Learn how to cancel an individual day of camp from either the Camps Page or Calendar view.
- How canceling camp days affects the enrollment process
- Canceling from the CAMPS page
- Canceling from the CALENDAR view
How canceling camp days affects the enrollment process
Depending on how the camp is configured, canceling camp dates will affect the enrollment process in one of two ways:
- If the camp is configured to allow parents to choose days, canceled dates will not be available for selection.
- If the camp is NOT configured to allow parents to choose days, canceled dates will automatically be removed from the enrollment.
When modifying an existing enrollment, canceled dates will not be available for selection.
Canceling from the CAMPS page
- From the CAMPS page, click the “Attendance” icon (checkmark) to the left of the camp you wish to cancel.
- Select the date of the camp that needs to be canceled.
- Click “Cancel for this day.”
- Enter a cancellation reason in the “Optional Comments” field if you wish.
- Select the option(s) to send an Email Notification, SMS Message, or both to families about the canceled camp if you wish to do so.
- If "Email" is selected as the Notification Method, the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>OFFICE PORTAL>"Camp Canceled."
If "SMS/Text Message" is enabled as the Notification Method, the system will send a message using the following text (with variables replaced accordingly):
- "Your [[camp_name]] meeting at [[campenrollment_blocks]] for [[student_name]] has been canceled for [[date]]."
NOTE: Choosing to send an email notification to families will send an email to all families with students registered for the camp block that was canceled.
- Click “YES” to complete the cancellation process and perform any selected tasks.
If you choose to cancel the Background Task after it has begun, it is strongly recommended that you also delete the entry from the Background Task window by clicking on the “Delete” button (trash) to the right of the Background Task entry. Deleting the Background Task entry is specifically recommended for tasks that both perform a task and send email notifications, such as generating makeup tokens, canceling classes/camps, assigning substitute instructors, and sending Statements.
Canceling from the CALENDAR view
- From the CALENDAR, click on the calendar entry for the camp and date you wish to cancel.
- Click “Cancel Camp.”
- Enter a cancellation reason in the “Optional Comments” field if you wish.
- Select the option(s) to send an Email Notification, SMS Message, or both to families about the canceled camp if you wish to do so.
- If "Email" is selected as the Notification Method, the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>OFFICE PORTAL>"Camp Canceled."
If "SMS/Text Message" is enabled as the Notification Method, the system will send a message using the following text (with variables replaced accordingly):
- "Your [[camp_name]] meeting at [[campenrollment_blocks]] for [[student_name]] has been canceled for [[date]]."
- NOTE: Choosing to send an email notification to families will send an email to all families with students registered for the camp block that was canceled.
- Click “YES” to complete the cancellation process and perform any selected tasks.
If you choose to cancel the Background Task after it has begun, it is strongly recommended that you also delete the entry from the Background Task window by clicking on the “Delete” button (trash) to the right of the Background Task entry. Deleting the Background Task entry is specifically recommended for tasks that both perform a task and send email notifications, such as generating makeup tokens, canceling classes/camps, assigning substitute instructors, and sending Statements.