Learn about the Family Phonebook Report (FAM-2), its filter options, and how to generate it.
- What is the Family Phonebook Report?
- Available Formats
- General Filters
- Class/Camp Filters
- Display Options
What is the Family Phonebook Report?
The Family Phonebook Report is a list of families in your database along with their mailing address, primary and secondary phone numbers, primary email address, and date created.
If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our “Preset Filters for Reports” document for more information.
NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true as of the day you generate the report unless you choose a specific date range using the “Date Filters.”
Available Formats
The Family Phonebook Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
General Filters
- ADVANCED ACTIVE/INACTIVE SEARCH or AS OF DATE: If this option is left disabled, the system will use the “As Of Date” specified below to look at families active as of that date. (The “As Of Date” defaults to the current date.)
When searching by an “As Of Date”, you can specify an enrollment status: - Currently Enrolled (Active) – Choose this option to include families/students that have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” (regardless of past or future enrollment status)
- Enrolled in the Future (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but do have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment after that date.
- Previously Enrolled (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but did have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment prior to that date.
- Never Enrolled – Choose this option to include families/students which have no recorded "ACTIVE" type enrollments in classes/camps.
If the “Advanced Active/Inactive Search” option is enabled, you are presented with the option to enter date ranges:
- Active Date Search – families must have had an active enrollment within the specified date range.
- Inactive Date Search – families must have been inactive within the specified date range.
Leaving BOTH options enabled will assume that both statements must be true (i.e., the family must have been active within the specified active date range AND inactive within the specified inactive date range).
- Include Class Enrollments – return families with Class enrollments during the specified date range/on the specified “As of Date.”
- Include Camp Enrollments – return families with Camp enrollments during the specified date range/on the specified “As of Date.”
- NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
- Include Appointment Bookings - return families with appointment bookings during the specified date range/on the specified "As of Date."
- Any/All - if both enrollment types are selected (classes and camps) allows you to choose whether to results should be based on whether families meet ANY selected criteria or ALL of the selected criteria.
- Any - only includes families with either class enrollments OR camp enrollments.
All - only includes families with both class enrollments AND camp enrollments.
NOTE: For example, if selecting only "NEVER ENROLLED" to find customers who have never had a class enrollment, camp enrollment, or appointment - choose "ALL" to indicate all three types of enrollments should not appear in the family's history.
- ENROLLMENT TYPE STATUS - indicate which enrollment type statuses should be included in the search
- Active
- Single Day
- Make Up
- Trial
- Wait List
- LOCATIONS: the system will only include families with enrollments associated with the selected Location(s) in the results.
- FAMILIES CREATED FROM/UNTIL: will return a list of families whose accounts were created within the selected date range. If either filter is left blank, the system will default to the current date.
- NOTE: if your account had family data imported, the "created date" will be the date the import was performed for all of those families. For the report to properly reflect only new family accounts, you may need to adjust your date range to begin the day following the import.
- Active – will limit the report to only families with enrollments in classes/camps that are currently marked “Active.”
- Inactive – will limit the report to only families with enrollments in classes/camps that are currently marked “Inactive.”
- NOTE: Only the status options selected here will be displayed when filtering by status in the “Class/Camp Filters” section.
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTOR - select one or more Instructor(s) to limit the Instructor list presented in the "Choose Instructors" filter in the "Pre-Filters" section below.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- CHOOSE PROGRAM: selecting one or more specific programs will limit the results only to families with active enrollments in classes/camps assigned to the selected program(s) within the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all programs.)
- CHOOSE FAMILY KEYWORDS: selecting one or more specific keywords will limit the results only to families associated with the selected family keyword(s), and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families. Selecting multiple family keywords will only include families associated with ALL of the selected keywords.)
- CHOOSE STUDENT KEYWORDS: selecting one or more specific keywords will limit the results only to families associated with the selected student keyword(s), and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families. Selecting multiple student keywords will only include families associated with ALL of the selected keywords.)
- CHOOSE PROGRAM KEYWORDS: selecting one or more specific keywords will limit the results only to families with enrollments in classes/camps associated with the selected program keyword(s), and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families. Selecting multiple program keywords will only include families associated with ALL of the selected keywords.)
- CHOOSE CLASS KEYWORDS: selecting one or more specific keywords will limit the results only to families with enrollments in classes associated with the selected class keyword(s), and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families. Selecting multiple class keywords will only include families associated with ALL of the selected keywords.)
- CHOOSE CAMP KEYWORDS: selecting one or more specific keywords will limit the results only to families with enrollments in camps associated with the selected camp keyword(s), and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families. Selecting multiple camp keywords will only include families associated with ALL of the selected keywords.)
CHOOSE APPOINTMENT KEYWORDS: select a Keyword to limit the report to only families where at least one student in the family has a booking for an appointment that has the selected appointment Keyword assigned.
- CHOOSE REFERRAL SOURCE: selecting one or more specific referral source(s) will limit the results only to families with one of the selected referral sources selected, and who meet the parameters defined within the status filters. (Leaving this filter blank will include all families.)
Class/Camp/Appointments Filters
Changing the date range of the report AFTER making any Pre-filter selections may cause some of the selections to become invalid. These selections will not be reflected on the final report.
- PRE-FILTER – The “Pre-filter” limits the results of the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) and only affects the options shown there. If specific classes or camps are chosen, these selections will affect the data shown in the final report.
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTOR - select one or more Instructor(s) to limit the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) to only show classes/camps associated with the specified Instructor(s).
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- Active – will display only classes/camps that are currently marked “Active.”
- Inactive – will display only classes/camps that are currently marked “Inactive.”
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTOR - select one or more Instructor(s) to limit the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) to only show classes/camps associated with the specified Instructor(s).
- CHOOSE CLASS: select a Class to limit the report to only families with an enrollment in the class, as determined by the ADVANCED ACTIVE/INACTIVE SEARCH or AS OF DATE.
- CHOOSE CAMP: select a Class to limit the report to only families with an enrollment in the camp, as determined by the ADVANCED ACTIVE/INACTIVE SEARCH or AS OF DATE.
CHOOSE APPOINTMENT: select an appointment to limit the report to only families with an active booking for the appointment, as determined by the ADVANCED ACTIVE/INACTIVE SEARCH or AS OF DATE.
Display Options
- PRINT GUARDIAN NAME AS ‘LAST NAME, FIRST NAME’: by default, the report shows the Guardian name in FIRSTNAME LASTNAME format. By enabling this option, you can reverse this to LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, making it easier to sort in Excel or another spreadsheet program.
- INCLUDE FAMILIES WITHOUT A PHONE NUMBER: by default, the report only shows families with at least one phone number on their record. By enabling this option, you can include all families on the report, regardless of whether or not they have a phone number on file.