Learn how to record and view attendance for students and classes using the Office Portal interface.
- Marking or Viewing Class Attendance
- Check-In Mode & Viewing Single Student Attendance
- Check-In Mode & Makeup Tokens
Marking or Viewing Class Attendance
iClassPro has many ways to view and take attendance from the mobile-friendly Staff Portal to paper Roll Sheets. Attendance can also be marked for a class or camp from the Classes and Camps pages! Below are step-by-step instructions on how to do it!
- Go to the Classes or Camps page and find the class or camp in the list.
- Click the Class Attendance button next to the class or camp to open the attendance window.
- Find the Time and Date you want to take attendance for. Each time the class or camp meets will appear as a separate entry in the attendance window.
- NOTE: Dates that are not within the date range of Sessions/Rolling Sessions attached to the class will be displayed, but will not be available for attendance. These dates will be noted: "Class is not scheduled to meet on this date."
- Click on the check mark for present or the X for absent.
Note: To save time, click the check mark at the top of the window to mark all students Present and then make changes for the few students who may be absent. - Click Submit to save changes.
Check-In Mode & Viewing Single Student Attendance
To be able to also mark fresh attendance for a single student from the Students page, your business will need to click "Enable Attendance Check-In mode" under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS.
Viewing or editing an individual student's attendance can performed from the Students page by default.
- Go to the Student page to find the student.
- Click the Attendance button to open the attendance window.
- Find the Time and Date of the class or camp you want to view or take attendance for. The time(s) and date(s) will appear in the attendance window, separated into each of the student's enrollments.
Only current enrollments will show by default. Click on the "All" or "Past" options at the top of the window to review attendance for classes or camps the student is no longer enrolled in.- NOTE: Dates that are not within the date range of Sessions/Rolling Sessions attached to the class will be displayed, but will not be available for attendance. These dates will be noted: "Class is not scheduled to meet on this date."
- To record attendance initially, click on the check mark for present or the X for absent.
Marking Current Attendance
Viewing/Editing Past Recorded Attendance
Note: Additional attendance options can be marked after selecting Present or Absent. These include details such as whether the present student was Tardy or Left Early, or if an absent student was excused.
Also note that the student's name will be subdued if an attendance record exists for that student but their enrollment dates no longer include the date the attendance was taken (either by deleting the enrollment or editing the start/drop dates). - Click Submit to record any changes.
Check-In Mode & Makeup Tokens
Makeup Tokens that are automatically created by the system based on attendance status will be created thirty (30) minutes after class ends. At the end of the day, the system will also check for any Makeup Tokens that were not issued during the initial check (such as if a student's absence was changed from "Absent" to "Excused" later in the day). This is to ensure that students do not receive undeserved Makeup Tokens when checking themselves in via the Check-In Kiosk or if “Enable Attendance check-in mode” is selected under SETTINGS>STAFF PORTAL>GENERAL SETTINGS.