Learn about the filtering options available from the FAMILIES page to help narrow your results when sending Email Blasts, creating mass/group charges, or just to see at a glance which families may have enrollments in particular programs/classes/camps or have certain keywords assigned.
After you have finished with a particular set of filters, be sure to click RESET FILTERS or press the ESC key on your keyboard to clear them.
Which filters are available?
Search - allows searching multiple words, looking for matches anywhere in the search string.
For example, searching the word "stan" should return matches for:
- Stanley
- Constance
- Tristan.
For example, searching the word "stan" should return matches for:
- A space designates a new word.
- However, results are limited only to those that contain ALL of the entered search terms.
All Enrollment Types - allows you to limit results to only show families based on their enrollment status as of the specified "Active On Date."
- Active
- Trial
- Makeup
- Waitlist
- Single Day (if enabled)
- Inactive
- Include Future Enrollments - if enabled, the system will consider any enrollments after the defined date when determining whether a family should be included in the filter results.
- NOTE: If "Inactive" is selected as the Enrollment Type and this option is enabled, then any families that have a future enrollment will be removed from the results.
- Active Last 7 Days - if enabled, the system will consider any enrollments within the past seven days when determining whether a family should be included in the filter results.
- Active On Date - defines the date to be used when determining the family's enrollment details. (NOTE: this filter does not appear if no Enrollment Type is selected from the "All Enrollment Types" filter, or if "Active Last 7 Days" is enabled. In these cases, the default "Active On Date" is assumed to be the current date.)
- NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
- Day of the week - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student who is enrolled in a class that meets on the selected day(s) of the week (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- All Start Times - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in a class that starts within a specific 1/2 hour time frame. Times will only show if there is a class that meets the criteria (e.g., if your classes do not start until 4pm, you will not see any start time options prior to "4:00 pm - 4:29 pm").
- All Sessions - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in a class with the selected session(s)/rolling session(s) attached. Note that if you are selecting single or multiple entries from the “Sessions” filter, the system will display results based on the specified “Enrollment Date”, also considering any active enrollments within the Look Ahead window. If you change the selected session(s), be sure to update the “Enrollment Date” filter accordingly to ensure best accuracy. (For example, if you are looking at enrollments in a future session, be sure to update the “Enrollment Date” filter to match the start date of the session.)
- All Keywords - allows you to limit results to only show families associated with the selected Family/Student/Class/Camp Keyword(s).
- All Classes - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in the selected class(es) (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- All Camps - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in the selected camp(s) (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- All Levels - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in a class or camp associated with the selected Level(s) (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- All Programs - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in a class associated with the selected Program(s) (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- NOTE: This filter will include both Class and Camp enrollments if the "Active On Date" is current or in the future. However, if the "Active O Date" is in the past, only Class enrollments will be included in the results.
- All Instructors - allows you to limit results to only show families having at least one student with an enrollment in a class with the selected Instructor(s) assigned (based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date").
- NOTE: This filter references permanently assigned instructors only.
- All Payment Types - allows you to limit results to only show families based on their saved payment information. This filter does not take into account whether the "This Payment Method is Authorized for Recurring Billing" option is enabled/disabled. (NOTE: this filter will look at all payment methods associated with a family and include the family in results if ANY payment method meets the specified criteria for the filter.)
- Credit/Debit Card - only shows families with saved credit card information on file.
- Recurring payment authorization
- Authorized
- Not Authorized
- Both
- Expiration Status
- All
- Current
- Pending Expiration
- Current and Next Month (default)
- Current Month
- Next Month
- Expired
- Recurring payment authorization
- ECheck - only shows families with saved eCheck information on file.
- Recurring payment authorization
- Authorized
- Not Authorized
- Both
- Recurring payment authorization
- No Autopay - only shows families without any saved payment information at all.
- Credit/Debit Card - only shows families with saved credit card information on file.
- All Punch Passes
- Has Active Family Punch Pass
- If selected, displays the following filter options ONLY for currently active Family Punch Passes:
- Expires Within the Next
- "X" Days
- Family Punch Passes
- Listed by name
- Expires Within the Next
- If selected, displays the following filter options ONLY for currently active Family Punch Passes:
- Has Active Student Punch Pass
- If selected, displays the following filter options ONLY for currently active Student Punch Passes:
- Expires Within the Next
- "X" Days
- Student Punch Passes
- Listed by name
- Has No Active Pass
- Has Active Family Punch Pass
- All Policy Acceptances - allows you to limit results to only show families based on the acceptance status of the Family Policies.
- Policy filter - allows you to limit results only to acceptance/rejected status of specific policies.
- All Policies - only shows families that have accepted/rejected all policies (regardless of whether or not the policy is required).
- All Required Policies - only shows families whose policy acceptance status matches the selected status below. (e.g., if "Not Accepted Current" is selected and the family has accepted the current version of all policies except the Waiver, the family will be included as there is at least one policy acceptance that is not current.)
- Appointments- only shows families that have accepted/rejected the Appointments policy. (NOTE: This option is only displayed if Appointments have ever been enabled on the account. If Appointments have never been configured, this option will not be shown.)
- Billing Authorization - only shows families that have accepted/rejected the Billing Authorization.
- Rules, Terms and Conditions - only shows families that have accepted/rejected the Rules, Terms and Conditions.
- Waiver - only shows families that have accepted/rejected the Waiver.
- Acceptance/Rejection status
- Accepted Current - only shows families who have accepted the current version of the selected policy/policies.
- Accepted Past - only shows families who have accepted a past version of the selected policy/policies (and have not accepted not the current version).
- Rejected Current - only shows families who have rejected the current version of the selected policy/policies. (NOTE: Currently it is not possible to reject the built-in family policies from the Customer Portal, so this filter will only produce any results if a manual policy rejection was recorded by a Staff member in the Office Portal.)
- Rejected Past - only shows families who have rejected a past version of the selected policy/policies (and have not accepted/rejected the current version). (NOTE: Currently it is not possible to reject the built-in family policies from the Customer Portal, so this filter will only produce any results if a manual policy rejection was recorded by a Staff member in the Office Portal.)
- Not Accepted Current - only shows families who have neither accepted nor rejected the current version of the selected policy/policies (regardless of past Policy Acceptance status).
- No Activity - only shows families with no Policy Acceptance activity at all (i.e., they have not accepted any version of the selected policy/policies, current or past).
- Policy filter - allows you to limit results only to acceptance/rejected status of specific policies.
- Include Student Names - if enabled, the system will search both families and students when using the "Search Families" filter. This is helpful when the last name on families and students may differ.
- Filter By Balance - allows you to limit the results to show only families with a balance due on their account.
- Due - means the family has a charge that is unpaid where the due date is in the future.
- Greater Than or Equal To (specify an amount)
- Show Only Current Charges
- If enabled, the results will show only families with outstanding charges where the charge date is the current date or in the past (i.e., charges with a future charge date will be ignored).
- If disabled, the results will show all families with outstanding charges, regardless of whether the charge date is past/current/future.
- Due in 'X' Days - If enabled, allows staff members to limit results to only families with a charge due within the designated number of days from the current date.
- Overdue - means the family has a charge that is unpaid where the due date is in the past.
- Greater Than or Equal To (specify an amount)
- Days Overdue
- 1-15 days
- 16-30 days
- 31-60 days
- 61-90 days
- Over 90 days
- Due - means the family has a charge that is unpaid where the due date is in the future.
Filter By Notes - allows you to limit results based on the status of notes attached to the family (Open/Closed), and the Priority Level of the note(s).
- Note Status
- ALL - shows ALL families with notes attached, regardless of whether the status is marked Open or Closed.
- OPEN - only shows families with notes attached where the status is marked as Open.
- CLOSED - only shows families with notes attached where the status is marked as Closed.
- Note Priority
- Low - only shows families with notes attached where the Priority Level is marked as Low.
- Medium - only shows families with notes attached where the Priority Level is marked as Medium.
- Critical - only shows families with notes attached where the Priority Level is marked as Critical.
- Note Status
- Show Only Primary Payment Methods - If enabled, the system will ONLY look at payment methods that are designated as "Primary" when generating results.
- Autopay Update Needed - only visible to customers using the iClassPro Payment Services gateway. Enabling this filter allows you to limit the results to show only families whose payment information is still associated with an inactive third-party payment gateway. (NOTE: this filter will look at all payment methods associated with a family and include the family in results if ANY payment method meets the specified criteria for the filter.)
- Payment Method Invalid - Enabling this filter allows you to limit the results to show only families whose payment information has been flagged as Invalid by the issuer. (NOTE: this filter will look at all payment methods associated with a family and include the family in results if ANY payment method meets the specified criteria for the filter.)
- Suspended Families - allows you to limit results to only families with the "Suspend Family" flag enabled on their account.
- Attendance - allows you to limit results only to families with students with the selected Attendance status, based on their enrollment on the specified "Active On Date."
- All - shows ALL families, regardless of their Attendance status.
- Present - only shows families with students marked "Present" (regardless of whether they are also marked "Tardy" or "Left Early").
- Tardy - only shows families with students marked as "Present" and "Tardy."
- Left Early - only shows families with students marked as "Present" and "Left Early."
- Absent - only shows families with students marked "Absent" (regardless of whether they are also marked "Excused" or "Unexcused").
- Excused - only shows families with students marked as "Absent" and "Excused."
- Unexcused - only shows families with students marked as "Absent" and "Unexcused."
How do filters work together?
Currently, enrollment filters on the FAMILIES page only consider "Active" status classes. Enrollments in classes that have been made Inactive will not be reflected in the results.
Filters will be combined to limit the results displayed in the list of families. Depending on the filter(s) selected, the results may reflect either a situation where the family meets ALL of the selected criteria or SOME of the selected criteria.
Some examples include:
- Selecting multiple options from the “All Enrollment Types” filter will populate results where the family has enrollments matching ANY of the selected Enrollment Types as of the defined “On Date.”
- Selecting options from both the “Day of the Week” and “Start Time” filters will populate results where the family has enrollments matching the selected Day(s) of the Week and Start Time. However, these matches may not be based on the same enrollment/booking.
- For example, if you select both a Day of the Week and a “Start Time”, results will be populated for families with enrollments occurring on the selected Day of the Week, who ALSO have an enrollment or booking in a class/camp/appointment that begins at the designated Start Time. However, these matches may be based on two separate enrollments/bookings – one occurring on the selected Day of the Week and one beginning at the specified time.
- NOTE: As the FAMILIES page looks at ALL enrollments within the family, results may also be populated based on enrollments for multiple students (i.e., the enrollment for Student A may meet on the designated Day of the Week, and the enrollment for Student B may meet at the designated Start Time).
- For example, if you select both a Day of the Week and a “Start Time”, results will be populated for families with enrollments occurring on the selected Day of the Week, who ALSO have an enrollment or booking in a class/camp/appointment that begins at the designated Start Time. However, these matches may be based on two separate enrollments/bookings – one occurring on the selected Day of the Week and one beginning at the specified time.
- Selecting a Keyword option from the “All Keywords” filter will be used in addition to other selected filters and therefore will include families/students/classes/appointments/camps associated with the designated Keyword even if they do not match the other criteria.
- For example, if you select both a Day of the Week and a Class Keyword, results will be populated for families with enrollments in classes associated with that keyword, even if those classes do not meet on the designated Day of the Week.
- The “Instructors” and “Levels” filters will combine any selected criteria as being in addition to any criteria selected from other filters.
- For example, if you select both a Day of the Week and an Instructor, results will be populated for families with enrollments occurring on the selected Day of the Week, who ALSO have an enrollment or booking in a class/camp/appointment associated with the selected instructor.
- NOTE: As the FAMILIES page looks at ALL enrollments within the family, results may also be populated based on enrollments for multiple students (i.e., the enrollment for Student A may meet on the designated Day of the Week, and the enrollment for Student B may be associated with the selected instructor).
- For example, if you select both a Day of the Week and an Instructor, results will be populated for families with enrollments occurring on the selected Day of the Week, who ALSO have an enrollment or booking in a class/camp/appointment associated with the selected instructor.
It is recommended to use the ENROLLMENTS page if you need to get a list of students whose individual enrollments meet a defined set of criteria.