Learn how to create charges in bulk for non-tuition/non-Anniversary fees, such as uniform or competition fees.
- What is a Miscellaneous or Group Charge?
- Creating a Miscellaneous/Group charge for families
- Creating a Miscellaneous/Group charge for students
- Record Keeping
What is a Miscellaneous or Group Charge?
Miscellaneous or Group Charges are useful for charging groups of students or families for non-tuition and non-Anniversary items such as competition fees, uniforms, etc.
Note: Because charges are tied to specific locations, be sure that you have the correct location selected at the top of the page if you are using a multi-location iClassPro account.
Creating a Miscellaneous/Group charge for families
From the FAMILIES page, you will be creating one charge per family.
- Use the Search filters to find the group of families you wish to charge. (Be sure to limit the results to ACTIVE families only if you are using Class/Program filters to ensure that you only charge active families.)
- Select the families you wish to charge or click "Select All" to choose all of them.
- In the page footer, click the Create a Charge button (the icon that looks like a stack of coins).
- In the new charge window, choose the line item type "Other" to create the charge.
- Adjust the Charge Title and Dates at the top of the window.
(The charge title will automatically fill with the first line item title if left blank. The charge date and due date always default to the current day.)- NOTE: While it is possible to future-date charges in iClassPro, we do not recommend doing this as it makes tracking the payment in financial reports more difficult.
- Select a Program, Charge Category and enter an Amount for the charge.
- (Optional) To apply a Discount or charge Tax on a specific line item in the charge, use the fields below the line item amount.
- Click Add Line Item to add this line item to the charge entry.
- Repeat steps 5-7 for any additional items in the charge.
- Click Save to save all line items in this charge window as individual single ledger entries.
Creating a Miscellaneous/Group charge for students
From the STUDENTS page, you can create one charge per selected student. Note that the charge window title will still show New Charge :: Multiple Families as miscellaneous charges are connected to families and not directly to students.
- Use the Search filters to find the group of students you wish to charge. (Be sure to limit the results to ACTIVE students only if you are using Class/Program filters to ensure that you only charge active students.)
- Select the students you wish to charge or click "Select All" to choose all of them.
- In the page footer, click the Create a Charge button (the icon that looks like a stack of coins).
- In the new charge window, choose the line item type "Other" to create the charge.
- Adjust the Charge Title and Dates at the top of the window.
(The charge title will automatically fill with the first line item title if left blank. The charge date and due date always default to the current day.)- NOTE: While it is possible to future-date charges in iClassPro, we do not recommend doing this as it makes tracking the payment in financial reports more difficult.
- Select a Program, Charge Category and enter an Amount for the charge.
- (Optional) To apply a Discount or charge Tax on a specific line item in the charge, use the fields below the line item amount.
- Click Add Line Item to add this line item to the charge entry.
- Repeat steps 5-7 for any additional items in the charge.
- Click Save to save all line items in this charge window as individual single ledger entries.
Record Keeping
Ccreating mass charges will generate a CSV in the Background Tasks listing all charges that were created.. This report will list all charges that were successfully created, as well as any families/students whose charges failed to be created.