How Do Makeup Tokens Work in the Mobile App?

Learn how Makeup Tokens work in the Mobile App, how customers can view information about their student's Makeup Tokens, and how they can apply/redeem them for makeup enrollments (based on your settings).

Some of these options may not be available to customers, depending on your settings under SETTINGS>MAKEUP TOKENS. These instructions assume that makeup tokens are enabled on the account and have already been configured by the business.

Viewing Makeup Token Information

To view makeup tokens and associated information from the Mobile App:

  1. Log into the Mobile App using your email address and password.
  2. Navigate to ACCOUNT screen.
  3. Click on the student for whom you wish to redeem a Makeup token.
  4. Click on the “Makeups” menu option.
  5. This will bring up a list of all makeup tokens associated with the selected student. You can expand any collapsed area to view more details.

Using a Token to Create a Makeup Enrollment

The "Use Makeup Token" option will not be displayed for Makeup Tokens that are associated with a deleted Program. Instead, a message to "Contact Us" will be displayed so customers can reach out to have staff members reassign these Tokens to a new Program so they can be used.

If the student has a token that can be used, click the “Use Makeup Token” button (to automatically create the makeup enrollment in an eligible class) or the "Request" button (to submit a makeup request for staff approval) next to the token details to schedule the makeup lesson.


NOTE: The wording of "Use Makeup Token" or "Request" next to token details depends on whether the business has opted to auto-approve makeup enrollments in the Makeup Token settings.

This will bring up a list of eligible classes based on the token’s settings and the selected makeup date. Eligible classes are based on the student's age, gender, and whether there are openings available in the class.



  • The "Makeup Date" defaults to the current date. If needed, change this date to view eligible classes with openings on other dates.
  • You can use the filters at the top of the page to further refine the list of available classes.
  • If "Restrict Applying Makeup Tokens Only to Classes With Expected Absences" is enabled under SETTINGS>MAKEUP TOKENS>CUSTOMER PORTAL SETTING, only classes with expected absences on the specified "Makeup Date" will be shown.

Once you have located the class in which you wish to request a makeup enrollment, click on the class to complete the enrollment process and redeem the makeup token.

Depending on the system configuration, the makeup enrollment will then either be automatically approved or will be submitted to the business for staff approval.

If a Makeup Token is redeemed for a class that meets several times throughout a given day (such as Monday from 7pm-8pm and 8pm-9pm), the makeup enrollment will actually be created for ALL of the timeslots attached to the class (due to how iClassPro handles class enrollments).

If the class has multiple meeting times on several different days (such as Monday from 7pm-8pm and Wednesday from 8pm-9pm), the student will only be enrolled for the date selected for the makeup.

Makeup enrollment availability may be affected by the setting to "Restrict enrollment start date based on class start time" under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).