Learn about the Period Summary Report (FIN-18), its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Period Summary Report?
The Period Summary Report summarizes student enrollments and payments collected within a specified date range, separated according to financial program. The report includes totals for the following details within the specified date range for each financial program:
- New Student Office Portal Enrollments – new enrollments created by staff members for students who have no previous enrollments.
- Previous Student Office Portal Enrollments – new enrollments created by staff members for existing students who have previous enrollments.
- New Student Web Portal Enrollments – new enrollments created via the web portal for students who have no previous enrollments.
- Previous Student Web Portal Enrollments – new enrollments created via the web portal for existing students who have previous enrollments.
- New Single Day Enrollments – Single Day enrollments for students who have no previous Single Day enrollments. The enrollments must have been created within the date range of the report and are not the result of a transfer. (The title of this column will differ based on your selection under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS.)
- Previous Single Day Enrollments – Single Day enrollments for students who have previous Single Day enrollments. The enrollments must have been created within the date range of the report and are not the result of a transfer. (The title of this column will differ based on your selection under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS.)
- Transferred Enrollments – enrollment transfers that were created within the date range of the report.
- Makeup Enrollments – Makeup enrollments that were created within the date range of the report.
- Trial Enrollments – Trial enrollments that were created within the date range of the report.
- Waitlist Enrollments – Waitlist enrollments that were created within the date range of the report.
- Canceled Enrollments – ACTIVE type class enrollments (not WAIT/TRIAL/MAKEUP) that have a drop date assigned, where the drop action was performed within the date range of the report. This means that a drop date was added to the enrollment during the date range of the report; the actual drop date itself may fall outside this date range.
- NOTE: if an enrollment is created where the drop date is already set (such as a session-based enrollment or otherwise had a drop date assigned at the time it was created) it will not be included in the report results..
- Absent Students – Students marked ABSENT for class attendance within the date range of the report.
- Percent Enrollments Attended – Total number of PRESENT recorded attendances within the date range of the report divided by the total number of attendances recorded (both PRESENT and ABSENT) within the date range of the report.
- Payment Details – Details of payments collected within the date range of the report.
- Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true based on the Start Date/End Date you select when generating the report.
- If a future-dated enrollment is transferred to another future enrollment, the original enrollment is deleted as it will never occur. Therefore, the "transferred" enrollment that remains will be reported as a "New" enrollment (not "Transferrred").
Expected behavior in relation to updating the Program associated with a class:
- iClassPro does not track historical changes to the Program associated with a class. Therefore, from an enrollments perspective, this report always considers the Program that's assigned to the class on the date the report is generated.
- However, we DO keep the historical records of the Program attached to ledger charges. Therefore, from a financial perspective, this report will always consider the Program assigned to the charge when it was initially created. Changing the Program attached to the associated class will not update this historical data in the database..
If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our “Preset Filters for Reports” document for more information.
Available Formats
Due to the amount of data included, the Period Summary Report is only available in HTML format.
NOTE: If a PDF version is necessary, you can generally use the "Print to PDF" option from your web browser to do so. However, be aware that the resulting PDF may be either incomplete or difficult to read depending on your browser's settings.
Available Filters
General Filters
- START/END DATE: sets the date range for the report.
- DETAILED REPORT: leaving this option unchecked produces a summary report; enabling this option will provide detailed information about the enrollments/payments that comprise the totals for each section of the report, including any drop reasons/drop notes for enrollments that were dropped within the date range of the report.
- NOTE: When viewing detailed information, the "Created At" column refers to the date that the item in question was created in the database. This means that for details regarding payments, it is the date the payment was created in the database, not necessarily the date it was applied to a charge. For new enrollments, it is the date/time the enrollment was created, not the date the enrollment starts, and for transfers or drops, it is the date that the enrollment was updated to add transfer/drop details.
- Include Class Enrollments – Only includes families with "ACTIVE" type Class enrollments during the specified date range/on the specified “As of Date.”
- Include Camp Enrollments – Only includes families with "ACTIVE" type Camp enrollments during the specified date range/on the specified “As of Date.”
- NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
- Active – will limit the report to only activity in classes/camps that are currently marked “Active.”
- Inactive – will limit the report to only activity in classes/camps that are currently marked “Inactive.”
- LOCATIONS: selecting one or more Location(s) will limit the report to only include families with enrollments associated with the specified Location(s).
- LEVEL: selecting one or more specific Level(s) will limit the results only to families with enrollments in class(es)/camp(s) within the specified Start/End dates and that have the selected Level(s) assigned.
- INSTRUCTORS: selecting one or more specific Instructors will limit the results only to families with enrollments in class(es)/camp(s) within the specified Start/End dates and that have the selected Instructor(s) assigned.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- PROGRAMS: selecting one or more specific Program(s) will limit the results only to families with enrollments in class(es)/camp(s) within the specified Start/End dates and that are associated with the specified Level(s).
- FAMILY KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families who have the selected Family Keyword assigned.
- STUDENT KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families where at least one student in the family has the selected Student Keyword assigned.
- PROGRAM KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families where at least one student in the family is enrolled in a class/camp that has the selected Program Keyword assigned.
- CLASS KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families where at least one student in the family is enrolled in a class that has the selected Class Keyword assigned.
- CAMP KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families where at least one student in the family is enrolled in a camp that has the selected Camp Keyword assigned.