Learn about the Level Summary Report (CLA-13), its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Level Summary Report?
The Level Summary Report provides a summary of enrollments by class/camp Level. It provides you with essential data such as:
- Class/Camp - total number of classes and/or camps that are active over the date range
- Instructing Hours - Total number of instructors multiplied by their scheduled hours, summed up over the date range
- Class/Camp Hours - Total scheduled hours (regardless of whether or not instructors are attached)
- Students - Number of students in classes - students are unique by level; the sum at the bottom is not unique. (The unique number of students across levels is noted at the bottom of the report.)
- Active - Total number of Active Enrollments in classes that meet during time-frame specified.
- Single Day – Total number of Single Day Enrollments in classes that meet during time-frame specified.. The title of this column will differ based on your selection under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS.
- Trial - Total number of Trial Enrollments in classes that meet during time-frame specified.
- Makeup - Total number of makeup enrollments in classes that meet during time-frame specified.
- Waitlist - Total number of wait list enrollments in classes that meet during time-frame specified.
- Capacity - Total number of scheduled meeting days inside the date range multiplied by the max students per class.
- Openings - total number of openings based on the number of Enrollments subtracted from the Capacity.
(*) Enrollment Meetings - Total scheduled meetings filled by enrollments across date range
(*) Occupancy - The total number of allowed enrollments in the level divided by the number of students enrolled in the level during the specified date range.
* Enrollment Meetings, Openings and Occupancy were adjusted to reflect each time classes/camps meet in order to help identify gaps in enrollment that were previously unable to be represented.
The report also includes a Summary view giving the following totals:
- Classes/Camps in this Search - total number of classes/camps that are active over the date range
- Total instructor hours - total number of hours based on the class/camp duration, multiplied by the number of instructors assigned to the class
- Total hours - total number of hours based on the class/camp duration
- Unique student total - this is the total of students if you were to add up the student count for each level. Students will be counted multiple times if a student has an enrollment in more than one level.
- Unique students across all levels - this total only counts each student once, regardless of how many levels they are enrolled in. The true count of unique students based on all enrollments.
- Total active enrollments
- Total trial enrollments
- Total makeup enrollments
- Total wait list enrollments
- Total scheduled meetings filled by enrollments across date range - the total number of class/camp meetings within the specified date range. This number only reflects scheduled class/camp meetings with enrollments -- if a class or camp had no active enrollments, it is not included in the count.
If a student transfers from one class to another during the specified date range and both classes are attached to the same Level, the system will count it as a single enrollment, but multiple Enrollment meetings.
NOTES: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true based on the Start Date/End Date you select when generating the report.
Available Formats
The Level Summary Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
General Filters
- START DATE/END DATE: sets the date range
- LOCATIONS: the system will only include families with enrollments associated with the selected Location(s) in the results.
- CHOOSE LEVELS: select one or more Level(s) to limit the report to only enrollments in classes/camps associated with the selected Level(s).
- CHOOSE SESSIONS: select one or more Session(s) to limit the report to only enrollments attached to the selected Session(s).
- NOTE: The "Choose Session" filter will only display current/future sessions by default. However, there is a "Show Past" toggle option to display past Sessions/Rolling Sessions if needed.
- CHOOSE PROGRAMS: select one or more Program(s) to limit the report to only enrollments in classes associated with the selected Program(s).
- CHOOSE START TIME: select one or more start time(s) to limit the report to ONLY classes that meet during the specified start time(s).
- NOTE: Eligibility will be based on the class START time. For example, if the time range is set between 10am-2pm and a class runs from 2pm-2:30pm, it will be included in the results even though it will end after 2pm.
- Only Show Classes With Levels – hides any classes that do not have Levels attached.
- Only Show Camps with Levels – hides any camps that do not have Levels attached.
- Only Show Levels With Enrollments – hides any Levels that do not have enrollments within the specified date range.
- If this is the only option enabled, the system simply hides any Levels that do not have enrollments within the date range of the report.
- Session-based classes without an active session attached are not included.
- NOTE: it is intended that the report will always count ALL active classes/camps in the Level as long as at least ONE of the events associated with that Level has an active enrollment. This is a total of active classes/camps associated with the Level, not just the total of those with enrollments.
- Exclude Trial and Makeup Enrollments – Trial and Makeup enrollments will not be included in the totals.
Include Enrollments Within Date Range That Do Not Meet Inside the Date Range - includes all ACTIVE type enrollments within the date range even if that particular class did not meet during that time.
- If this option is DISABLED, the system only counts enrollments for classes with meeting dates within the date range of the report.
- If this option is ENABLED, the system counts all enrollments in classes that were active within the date range of the report, regardless of whether or not the class actually met within the date range of the report.
- Include Wait List Enrollments In Student Count - if enabled, the system will count students with WAIT type enrollments in the total student count.
NOTE: If both "Only Show Levels With Enrollments" and "Include Enrollments Within Date Range That Do Not Meet Inside the Date Range" are enabled, the system first processes "Include Enrollments Within Date Range That Do Not Meet Inside the Date Range," then only shows Levels with enrollments within the date range of the report.
Class/Camp Filters
- Show Classes – data related to class enrollments will be shown in its own table.
- Show Camps – data related to camp enrollments will be shown in its own table.
- Combine Classes/Camps/Appointments – data related to all class/camp enrollments will be combined into a single table.
- Active – shows data for classes where the status is currently marked as “Active.”
- Inactive – shows data for classes where the status is currently marked as “Inactive.”
- Active – shows data for camps where the status is currently marked as “Active.”
- Inactive – shows data for camps where the status is currently marked as “Inactive.”