Learn about Smart Filters (or Preset Filters) and how to create, edit, delete, or maintain them.
What are Smart Filters?
If you frequently use the same filters to view pages, iClassPro has the ability to save them as a Smart Filter (or Preset Filter)! Active in all main views (Families/Students /Classes/Camps/Skills/Parties/Calendar), Smart Filters are saved on a per-user basis.
Saving/Creating a new Smart Filter
Whatever filters you've set the page to can be saved via the new button at the bottom of the sidebar.
When you save a Preset filter, it also stores sort order and limits.
NOTE: Preset filters DO NOT save specified dates or date ranges. These will always load the default date(s) whenever the filter is selected.
Loading an Existing Smart Filter
After a Smart filter has been saved, simply click the "Smart Filters" button below the search box in the left-hand column to select it.
NOTE: If certain saved filter options are not available (such as a Keyword that has been deleted), the system will display a screen with no results, while still loading the remaining filters that are valid. A warning message will be displayed that lets the user know that there are invalid values, and these filters will be highlighted in red. After making any necessary corrections, you should save the filters under a new name and delete the original Preset filter.
Editing/Deleting/Reordering Existing Smart Filters
Existing Smart Filters can be renamed/deleted/reordered as needed using the “Manage Presets” option.
Options available include:
- Renaming the filter by editing the text field value.
- Deleting the filter by clicking on the trash can/delete icon.
- Reordering the filters by dragging and dropping them up or down using the four-headed arrow icon.
After making any changes to your Smart filters, be sure to SAVE your changes. Note that the option to SAVE will not be available if you have only changed filter dates as Preset filters DO NOT save specified dates or date ranges.