Learn about the Welcome Page and the Dashboard, which are the landing page options for the Office Portal. These pages offer helpful widgets with insights designed to suit the needs of each staff member. Using these pages, staff can zero in on metrics that matter for their role in your business.
When a staff member logs into the iClassPro software, the first page they are intended to see is either the Welcome Page or the Dashboard. Once staff members navigate away from this page to other areas of the application, they can return to it by clicking on the iClassPro Logo at the top left of the software.
NOTE: If staff members don't have permission to view either page, they will be taken to the first page they do have permission to view.
The Welcome Page is designed as a landing page for fast load times which uses a fixed layout. Here, staff can stay up-to-date on iClassPro and some widgets can be replaced with more relevant data based on the staff member's role or preferences. Meanwhile, the Dashboard provides more flexibility with its layout and includes more data-intensive widgets that can deliver deeper insights into business performance.
Both pages have a default set of widgets that can be adjusted to the user's needs. Any edits made to these pages are stored for each unique iClassPro Staff User. This enables every staff member to easily view information that is relevant to their position.
Staff members with permission to view both pages can choose which one displays by default from the page edit mode using the pencil icon at the top right.
After entering edit mode, look for the Preferred Landing Page option, just below the save button. Toggle the option that is right for you. This preference is saved per staff user. Then click Save to keep your changes.
No matter which page you choose as default, you can easily toggle back and forth.
Staff members with permission to view only one of these pages will not have the toggle options shown above on the page or in the edit mode.
What is the Welcome Page?
The Welcome Page is a landing page with a streamlined, fixed layout for optimum performance and a quick overview of operations. The top half of the page draws the user's focus to actionable items such as online activity and valuable KPI and List type metrics. The bottom half of the page is geared toward helping employees stay on top of all things iClassPro, including contact information, help articles, blog posts, and announcements.
What permissions are needed for the Welcome Page?
Business Owners and Admin users will have access to the Welcome Page automatically. This is because those users have been given full access to the software - and would have already had the ability to access pages and run reports on the data delivered in these widgets.
To allow other staff users to interact with the Welcome Page, the page access on either the individual staff member or user group must be set to full.
To then enable a staff member to utilize all of the available widgets in this view, they would need the following permissions:
- Full Application Access to:
- iClassPro (Office Portal)
- iClassPro (Office Portal)
- Full Page Access to:
- Welcome Page
- Students page (for Students KPI widget features)
- Tasks Access to:
- Families/Students - access level of view or full (for families and students KPI widgets)
- Enrollments - access level of view or full (for enrollments widgets)
- Attendance - access level of view or full (for Attendance list widgets)
- Time Clock - access level of view or full (for Time Clock list widgets)
If a staff member is missing the permissions required to display a widget, the widget simply will not be shown while viewing or editing the layout.
What is the default layout of the Welcome Page?
With its fixed layout and a limited number of metrics, the time it takes to load the Welcome Page is significantly shorter than the default layout of the Dashboard, while delivering valuable insights for employees.
By default, this page includes the following information:
- A location selector at the top right next to the edit tool
- A toggle between the Welcome page and Dashboard view (with required permissions)
- An Online Activity widget that can be expanded to interact with the activity items in place of the normal pop-up window accessible from other pages.
- Key information from the following shared Dashboard widgets:
- KPI Widgets (with appropriate permission granted):
- Active Families count
- Active Students count
- Active Enrollments count
- List Widgets:
- Accounts Created
- Drops & Transfers
- Enrollments
- KPI Widgets (with appropriate permission granted):
- Helpful Links:
- Knowledgebase & Education Corner
- Contact Support
- News Widgets
- iClassPro News - updates from the iClassPro Blog
- iClassPro Announcements - a list of recent in-app announcements for reference
How do I edit the Welcome Page widgets?
Some widgets in this layout may be replaced with a widget that delivers more valuable information to the employee/user. Enter edit mode using the pencil icon at the top right of the page to make changes. Then hover over a widget you would like to change to access the edit options.
The editable widgets include:
KPI and LIst Widgets
The two rows of widgets below the Online Activity Widget may be swapped for more vital metrics related to the employee's access and role.
While hovering over one of these widgets in edit mode, a gear icon will allow you to adjust any settings for the current widget, while the arrows icon will allow you to replace the widget with a different one from the KPI or List widgets menus.
The widget menus will appear similar to the image below. Choose the widget you wish to use here from one of the drop-downs. Each widget may only be used once on the page and will be greyed out if already in use.
News Widgets
There is also a third widget replacement option reserved for the taller News widgets at the bottom right of this layout which will allow you to view "Customer Portal News" from the News & Announcements feature posts in your Customer Portal.
When editing these widget options, the news menu will appear, similar to the image below:
What is the Dashboard?
Unlike the Welcome page, the Dashboard page does not have a fixed layout. It also does not include an online activity widget, help links, or news widgets. Instead, the iClassPro Dashboard shifts its purpose to provide a more in-depth, organized view of your business with an extended range of widgets to deliver metrics regarding overall business performance.
What permissions are needed for the Dashboard?
Business Owners and Admin users will have access to the Dashboard automatically. This is because those users have been given full access to the software - and would have already had the ability to access pages and run reports on the data delivered in these widgets.
To allow other staff users to interact with the Dashboard the page access on either the individual staff member or user group must be set to full.
To enable staff members with logins to utilize all of the widgets on the Dashboard, they would need the following list of permissions:
- Full Application Access to:
- iClassPro (Office Portal)
- iClassPro (Office Portal)
- Full Page Access to:
- Dashboard Page
- Students page (for Students KPI widget features)
- Task Access to:
- Families/Students - access level of view or full (for families and students KPI widgets)
- Enrollments - access level of view or full (for enrollments widgets)
- Attendance - access level of view or full (for Attendance list widgets)
- Time Clock - access level of view or full (for Time Clock list widgets)
- Dashboard Access to:
- Payments Widget - Full
- Program Summary on Dashboard- Full
- Charges Widget - Full
- NOTE: These widgets contain potentially sensitive financial and business data in the Programs and Bar/Line Charts widgets on the Dashboard. Staff cannot add a widget to their dashboard if they don’t specifically have permission for it. These widgets are intentionally restricted by default for all users except the business owner and admin user group, who already have alternative ways to access this information, such as reports.
If a staff member is missing the permissions required to display a widget, the widget simply will not display in the drop-down menus while editing the layout.
- For information about the specific permissions required for widgets, click here to view the article.
What is the default layout of the Dashboard?
In addition to KPI and List widgets which it shares with the Welcome page, the default layout of the Dashboard includes additional Status widgets, a program chart to quickly see a breakdown of enrollments, and Bar/Line Charts* to review accounts payable and accounts receivable with multi-year comparisons.
The default widgets included are:
- Active Families count
- Active Student count
- Active Enrollment count
List Widgets
- Accounts Created
- Drops & Transfers
- Enrollments
Status Widgets
- Trials
- Wait Listed
- Make Ups
Chart Widget:
- Programs - if specific Dashboard Access permission under tasks is granted or the user is the business owner or an admin
Bar Line Charts:
- Payments - if specific Dashboard Access permission under tasks is granted or the user is the business owner or an admin
How do I customize my Dashboard layout and widgets?
Customizing the dashboard layout is easy! Each staff member can log in and customize their own page to reflect only relevant widget or metrics that help track andacheive their goals.
To get started, click the pencil at the top right of the screen to enter edit mode to make changes.
You will now see a bar at the top of the Dashboard that lists the different types of widgets available and allows you to insert "Spacers" or intentional empty spaces into the Dashboard layout. Choose widgets and spacers from the drop-downs and buttons in this bar to add them to the layout. Each widget can only be used once, so it may appear greyed out if it is already a part of the layout. Spacers are unlimited.
After selecting a widget to add to the layout, use the four-headed arrow in the upper right-hand corner of the widget to drag and drop it into the space where you want it to be displayed.
Additionally, the "X" icon at the top left corner of a widget will allow you to remove it from the layout. And the arrow in the bottom right-hand corner will allow you to resize the widget across columns and rows in the layout.
You will find that some widgets also have a "Gear" icon in the upper right-hand corner if they have settings that can be customized.
Once you have finished customizing your layout, remember to Save your work! If any changes are detected, you will find that the Save button at the top of the page is highlighted. Select it to keep your changes.
If you choose to Cancel (or forget to save your work before leaving or refreshing the page), the layout will return to its previous state.
If you need to reset the page to the default layout at any time, choose "Reset Layout" from the edit mode to restore the default widgets, widget settings, and layout.