Learn about the Families With Unapplied Credit Balances Report (FIN-12), its filter options, and how to generate it.
- What is the Families With Unapplied Credit Balances Report?
- Available Formats
- General Filters
- Enrollment Filters
What is the Families With Unapplied Credit Balances Report?
The Families With Unapplied Credit Balances Report is a list of families who have payments/credits on their accounts that have not been applied to charges.
NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true based on the “As of Date” you select when generating the report.
Available Formats
The Families With Unapplied Credit Balances Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
General Filters
- AS OF DATE: the system will only show families with unapplied payments/credits as of this date (based on the “Include All Transaction” filter below).
- INCLUDE ALL TRANSACTIONS: determines how the system will interpret the “As of Date”:
- Before As Of Date: the system will only look to see if the payments/credits had been applied to transactions on or prior to the “As of Date.”
- After As Of Date: the system will look to see if the payments have been applied to any transactions after the “As of Date” (even if they were actually unapplied as of that date). This is helpful to find “real credit” if you have future-dated charges that already have payments applied to them.
- LOCATIONS: the system will only include charges/payments associated with the selected Location(s) in the results. (In order to reconcile the report, these should match the Location(s) chosen for your Category List Report and Program Deposit Split Report.)
- Landscape: will generate the report in Landscape mode (rather than Portrait).
Enrollment Filters
- Currently Enrolled (Active) – Choose this option to include families/students that have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” (regardless of past or future enrollment status)
- Enrolled in the Future (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but do have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment after that date.
- Previously Enrolled (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but did have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment prior to that date.
- Never Enrolled – Choose this option to include families/students which have no recorded "ACTIVE" type enrollments in classes/camps.
- CHOOSE PROGRAM: selecting one or more specific programs will limit the results only to families with active enrollments in classes/camps assigned to the selected program(s) on the selected “As of Date.” (Leaving this filter blank will include all programs.)
NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).