Which Reports are the Best for Accountants and Bookkeepers?

Learn about which reports in iClassPro are the best for reporting income and taxes, and which would be most helpful when filing end-of-the-year insurance reports.


Reporting Income

The best reports for reporting income figures are  the Bank Deposit Report, Program Deposit Split Report, and Category List reports.  Below is a brief description of each report.

  • Bank Deposit Report: a list of transactions including family names, transaction numbers/descriptions where applicable by date range (by payment date). This report can also be printed to include programs and charge categories the payments were applied to. (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-2)
  • Program Deposit Split Report: a breakdown of income over a date range separated into Programs and Charge Categories the payments were applied to. Totals are also broken down into transaction type (cash, check, credit card, credits, etc.). (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-4)
  • Category List Reporta list of charges over a date range (by charge date) with the customer name, charge date, title, un-taxed amount, taxes charged, amount paid and amount outstanding with full report totals at the bottom.(REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-6)
  • Promo Code Reporta list of one or more applied promo codes over a date range with options to filter by program, class, or camp. (REPORTS>MARKETING>MAR-2)

Reporting Taxes

  • Category List Reporta list of charges over a date range with the customer name, charge date, title, un-taxed amount, taxes charged, amount paid and amount outstanding with full report totals at the bottom. (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-6)
  • Consolidated Tax Reportlists the amount of tax charged over a date range and the amount paid in over the same date range. (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-11)
  • Tax Reconciliation Report: gives a summary by program of financial transactions within a specific period of time that can be used to reconcile charges and payments. (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-16)
  • Family Annual Total Receipts Report: a report generated for each family to assist with claiming help and fitness expenses for tax rebates in some countries. (REPORTS>FINANCIAL>FIN-15)

Reporting for Insurance

  • Student Insurable Age Groups Reportallows you to define insurable age groups and report the number of students that fit each defined range. Can be reported by location, program and/or active status. (REPORTS>STUDENTS>STU-5)
  • Program Summary Reportrunning total of enrollments, unique students, instructor hours, and capacity met broken into programs. Can be generated for classes, camps, or both. (REPORTS>CLASSES>CLA-3)
  • Student List Report: a list of students and guardians and basic contact information that allows you to filter by and include a variety of extra information including class enrollments, association id's, etc. (REPORTS>STUDENTS>STU-1)


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