Learn about Makeup Tokens, how they are configured, and how iClassPro uses them to allows families and staff members to create makeup enrollments.
- What are Makeup Tokens?
- How are Makeup Tokens created?
- Staff Permissions related to Makeup Tokens
- How are Makeup Tokens used?
- Configuring how Makeup Tokens will work
- Customizing the "New Makeup Token Created" Email
What are Makeup Tokens?
Makeup tokens provide a way for you to approve students for a makeup class by issuing them a token that can be exchanged for a makeup type enrollment.
How are Makeup Tokens created?
Depending on your settings, tokens can be created automatically when a student is marked “Absent” in a current class, or manually by a staff member.
When tokens are created automatically due to an absence, the Makeup Token will use the Location/Program connected to the class for which the absence is being recorded.
Makeup Tokens for absences recorded via the Check-In Kiosk will be created approximately thirty (30) minutes after class ends. As attendance records are manually edited, tokens will be generated or revoked immediately (as needed based on how the record was edited).
At the end of the day, the system will also check for any Makeup Tokens that were not issued during the initial check (such as if a student's absence was changed from "Absent" to "Excused" later in the day). This is to ensure that students do not receive undeserved Makeup Tokens when checking themselves in via the Check-In Kiosk.
Staff Permissions related to Makeup Tokens
There are three staff permissions related to makeup tokens:
- Create Makeup Tokens – determines whether or not a staff member can manually create makeup tokens. (Enabling this also grants permission to the staff member to edit existing tokens.)
- Delete Makeup Tokens – determines whether or not a staff member can manually delete makeup tokens.
- Create Makeup Enrollments Without Tokens – determines whether or not a staff member can manually create a makeup enrollment without a corresponding makeup token. (Note: This permission does not have any effect on creating makeup enrollments if Makeup Tokens are completely disabled under SETTINGS>MAKEUP TOKENS.)
How are Makeup Tokens used?
Depending on your settings, the token can be exchanged when a staff member creates a makeup type enrollment, or by the parent through the Customer Portal (where a list of available tokens will be shown in the “Makeups” area for each student in the "My Account" section).
Configuring how Makeup Tokens will work
Because each of our customers has their own system in place for how a student qualifies for a makeup, we have offered several options for configuring how they will work in the system. These can be configured under SETTINGS>MAKEUP TOKENS:
"General" Settings
- Enable Makeup Tokens – Enable/Disable the makeup tokens system completely. (NOTE: disabling this option automatically hides all of the options that follow.)
How Does a Student Earn a Makeup Token?
- Any absence – a makeup token is generated whenever a student is marked absent when attendance is recorded
- Any excused absence – a makeup token is generated whenever a student has an excused absence marked when attendance is recorded. (Unexcused absences will not generate tokens.)
- Manually created by office staff – Makeup tokens are not automatically generated and must be created manually by office staff (if they have the appropriate permissions).
Exclude programs from automatically generating makeup tokens for absences - overrides the previous setting for selected Programs so they will not automatically generate makeup tokens if a student is marked absent.
- Select any programs from the list that SHOULD NOT generate makeup tokens for absences.
- NOTE: this option does not appear if "Manually created by office staff" is selected in the previous setting.
Automatically send token generation emails for absences - if enabled, the system will automatically send an email to families when a student is issued a makeup token for an absence.
- This email can be customized under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>EMAIL TEMPLATES>"New Makeup Token Created." (See the next section for more information.)
- NOTE: this option does not appear if "Manually created by office staff" is selected in the previous setting.
- Create a new makeup token for missed makeup enrollments – if enabled, a student will be issued a new makeup token if they are absent on the day of the makeup enrollment they previously scheduled. If disabled, the student simply loses the makeup and they will not be issued a token to reschedule (although a staff member with the appropriate permissions can manually create one if needed).
Auto-expire makeup tokens – enabling this option will set an automatic date on which tokens will expire if not used.
- If the option is enabled, a field will show that allows you to set an expiration date “X” many days after the token is created.
Limit number of tokens per calendar (Year/Month) – this setting allows you to set the maximum number of tokens that the system is allowed to automatically issue a student within a chosen time frame (calendar Year/Month), provided the student meets the criteria to earn a makeup token.
- If the option is enabled, a field will show that allows you to specify a maximum of “X” many tokens to be auto-created during this time frame.
- NOTE: To clarify, ALL makeup tokens count towards this limit, regardless of how they are generated. This setting simply prevents the system from automatically issuing a token due to a recorded absence that would exceed the defined number of tokens per year/month. If a staff member chooses to issue makeup tokens for a canceled class, manually creates an individual makeup token for a student, or mass creates makeup tokens for multiple students, then the system will allow them to exceed this limit if they choose to do so.
Customer Portal Settings
- Show Makeup Tokens – If enabled, there will be an area marked “Makeups” on the Customer Portal where parents will be able to see the number of makeup tokens issued to each child on the account. Clicking the down arrow next to each student will display details about each token (such as availability status and creation/expiration dates). NOTE: disabling this option automatically hides all of the options that follow.
- Show Makeup Token Comments – when makeup tokens are created by a staff member, they have the ability to add a comment (such as why the token was created, etc.). Enabling this option will allow parents to see these comments; disabling the option means the comments will not be shown to parents, although staff members will still be able to see them from the Office Portal.
- Hide Expired Makeup Tokens – Enabling this option will prevent any Makeup Tokens from being displayed on the Customer Portal if their expiration date is in the past.
Allow visitors to request makeup enrollments - if disabled, visitors will not be able to select "Make Up" as an enrollment type on the Customer Portal and will not have the option to use Makeup Tokens from the "Makeups" area. (NOTE: disabling this option automatically hides all of the options that follow.)
Auto-approve makeup enrollments – if enabled, a makeup enrollment request generated through the Customer Portal will be automatically approved if the student has a makeup token available and if they meet the age/gender requirements for the chosen class.
- Enforce auto-approve prerequisites for makeup enrollments - if enabled, the system will require that a student requesting a makeup enrollment meets all auto-approve prerequisites for the class in which they are requesting a makeup.
Send email notification upon enrollment/request to email address of class location - if enabled, will send a notification to the location of the class when a makeup token is applied via Customer Portal.
- NOTE: This will use the Email Template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>EMAIL TEMPLATES>CUSTOMER PORTAL>GYM NOTIFICATION OF CLASS ENROLLMENT, but will add “(from token)” to the subject to indicate that the enrollment was created via makeup token.
- Allow Tokens to Be Applied Across Programs on the Customer Portal – if disabled, makeup tokens can only be used to create a makeup enrollment in a class tied to the same Program as the class that generated the token. If enabled, the token can be used to create a makeup enrollment in any class with an opening on the makeup date. (Enrollments will still be submitted as requests for approval unless “Auto-Approve makeup requests” option has been enabled.)
- Allow Tokens to Be Applied Across Locations on the Customer Portal – if there is more than one Location under your account, disabling this option means makeup tokens can only be used to create a makeup enrollment in a class at the same Location as the class that generated the token. If enabled, the token can be used to create a makeup enrollment at any Location with an opening on the makeup date. (Enrollments will still be submitted as requests for approval unless “Auto-Approve makeup requests” option has been enabled.)
- Limit makeup date to at most X days from today – allows you to set the maximum number of days that can occur prior to the date of the makeup enrollment. (For example, setting this to “7” means that the student cannot book a makeup enrollment through the Customer Portal for more than seven days from the booking date. However, Staff members can always create a makeup enrollment from within the Office Portal for any date.)
Apply Expected Absences to Makeup Class Availability - this setting allows you to specify whether or not the system should take expected absences into consideration when displaying available classes when a parent is creating a Makeup enrollment through the Customer Portal. (If disabled, only perpetual openings will be considered.)
NOTE: Enabling this setting will allow students to book a makeup for any expected absence, even if the class is already intentionally overbooked. For example, if a class with a max enrollment of "4" has five students perpetually enrolled, the system will allow a makeup enrollment to take the fifth spot if one of the students has recorded an expected absence.
- Restrict Applying Makeup Tokens Only to Classes With Expected Absences - If enabled, the system will only return class dates/times where a temporary opening exists due to an expected absence. Makeup requests will only be allowed up to the number of temporary openings.
NOTE: Enabling this setting will allow students to book a makeup for any expected absence, even if the class is already intentionally overbooked. For example, if a class with a max enrollment of "4" has five students perpetually enrolled, the system will allow a makeup enrollment to take the fifth spot if one of the students has recorded an expected absence.
Restrict Applying Makeup Tokens to students with Active or Future Class Enrollments Only - this setting allows you to restrict the use of makeup tokens only to students who currently have an active enrollment, or who will have an active enrollment within the time frame specified under "Limit makeup date to at most X days from today."
Restrict Applying Makeup Tokens to Same Class Level as an Active Class Enrollment - When this setting is enabled, the system will look at the student’s current active enrollments and only show classes assigned to the same Class Level(s) in the results when booking a Makeup enrollment.
NOTE: The Class Level restriction is applied in addition to any other class requirements, such as age/gender, or any restrictions based on the Class Program that is associated with the Makeup Token (unless "Allow Tokens to Be Applied Across Programs on the Customer Portal" is enabled).
- If a student is enrolled in a class with no level set, they should only be able to redeem a Makeup Token in classes with no level set.
NOTE: The Class Level restriction is applied in addition to any other class requirements, such as age/gender, or any restrictions based on the Class Program that is associated with the Makeup Token (unless "Allow Tokens to Be Applied Across Programs on the Customer Portal" is enabled).
Restrict Applying Makeup Tokens to Same Class Level as an Active Class Enrollment - When this setting is enabled, the system will look at the student’s current active enrollments and only show classes assigned to the same Class Level(s) in the results when booking a Makeup enrollment.
Auto-approve makeup enrollments – if enabled, a makeup enrollment request generated through the Customer Portal will be automatically approved if the student has a makeup token available and if they meet the age/gender requirements for the chosen class.
Other settings that affect Makeup Tokens
"Show Attendance in Customer Portal"
NOTE: Enabling this setting is required if you want Parents to be able to use Makeup Tokens in the Customer Portal/Mobile App.
Enabling this setting gives parents permission to view their student's attendance history, notify your facility of a future absence, and use Makeup Tokens to schedule makeup enrollments through the Portal.
To enable these functions, you need to enable the setting under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>GENERAL SETTINGS>"Show Attendance in Customer Portal":
"Expire Makeup Tokens" Autopilot workflow
Enabling this workflow will cause the system to update the expiration date on active Makeup Tokens if a student drops their enrollment and does not have another enrollment scheduled at the time the workflow is run.
Customizing the "New Makeup Token Created" Email
You can edit the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>EMAIL TEMPLATES>"New Makeup Token Created" to customize the email parents receive when a Makeup Token is created.
There are variables unique to this email:
- [[token_type]] – reflects which method was used to create the token (manually created by a staff member, created due to cancelled class, created due to absence/unexcused absence)
- [[token_expires]] – will show the expiration date of the token that was created
- [[token_description]] – gives details related to the token’s creation (such as the class name/date)
- [[token_comment]] – will show any comments associated with the token. (Note that this variable is not included in the default template, but it can be manually added.)