT trigger a “Congratulations” email.

Prompt when marking a Level as "Passed"

Once the system is properly configured as noted above, it should behave in the following manner:

  1. As soon as the Skill Level indicator has been toggled to "Pass", the system should display a popup window asking if you are sure you wish to send the email:
  2. If "Send to all email addresses on fileis enabled under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>SKILL TRACKING, this option will automatically be enabled.
  3. Select an option to "Send from Location Email." This allows you to select a specific location so the emails will show to come from the email address associated with that Location under SETTINGS>LOCATIONS.  Any Location-specific branding for the email will use the branding colors associated with that Location.
  4. Clicking YES will send the email using the selected options.  Clicking NO will record that the Skill Level has been marked "Passed", but will not send any email.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).