Learn about the Class/Camp Roster Report (STA-9), its filter options, and how to generate it.
- What is the Class/Camp Roster Report?
- Available Formats
- General Filters
- Class Filters
- Camp Filters
- Display Filters
What is the Class/Camp Roster Report?
The Class/Camp Roster Report produces a list of classes and/or camps on a specific date. The report includes: Date, Class Time, Class Name, Instructor(s), and a list of students showing Student Name and Class Notes.
Depending on which "Display Options" are selected, the following items may be displayed on the final report (from left to right):
- Division by Class start time
- Division by Class name
- Instructor Name (*)
- Student Name
- / Last Level Passed (if enabled)
- "First Enrollment" indicator (if enabled)
- / Attendance Since Last Level Passed (if enabled)
- / Last Level Passed (if enabled)
- "Show Age" (if enabled) and "Show Gender" (if enabled)
- Displayed as Gender / Age
- "Show Skills" (if enabled)
- Evaluation - Date of most recent evaluation (if enabled)
- All Skills (separate columns for each Discipline)
- Skill Evaluations (separated by commas)
- Completed (checkmark) or X/Y stars
- Skill Code
- Skill Evaluations (separated by commas)
- "Show Medical" (if enabled)
- Displayed as "Medical"
- Class Notes
* NOTE: The report will display the name of the Instructor who was teaching on the date specified in the "As of Date" filter with an asterisk denoting if the name is that of a substitute Instructor.
Available Formats
The Class/Camp Roster Report is available in either HTML or PDF format.
General Filters
- AS OF DATE – the report will only look at classes/camps that meet on the selected date.
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTORS: select Instructor(s) to limit the report to only classes/camps assigned to that specific instructor.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- Include Classes
- Include Camps
- NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
- LOCATIONS: the system will only include classes and/or camps associated with the selected Location(s) in the results.
- PROGRAM: select a Program to limit the report to only classes and/or camps associated with that program.
- LEVEL: select a Level to limit the report to only classes and/or camps associated with the selected Level(s).
- Active – will limit the report to only students with enrollments in classes/camps that are currently marked “Active.”
- Inactive – will limit the report to only students with enrollments in classes/camps that are currently marked “Inactive.”
Class Filters
This filter section only appears if "Include Classes" is enabled in the "Event Type" filter above.
- CHOOSE CLASS: select a Class to limit the report to only the selected class(es).
- CHOOSE SESSION: select a Session to limit the report to only classes associated with the selected Session(s).
- NOTE: The "Choose Session" filter will only display current/future sessions by default. However, there is a "Show Past" toggle option to display past Sessions/Rolling Sessions if needed.
- CHOOSE ZONES: select a Zone to limit the report to only classes assigned to the selected Zone(s).
- CHOOSE CLASS KEYWORDS: select a Class Keyword to limit the report to only classes associated with the selected Keyword(s).
Camp Filters
This filter section only appears if "Include Camps" is enabled in the "Event Type" filter above.
- CHOOSE CAMP: select a Camp to limit the report to only the selected camp(s).
- CHOOSE CAMP KEYWORDS: select a Camp Keyword to limit the report to only camps associated with the selected Keyword(s).
Display Filters
- Show age – Displays the Student Age on the final report.
- Show skills – If enabled, the most recent skill evaluation date will be displayed, and additional columns will be added for each Skill Discipline attached to a class/program (between the Last Evaluation Date and Primary Guardian). Disciplines will be listed in alphabetical order from left to right.
This column will populate with indicators as to which specific skills have been evaluated based on Skill Codes assigned to them in the Skill Bank. Click here for more information about Skill Codes.
For example, a result of 2/3 CH, ✔ PY means that
- 2/3 means that the skill with the short code CH has been evaluated with 2/3 possible stars.
- The checkmark signifies that the skill with the short code PY has been evaluated at the highest possible rating (3/3).
- Codes for all skills will be listed, even those that have not been evaluated.
NOTE: If you only use a single star for skill evaluations, the checkmark will only be displayed if the skill has been evaluated.
- Show medical – Displays Student medical information on the final report.
- Render in Landscape for PDF – the report will automatically be rendered in Landscape if PDF option is selected.
- Show classes/camps with no instructors/students – includes classes and/or camps that do not have instructors assigned, or that have no enrollments on the “As Of Date.”
- Show students on wait list – students with Wait List enrollments for selected classes will be included in the results.
- Show occupancy by class details – includes an indicator (ex. 4/5) showing the number of all enrollments on the “As Of Date” (except WAIT type) vs the maximum allowed occupancy.
- Show level name next to class/camp name – includes the Level next to the class/camp name on the report.
- Show zone name next to class name – includes the zone/area where the class meets next to the class name on the report.
- Show primary guardian – adds a column with the primary guardian’s name for each student.
- Show primary guardian phone - adds a column with the primary guardian's phone number for each student.
- Show Roll Sheet Comment - adds a column with the student's roll sheet comment field populated.
- Last Skill Level Passed - displays the Skill Level code for the last Skill Level marked as "Passed" (based on timestamp when it was recorded).
- See for information about assigning codes to Skill Levels.
- Attendance Since Last Level Passed - the number of times the student has been marked "Present" since the last Skill Level was marked "Passed."
- NOTE: This total includes attendance marked for ALL enrollments associated with the student.
Display Students By First Name - if enabled, student names will be displayed as "[first name] [last name]" instead of "[last name], [first name]."