Learn about how iClassPro calculates Class Occupancy, including system settings that may affect how it is displayed.
- What is Camp Occupancy?
- How is Camp Occupancy calculated?
- How Do I View Camp Occupancy in the Office Portal?
- How Do I View Camp Occupancy in the Customer Portal?
- What other settings affect Camp Occupancy?
What is Camp Occupancy?
Simply put, Camp Occupancy reflects the number of openings available for registration in a given camp based on factors such as the maximum number of allowed enrollments, the specific date/time or camp block being viewed, and the enrollment type.
Only ACTIVE enrollments take up a spot in the camp, as well as any temporary enrollments that exist at the time the occupancy count is viewed.
How is Camp Occupancy calculated?
iClassPro has established the following definitions of Occupancy terms for camps:
- (*) ACTIVE = Active type enrollments in the specific date/time or camp block being viewed.
- OPEN = the sum of the following (where "-" indicates subtraction):
- [Max occupancy for camp]
- - PENDING (at the time the occupancy count is viewed)
- PENDING = temporary enrollments being held in the Customer Portal shopping cart (at the time the occupancy count is viewed)
- WAIT LIST = WAIT type enrollments in the specific date/time or camp block being viewed.
* Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
How Do I View Camp Occupancy in the Office Portal?
Each camp has an option on the Customer Portal tab to “Allow Parents to Choose Days.” Because of this, it is possible that each day/time or camp block may have a different occupancy total.
To view Camp Occupancy, click the “Camp Occupancy” icon to expand the occupancy table:
How Do I View Camp Occupancy in the Customer Portal?
While true Camp occupancy (total of ACTIVE/OPEN spots) is not displayed in the Customer Portal, the customer will be able to see which camps are full or have blocks available.
On the Booking page itself, the camp(s) will display indicators noting whether it is “Open” or “Full”:
When viewing a camp with openings, each camp block is listed separately, with indicators to note any blocks that are full.
If the option to “Allow Visitors To Request A Camp That Is Full” is disabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION, customers will not be able to select any blocks that are full.
If the option is ENABLED, customers will still be able to select blocks that are full, but the enrollments will be submitted as a WAIT type request.
What other settings affect Camp Occupancy?
- Checkout Reservation Timers - The Checkout Reservation Timer helps to alleviate issues where several customers are vying for a limited number of openings in a camp at the same time. By immediately creating a “temporary” enrollment in a camp when a family adds an enrollment to their Shopping Cart during the enrollment process, this enrollment is then taken into consideration when other families look at camp availability.
- Because the Enrollment Wizard does not currently support camp enrollments, only the Checkout Reservation Timer for the Customer Portal affects camp enrollments.
- Count Camp Requests Against Openings - the Customer Portal has a setting for Camps that allow you to determine whether pending enrollment requests will be counted against occupancy counts. This setting is located under: SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION>”Count Camp Requests Against Openings.”
- If enabled, this setting will count any requests which are submitted for Active enrollments against the number of openings in the camp to preserve the “first come, first serve” method of registration. Once the requests are processed (approved or denied) from Online Activity, any remaining spots will open back up for new registrations/requests.
- If “Auto-approve Requests” is enabled on the camp’s Customer Portal tab, requests would be from customers that do not meet the established camp requirements (if these options are enabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION).
- If the setting is disabled, requests do not count against the number of openings shown in either the Customer Portal or the Office Portal.
- If enabled, this setting will count any requests which are submitted for Active enrollments against the number of openings in the camp to preserve the “first come, first serve” method of registration. Once the requests are processed (approved or denied) from Online Activity, any remaining spots will open back up for new registrations/requests.