Learn about variables available for use in iClassPro's Automated Email Templates and/or Email Addendum. and how they are used to customize emails sent for particular families, students, classes, etc.
- What are Email Variables?
Automated Email Variables
- General Variables
- Family Variables
- Student Variables
- Class Variables
- Class Transfer Variables
- Camp Variables
- Staff Variables
- Makeup Token Variables
- Skill-related Variables
- Gift Email Variables
- Misc. Variables
- Appointments Variables
- Appointment Rescheduled Variables
- Payments Variables
- QR Code Variables
- Point of Sale Variables
What are Email Variables?
Email variables can be used to customize iClassPro's Automated Email Templates. Email variables can be entered manually by typing, by using the Variables menu at the top of the template, or by pasting in the variable you want to use (be sure to include the brackets). When your email is sent, the variable will be replaced with the value.
For example, the variable [[family_first]] represents the family's first name. When you send the email, the variable will be replaced with the first name of the primary guardian from the family you are emailing.
In the body of the email template, supported variables will display a “friendly” name (reflecting the kind of information that will be inserted) rather than the variable itself, and will be highlighted in blue. Variables that are manually typed in will automatically reformat when you press the space bar after entering the last bracket at the end of the variable.
NOTES: Any invalid variables will be replaced with an empty text string.
Automated Email Variables
As a general rule, you can access the available variables from the Variables menu at the top of the email template's message body. There, you can view available email variables by category, including any that may be specifically designed to work in the selected template.
General Variables
The variables listed below are for use in automatically generated email templates ONLY.
Click here for information about the email variables used for Email Blasts/Custom Email Templates.
Always available
[[date]] | Today's date. |
[[account_name]] | The account name of your organization. |
[[business_name]] | Your business name as defined in account settings. |
[[business_phone]] | Your business phone as defined in account settings. |
[[business_web_address]] | Your business website. |
[[business_identifier]] | The business identifer as defined in receipt options settings. |
[[parent_portal_url]] | Your Customer Portal URL. |
[[portal_link]] | A link to your Customer Portal. |
[[portal_login_link]] | A link to the login page for your Customer Portal. |
[[location_name]] | The name of the currently active location. |
[[location_address_1]] | The first address field of the currently active location. |
[[location_address_2]] | The second address field of the currently active location. |
[[location_city]] | The city of the currently active location. |
[[location_state]] | The state of the currently active location. |
[[location_postal_code]] | The postal code of the currently active location. |
[[location_phone]] | The phone number of the currently active location. |
[[app_url_apple]] | URL to the mobile app in the Apple App Store. |
[[app_url_google]] | URL to the mobile app in the Google Play Store. |
Family Variables
Available when emailing by family, by student, or by classes
[[family_first]] | The first name of the primary guardian. |
[[family_last]] | The last name of the primary guardian. |
[[family_email]] | The primary email address of the family. |
[[family_address_1]] | The first address field of the family. |
[[family_address_2]] | The second address field of the family. |
[[family_city]] | The city from the family's address. |
[[family_state]] | The state from the family's address. |
[[family_postal_code]] | The postal code from the families address. |
[[family_balance_due]] | The family's balance due. |
[[family_balance_overdue]] | The balance of the family's overdue charges. |
[[family_last_payment_date]] | The date of the last payment made by this family. |
[[family_last_payment_amount]] | The amount of the last payment made by this family. |
[[family_has_autopay]] | "does" or "does not" depending if the family has autopay or not. |
[[family_autopay_type]] | The autopay type of the family. |
[[family_credit_amount]] | The family's unapplied credit amount. |
[[family_accepted_policies_version]] | The last version of your policies that the family accepted. |
[[payment_method]] | The payment method on file for the family. |
[[account_number]] | The last four digits of the account number/card number associated with the payment method on file for the family. |
Student Variables
Available when emailing by student, or when emailing classes per enrollment or per student
[[student_first]] | The first name of the student. |
[[student_last]] | The last name of the student. |
[[student_anniversary]] | The anniversary date of the student. |
[[student_birth_year]] | The birth year of the student. |
[[student_birth_month]] | The birth month of the student. |
[[student_birth_day]] | The birth day of the student. |
[[student_birth_date]] | The birth date of the student ie. MM/DD/YYYY. |
Class Variables
Only available when emailing regarding classes and/or class enrollments.
[[class_name]] | The class name. |
[[class_instructors]] | A comma seperated list of instructors for the class. |
[[class_program]] | The program of the class. |
[[class_level]] | The level of the class. |
[[class_schedule]] | A list of the class schedule. |
[[class_zone]] | The zone/area of the class. |
[[enrollment_startdate]] | The startdate of the enrollment. |
[[enrollment_dropdate]] | The enrollment dropdate. |
[[enrollment_type]] | The type of the enrollment, ie. (Active, Trial). (no capitalization) |
[[enrollment_type_capitalized]] | The type of the enrollment, ie. (Active, Trial). (includes capitalization) |
[[enrollment_session]] | The session of the enrollment. |
[[cancel_date]] | The date or date range of the cancellation. (Only available when cancelling classes) |
[[cancel_comment]] | The comment entered for the cancellation. (Only available when cancelling classes) |
[[created_by_name]] | Full name of staff member that created enrollment. (Only available for new enrollments created by a staff member) |
[[enrollment_or_request]] | If the enrollment is a request, displays the text "class enrollment request", otherwise displays "class enrollment" (no capitalization) |
[[enrollment_title]] | If the enrollment is a request, displays "Class Enrollment Request", otherwise displays "Class Enrollment" (includes capitalization) |
Class Transfer Variables
Available when emailing class transfer notifications
[[old_class_name]] | The old class name. |
[[new_class_name]] | The new class name. |
[[old_enrollment_start_date]] | The startdate of the old enrollment. |
[[new_enrollment_start_date]] | The startdate of the new enrollment. |
[[old_enrollment_drop_date]] | The old enrollment dropdate. |
[[new_enrollment_drop_date]] | The new enrollment dropdate. |
[[old_enrollment_status]] | The old enrollment status. |
[[new_enrollment_status]] | The new enrollment status. |
[[old_enrollment_class_schedule]] | A list of the old class schedule. |
[[new_enrollment_class_schedule]] | A list of the new class schedule. |
[[old_class_instructors]] | A comma separated list of instructors for the old class. |
[[new_class_instructors]] | A comma separated list of instructors for the new class. |
[[old_class_program]] | The program of the old class. |
[[new_class_program]] | The program of the new class. |
[[old_class_level]] | The level of the old class. |
[[new_class_level]] | The level of the new class. |
[[old_class_room]] | The room of the old class. |
[[new_class_room]] | The room of the new class. |
[[old_enrollment_type]] | The type of the old enrollment, ie. (Active, Trial). |
[[new_enrollment_type]] | The type of the new enrollment, ie. (Active, Trial). |
[[old_enrollment_session]] | The session of the old enrollment. |
[[new_enrollment_session]] | The session of the new enrollment. |
[[old_enrollment_or_request]] | If the old enrollment is a request, displays the text "class enrollment request", otherwise displays "class enrollment" (no capitalization) |
[[new_enrollment_or_request]] | If the new enrollment is a request, displays the text "class enrollment request", otherwise displays "class enrollment" (no capitalization) |
[[old_enrollment_title]] | If the old enrollment is a request, displays "Enrollment Request", otherwise displays "Enrollment" (includes capitalization) |
[[new_enrollment_title]] | If the new enrollment is a request, displays "Enrollment Request", otherwise displays "Enrollment" (includes capitalization) |
Camp Variables
Only available when emailing regarding camps and/or camp enrollments.
[[camp_name]] | The camp name. |
[[camp_instructors]] | A comma separated list of instructors for the camp |
[[camp_program]] | The program of the camp |
[[camp_startdate]] | The startdate of the camp (Only available for new enrollments created by staff member or on the Customer Portal) |
[[camp_enddate]] | The enddate of the camp. (Only available for new enrollments created by staff member or on the Customer Portal) |
[[created_by_name]] | Full name of staff member that created enrollment. (Only available for new enrollments created by staff member) |
[[campenrollment_blocks]] | A list of the blocks of the camp |
[[campenrollment_type]] | The type of the enrollment type, "active" or "wait" (no capitalization) |
[[campenrollment_type_capitalized]] | The type of the enrollment type, "active" or "wait" (includes capitalization) |
[[enrollment_or_request]] | If the enrollment is a request, displays the text "enrollment request", otherwise displays "enrollment" (no capitalization) |
[[enrollment_title]] | If the enrollment is a request, displays "Enrollment Request", otherwise displays "Enrollment" (includes capitalization) |
[[enrollment_students]] | A comma separated list of students to be enrolled in the camp |
Staff Variables
Available when emailing staff
[[staff_first]] | The first name of the staff. |
[[staff_last]] | The last name of the staff. |
[[staff_phone]] | The phone number of the staff. |
[[staff_email]] | The staff member's email address. |
[[staff_address_1]] | The first part of the address for the staff member. |
[[staff_address_2]] | The second address field for the staff member. |
[[staff_city]] | The city of the staff member. |
[[staff_state]] | The state address of the staff member. |
[[staff_postal_code]] | The postal code of the staff member. |
Makeup Token Variables
Available when emailing makeup token notifications
[[token_type]] | The method used to create the token (Manual, Canceled Class, Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence). |
[[token_expires]] | The expiration date of the token. |
[[token_description]] | The class name and date related to the token's creation. |
Skill-related Variables
Available for custom templates related to skills
[[location_name]] | The name of the currently active location. |
[[family_first]] | The first name of the primary guardian. |
[[family_last]] | The last name of the primary guardian. |
[[student_first]] | The first name of the student. |
[[student_last]] | The last name of the student. |
[[discipline_name]] | The name of the Discipline that has the passed Level for Custom Skill Emails only. |
[[level_name]] | The name of the Level that was passed for Custom Skill Emails only. |
Gift Email Variables
Available for email sent as Gift Email from Parent Portal
[[gift_title]] | Title from Gift Certificate settings |
[[gift_amount]] | The amount of the gift |
[[gift_message]] | The message that the purchaser put in for the recipient |
[[gift_email]] | The email address of the recipient |
[[gift_name]] | The name of the person receiving gift |
[[gift_purchaser]] | The name of the person who purchased the gift |
[[gift_image]] | The image from the gift certificate settings |
[[gift_purchaser_email]] | The email of the person who purchased the gift |
Misc. Variables
Available for specific templates
[[reset_url]] | The URL that is sent to customers to reset their password. Only applicable to the Reset Password template, which otherwise cannot be customized. |
[[instructor_adjustments]] | Displays a list of instructor absences and substitutions made from the substitution wizard. - Only applicable to the Instructor Substitutions (To Families) template. |
Appointments Variables
Only available when emailing regarding appointments and/or appointment bookings.
[[appointment_name]] | Inserts the name of the appointment. |
[[appointment_instructor]] | Inserts the Instructor assigned to the appointment. |
[[appointment_program]] | Inserts the Program attached to the appointment. |
[[appointment_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the appointment. |
[[appointment_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the appointment. |
[[appointment_service]] | Inserts the Service attached to the appointment. |
[[appointment_zone]] | Inserts the name of the Zone attached to the appointment. |
[[booking_startdate]] | Inserts the start date of the booking for the appointment. |
[[booking_enddate]] | Inserts the end date of the booking for the appointment. |
[[booking_student]] | Inserts the name of the student booked for the appointment. |
[[booking_or_request]] | Inserts either "booking request" if the appointment is not auto-approved or "booking" if it is auto-approved. |
[[accept_url]] | Adds the invite link for group bookings. |
[[invite_name]] | Inserts the name of the person being invited for group bookings. |
[[invite_email]] | Inserts the email address of the person being invited for group bookings. |
[[appointmenttimeslot_date]] | Inserts the date of the individual appointment timeslot. (This may differ from the [[booking_startdate]] if the appointment was rescheduled.). |
[[appointmenttimeslot_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the individual appointment timeslot. (This may differ from the [[appointment_starttime]] if the appointment was rescheduled or if the start time for a recurring appointment was manually overidden.). |
[[appointmenttimeslot_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the individual appointment timeslot. (This may differ from the [[appointment_endtime]] if the appointment was rescheduled or if the end time for a recurring appointment was manually overidden.). |
Appointment Rescheduled Variables
Only available when emailing regarding appointments that have been rescheduled.
[[old_appointment_name]] | Inserts the name of the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_name]] | Inserts the name of the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_instructor]] | Inserts the name of the instructor attached to the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_instructor]] | Inserts the name of the instructor attached to the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_program]] | Inserts the name of the Program attached to the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_program]] | Inserts the name of the Program attached to the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the original (old) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_booking_startdate]] | Inserts the start date of the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_booking_startdate]] | Inserts the start date of the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_booking_enddate]] | Inserts the end date of the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_booking_enddate]] | Inserts the end date of the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointment_service]] | Inserts the name of the Service attached to the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_service]] | Inserts the name of the Service attached to the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
[[old_appointmenttimeslot_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the original (old) individual appointment timeslot. |
[[new_appointmenttimeslot_starttime]] | Inserts the start time of the rescheduled (new) individual appointment timeslot. |
[[old_appointmenttimeslot_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the original (old) individual appointment timeslot. |
[[new_appointmenttimeslot_endtime]] | Inserts the end time of the rescheduled (new) individual appointment timeslot. |
[[old_appointment_zone]] | Inserts the name of the Zone attached to the original (old) appointment. |
[[new_appointment_zone]] | Inserts the name of the Zone attached to the rescheduled (new) appointment. |
Payments Variables
Available when emailing payment/charge-related notifications. These variables are only valid in the context of receipts and therefore only return the information related to the particular transaction that was processed triggering the email.
[[charges]] | The charges created during the transaction that triggered the email and/or the charges to which a particular payment was applied. |
[[payment]] | The payment created during the transaction that triggered the email. |
[[make_payment_link]] | This variable will be replaced with the following text: "Please follow the link below to make a payment using an alternative payment method: [URL to "Make a Payment" page on the Customer Portal]." |
[[outstanding_charges]] | The unpaid balance of charges on the family’s ledger. (NOTE: This is the same information populated by [[outstanding_balance]].) |
[[outstanding_balance]] | The unpaid balance of charges on the family’s ledger. (NOTE: This is the same information populated by [[outstanding_charges]].) |
QR Code Variables
[[qr_code]] | Displays the QR code assigned to the family/student (based on the context in which it is used). |
[[qr_family_or_student]] | Populates the name of the family or student linked to the QR code (based on the context in which it is used). |
Point of Sale Variables
These variables are only displayed when editing the "Customer Portal Order Confirmation" email template (SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>CUSTOMER PORTAL)
[[order_info]] | Displays information about the Point of Sale order that was purchased.. |
[[order_subtotal]] | Populates the subtotal of the Point of Sale order that was purchased (pre-tax). |
[[order_tax]] | Populates the tax amount assessed for the Point of Sale order that was purchased (pre-tax). |
[[order_total]] | Populates the full total of the Point of Sale order that was purchased (including tax). |