How Do I Process Online Activity Items?

Learn about the Online Activity window, what types of Customer Portal activity trigger entries, and how to review and process activity items.

To view and interact with the Online Activity window, staff members must have the "Manage Online Activity" task permission set to view or full, as well as any other permissions to handle specific tasks (such as full permissions to the "Enrollments" task to approve/deny enrollments).

What is the Online Activity window?

The Online Activity window is a list of notifications of activity from the Customer Portal. It can be accessed by expanding the Welcome Page widget at the top of the Welcome Page or from the bottom left of other pages in the footer. To avoid conflicting edits, only the window or the widget is accessible at any given time, and not both.

Online Activity data is accessible for a maximum of 90 days from the Online Activity window. However, Online Activity data (whether approved, denied, or dismissed) can be accessed through the iClassPro Audit Log for up to two years.

There are notification types for the following Customer Portal events:

  • Absence - Future absence requests
  • Appointment - appointment bookings (auto-approved or requested)
  • Appointment Booking Canceled - Notification of appointment cancellations
  • Appointment Reschedule Request
  • Autopay - Saved payment information updates
  • Payments - Online payments (see note)
  • Gift Card - Gift card/Gift certificate purchases
  • New Accounts - New family accounts created
  • Enrollments - New enrollments and enrollment requests.
    • NOTE: This also includes enrollments created via Punch Pass redemption if this option is enabled in your Customer Portal settings.
  • Drop - Enrollment Drop requests
  • Transfers - Enrollment Transfer requests and auto-approvals
  • Parties - New party bookings
  • Policies - Policy acceptances/rejections
  • Students - New student accounts added to families
  • Online Orders - New online Point of Sale purchases.
    • NOTE: it is imperative that staff regularly check the Online Activity for “Online Order”-type notifications so purchased items can be pulled from available stock. This will help prevent situations where items could get sold in-house before the customer can pick them up.
      • "Online Order" entries cannot simply be dismissed.  Staff members will need to click the "magnifying glass" icon to review the order and dismiss the entry from there.
  • Opt Out - Family has opted out of recurring billing.
    • NOTE: the option to opt-out of recurring billing is only offered if "Require saved payment method authorized for recurring billing" is disabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>FINANCIAL.
  • Deletion Request - In accordance with Apple guidelines, the iOS version of the Mobile/Branded App must offer a way for customers to request the deletion of their account. If a customer submits this request, an alert will be displayed in the Online Activity. However, it must be noted that this is simply a notification and we do not automatically delete any accounts. A staff member would need to complete this request if you wish to do so.

To view the Online Activity window, go to the home page, click Online Activity icon at the bottom of every page in iClassPro.

When you receive new requests the Portal icon will display a red area with the number of notifications.


When you have processed all the activity, the icon will not show a notification area -- as seen below.


If you have one of the Online Activity-related List Widgets installed on your Dashboard, clicking on the widget will also launch the Online Activity window.

How to use the Online Activity Window

Below is an example of the window with the sorting options at the top The default filters are all Types of notifications with the 10 notifications per page sorted from oldest (at the top) to newest (at the end). Results can be filtered by type, pending or approved status, or whether or not there are notes with the enrollment. 


For an easy way to process enrollment requests, review payments or new accounts, and more, you can use the filters to limit results by:

  • Type
    • See list of activity types above.
  • Has Notes
    • Both (All)
    • Yes
    • No
  • Status
    • All
    • Notification
      • If "Notification" is selected, the Online Activity window will only display items that simply notify the staff that a specific activity has occurred and do not require staff interaction (i.e., do not require staff to APPROVE/DENY).
        • The system automatically excludes the following notification types from these results:
            • Online Orders
            • Gift Card
            • Deletion Request
            • Parties
    • Pending
      • Entries that require staff interaction (i.e., require staff to APPROVE/DENY the request).
    • Approved
      • Entries that have been auto-approved (includes all types).
  • Location
    • All
    • Specific Location


  • Denying an enrollment request deletes the request from Online Activity, and also deletes the enrollment from the database, along with any enrollment notes that were included.
  • If the Online Activity entries are filtered, any mass actions taken on them will apply ONLY to the filtered entries.
    • NOTE: Mass dismissing filtered items will NOT dismiss any items that require action (e.g. those with a 'Pending' status).
  • You can use the "No Location" option to limit results to Location-independent items, such as entries related to Family and Student policies, or changes to family/student accounts not related to enrollments.
  • To quickly view only online activity that requires approval, change the STATUS drop-down to "Pending."
  • Entries related to future absences may show multiple times if the absence will reflect enrollments at multiple locations.
  • When approving Transfer requests, the system will check to see if a future drop date already exists on the enrollment that is being transferred. If a future drop date exists, the drop date on the new transferred enrollment will be auto-populated to match.
    • If the class being transferred into has an end date set (either by Class End Date or Session End Date) that is BEFORE the drop date being carried over, the drop date will be adjusted to match the class end date instead.
    • A field will also be displayed to allow you to specify a “Drop Date For Previous Class.”
      • This field will auto-populate with the day before the transfer date, unless any drop date exists on the original enrollment that is prior to the transfer date. In this case, the “Drop Date For Previous Class” will auto-populate with that existing drop date.
      • Modifying the “Drop Date For Previous Class” field will automatically update the drop date that is associated with the original class enrollment.
  • For information about handling Transfer requests from an ACTIVE enrollment to a Waitlist, see our "How Do I Transfer Enrollments?" document.
  • iClassPro does not allow multiple transfers from a single enrollment. If a transfer already exists from the selected enrollment, an error message will be displayed.
  • iClassPro will not allow you to edit the enrollment type if the transfer request is for a Makeup enrollment.
  • If a Drop request is submitted for a TRIAL type enrollment, the phrase "(TRIAL)" will appear beside the student name in the Online Activity entry.
  • If an appointment booking is rescheduled (and auto-approved) via the Customer Portal/Mobile App, an entry will be created in the Online Activity window for the rescheduled booking.
    • If the entry for the original appointment booking still exists in the Online Activity window, it will automatically be removed, as the system will no longer be able to take action on it.


If there is more than one page of requests, the number of requests which display per page as well as the page number can be changed by typing in the white box in the upper right hand corner, then pressing TAB on your keyboard to submit the change.

Using the Mass Approve, Email, and Dismiss Buttons

The Approve, E-mail, and Dismiss buttons all work by using the checkboxes on the left side of the screen next to each notification. You can complete these three tasks (approve, e-mail, and dismiss) for multiple accounts at once by checking off multiple requests (or use the check all box)-- saving your staff time and effort! For more about each feature, read about them below.


Approve Button: For actions that require approval (filter these out by using the "Pending" Status), use the Approve button for all checked boxes to approve multiple requests at once!


  • We recommend viewing all the requests on a page before approving them this way. While you are in the individual request views, you can deny any requests you do not wish to approve. There is not a mass Deny button.
  • While some Online Activity items can be mass approved, it is intended that all enrollment requests will be reviewed one at a time to ensure that approving the request will not overbook a class and/or that the request meets your criteria for valid requests (such as Drop requests including a valid Drop Reason and/or that they are within any specified time frame [e.g., requiring 30 days notice of an intended drop, etc.] ).
  • If a Drop request is submitted for a TRIAL type enrollment, the phrase "(TRIAL)" will appear beside the student name in the Online Activity entry.

Dismiss Button: Actions that do not require approval will have an (x) Action for dismissal. You can also mass dismiss these actions (such as new account creations, payments, and autopay updates) by checking the boxes next to those activities and clicking the Dismiss button at the bottom of the window!

NOTE: Items without an (x) Action icon MUST be approved or denied. To prevent human error, they cannot be dismissed. If you have an item with an (x) Action icon selected and click Dismiss, you will receive an error message.

Email Button

E-mail families from the Online Activity window! This feature makes it easier to communicate with new customers who have just set up an account as well as existing customers who have made changes.

This email screen can be used to communicate with multiple families or with one family at a time. Just check the box next to the family(ies) which you wish to e-mail, click the E-mail button, and enter the subject and body of your email into the window.  

This email feature operates the same way as email blasts on other pages of iClassPro. You will see the number of selected families at the top of the window. When you are done entering the body of the email, click send.

NOTE: To customize the emails for each recipient, use the Email Variables help box to insert the correct variables in the email body. Because this action launches an Email Blast window, the system will abide by the family's choice to opt-in/opt-out of Email Blasts to determine if they receive the email or not.


Payments applied to charges created using deleted Discount Schedules

If a Discount Schedule was deleted while it was still attached to a class or Program, staff members may see the following note on Online Activity entries related to payments applied to affected charges:

One or more charges associated with this payment were calculated using a discount schedule which has been deleted.

To prevent scenarios where a family would not be able to complete enrollment via the Customer Portal/Mobile App, iClassPro still honors the Discount Schedule so the enrollment process can continue. If the Discount Schedule should no longer be used, staff members need to update the class and/or Program to remove the Discount Schedule attachment before creating the charge(s).

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).