Learn about adding and maintaining Products in the Point of Sale module, including product variations.
- Accessing the “Products” screen
- Creating a New Product
- Editing Product information
- Duplicating an existing product
If you wish to divide products by Category/Subcategory or assign Vendors, these should be created first so they are available to assign when creating Products.
- Click here for information on creating/maintaining Categories and Subcategories.
- Click here for information on creating/maintaining Vendors.
While staff members can view any product if they have permission to do so, they will only be able to enable/disable or edit products at a location/locations for which they have been granted access.
Accessing the “Products” screen
You can access the “Products” screen by navigating to USER MENU>POINT OF SALE>PRODUCTS.
The Products screen provides a list of available products, amount of inventory on hand (across all locations) and unit price. Various "Product Filters" are available to limit the list of existing products by Options, Visibility, Vendor(s), Location(s) and/or Category.
A "Mass Actions" button allows you to select specific products and "Activate"/"Deactivate" or "Show/Hide on Customer Portal." (You can "Select All" by clicking the selection box to the left of "Product".)

Creating a New Product
To add a new item click “Create New Product”
When creating a new item, you will be prompted to enter the following details:
Title & Description
- Product Title
- SEO Slug – used as part of URL to link to a specific product. Auto-created or can be overridden to customize.
- Description
- Vendor
- Visibility
- Active – if disabled, the product is inactive and will not show in the Point of Sale window.
- Customer Portal – if enabled, the product will show on the Customer Portal Point of Sale window. (This option only shows if the product is marked "Active.")
- Active – if disabled, the product is inactive and will not show in the Point of Sale window.
- Inventory Tracking
- Enabled - enabling this option forces an SKU in order to track inventory/stock. Once enabled, items will go out of stock when they sell. If disabled, inventory will not be tracked for that particular item and it will not be shown on the Inventory page.
- Enabling Inventory Tracking sets the initial Inventory count to zero. To update the Inventory count, you will either need to perform an import or manually update the count on the Inventory page.
- Disabled - Disabling Inventory Tracking will result in the Inventory count for the Product being set to zero. Any current Inventory counts will be lost.
- Enabled - enabling this option forces an SKU in order to track inventory/stock. Once enabled, items will go out of stock when they sell. If disabled, inventory will not be tracked for that particular item and it will not be shown on the Inventory page.
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) – in most inventory systems, this is a unique identifier for products or variations used to track inventory. To help match inventory items to the SKUs used to track them in external systems, you can choose to assign a custom SKU per product or variation by clicking the pencil/edit icon.
- UPC (Universal Product Code) - a UPC barcode that can be used in the POS sale window to scan an item for purchase. In this screen, you can manually enter the UPC or scan it with a USB barcode scanner.
- For more information about compatible UPC formats and how to enable them, see our "What are the Point of Sale Settings Options?" document.
- If manually entering the UPC be sure to enter the first and last digits that are usually offset from the others.
Assigning Categories
Select a Category/Subcategory to assign to the item (multiple categories can be chosen).
NOTE: If an item is assigned to a subcategory, it is also assigned to the category under which that subcategory is nested.
Uploading Images
Ability to upload multiple images per product and set a “Featured” image that will be the default shown on the Point of Sale screen.
Selecting Location(s)
- Select the Location(s) where the product will be available.
Configuring Pricing
- Regular Price
- Sale Price
- From/Until Dates
- Your cost per item (used to figure profit)
- Program (used when a charge is created for the item; can be used to help filter financial reports to reflect Point of Sale purchases)
- Charge Category (used when a charge is created for the item; can be used to help filter financial reports to reflect Point of Sale purchases)
- Tax Rate (used when a charge is created for the item)
- Select a specific Tax Rate (this will override any location-specific tax rate associated with the selected program)
- Use Program Tax Rate (the system will use the location-specific tax rate associated with the selected program -- this is the default setting if nothing else is selected)
- Tax Exempt (if enabled, sales tax will not be figured when a sale is recorded for this product, even if a tax rate is assigned to the selected program)
Adding Variations
The maximum number of possible combinations based on all variations cannot exceed 1000. The system will advise when attempting to save if the designated configuration would exceed this amount.
- Click “Add Variations” to enter varieties available for a specific product (different sizes/colors/etc.).
- Create a Variation (such as “Size”). To edit the name, click the pencil/edit icon next to the variant name, then make your edit. Be sure to click SAVE to commit the changes or click CANCEL to revert them. (NOTE: Variation names are limited to 50 characters.)
- Click “Add Option” to add a specific variant option (such as “Small”, “Large”, etc.).
- Click the currency symbol ($) to set a price modifier; that is, to set a price different than the base amount. The amount entered will either be added to the base price (if left positive) or subtracted from the base price (if prefaced by a negative symbol [-]).
- SAVE the variations.
- Add additional variations as needed (such as “Color”).
Because variations must have their own unique SKU for inventory management purposes, they are automatically assigned one when you save them. However, this SKU is hidden from view. If you wish, you can customize the SKU of a saved variation by clicking in the SKU field beside the variation, entering your custom SKU, then clicking SAVE at the bottom of the screen.
If a product was saved with a user-defined SKU and variations were added later, the user-defined SKU will be re-assigned to the first variation. SKUs for any additional variations will be assigned automatically and can be edited if desired as noted above.
To override the default price AND price modifier for a particular variation, you can click in the PRICE field beside the variation. Enter the price you wish to charge for the variation, then click SAVE at the bottom of the screen.
NOTE: If a price has been overridden on the variation level, it will be reflected in the following ways:
- The overridden price for the variation will be shown on the main Products page listing for that variation.
- If a price does not have a pencil next to it in the Variations, list, this indicates that it was manually entered and an "X" will be displayed beside the price even if the amount entered is the same as the default pricing for the product.
- Clicking on the "X" will remove the override and restore the default pricing for the product.
- If a price override was manually entered for a product variation, that product will show as a price range on the Products page (instead of a single price).
- Note that if the price override entered is the same as the default pricing, it will still show as a price range (such as $10.00-$10.00).
Cost of goods can also be overridden at the variation/location level to help you more accurately track income vs cost :
- If you need to edit a Product after it has been created, the search box at the top of the screen can be used to search for a specific item. Filters are available to select specific locations and/or only active or inactive items.
- Clicking on a variation's show/hide icon will launch a window asking if you want to show/hide the variation in other locations as well.
Editing Product information
To edit Product details:
- Use the pencil/edit icon next to an existing item to open the Product details.
- Make any necessary changes to the Product details or Variation(s).
- Click SAVE at the bottom of the screen to update the Product/Variation(s).
Duplicating an existing product
- Click the pencil/edit icon to the right of the product you wish to duplicate.
- On the "Edit Product" screen, click the "Create a Duplicate" button at the top right-hand side of the screen:
- This will create a duplicate copy of the Product, with the word "Copy" appended to the title and the SEO Slug.
- NOTE: if you edit the title, the SEO Slug will be adjusted to match.
- The duplicate product will also include all variations attached to the original. If the new product will not include specific variations (or will have different variations), use the "Manage Variations" option at the top right-hand corner of the "Variations" section to edit these.
- Once you have made all necessary edits, click either SAVE, SAVE & CLOSE, or CLOSE to exit the product creation workflow.
- Clicking SAVE will save the new product and keep the new product detail page open for further edits.
- Clicking SAVE & CLOSE will save the new product and return the user to the POINT OF SALE>PRODUCTS page.
- Clicking CLOSE will present a prompt that there are unsaved changes to the product
- Clicking YES would save the new product and return the user to the POINT OF SALE>PRODUCTS page.
- Clicking NO, THANKS! would discard the new product and return the user to the POINT OF SALE>PRODUCTS page.