How Do I Apply Payments/Credits in Customer Ledgers?

Learn about the different ways you can apply payments and credits to outstanding charges in the Customer Ledger.

Quickly View Unapplied Payments

Accounts which have both an unapplied payment or credit and one or more charges with outstanding balances will display an “Apply Credit” icon (shown below) in the quick view accessed by clicking on the ledger icon next to the family name on the Families page.


Clicking the icon will open the Payments view on the family ledger with the filter “Show only Unapplied” already selected. This makes it easier for staff to quickly identify which payments any unapplied totals are coming from.


Applying Unapplied Payments and Credits from the Ledger

In the family ledger, if a customer has a payment or credit entry with an available balance, the apply credit icon will appear in the full ledger view next to both the outstanding charge(s) and next to the actual payment(s)/credit(s) that have unapplied amounts.


Using Apply Credit from a Charge

Clicking the apply credit icon next to a charge will open a list of payments/credits with unapplied balances that can be applied towards the selected charge (example below). In the window, select which of the unapplied amounts to apply (by selecting the box) and how much of each payment/credit to apply toward this charge (adjusting the amount box). Then click apply.


Using Apply Credit from a Payment

Clicking the apply credit icon next to a payment with an unapplied balance will open a list of charges with outstanding balances that the selected payment/credit can be applied to (example below). In that window, select which of the charges to pay (by selecting the box) and how much of the payment/credit to use toward each charge (adjusting the amount box). Then click apply.


NOTE: When applying a payment to a charge with multiple line items from the "Apply Payment" window, the system will automatically select the first line item and apply as much of the payment as possible.
If there is enough of the payment to "pay off" that line item, the remaining credit will be applied to the next line item and apply payment towards that line item, etc., until the payment is depleted.

If any of the payment amount remains once all line items are paid, it will show on the ledger as unapplied.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).