How Do I Create a Future Absence Through the Office Portal?

Learn how to create a future absence for a student through the Office Portal..

Creating a Future Absence that spans multiple days

  1. From the STUDENTS page, locate the student for whom you wish to create a future absence.
  2. Click the “Attendance” icon (checkmark) to the left of the student’s name to open the Attendance view.
  3. Click the "Record Future Absence" button in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
  4. This will launch the “Record Future Absence” wizard.
  5. Answer "Yes" to the question "Will this absence span multiple days?"
    • Select the days [student] will be absent.
      • Set the date range for the future absence. If needed,, uncheck “All Day” to set specific hours for the absence. (If “All Day” is checked, the absence will affect all class enrollments on that date for the student.  If specific hours are chosen, only enrollments for classes that meet during those designated hours will have the absence marked.)
    • Add an optional comment explaining the reason for the absence (if known).
    • If the absence should automatically be considered "Excused", enable the "Excused Absence" option. (Staff will always be able to manually change the "excused" status of an absence if needed.)
    • Click “Save & Close” to submit the absence, or click "Cancel" to close the window without creating the absence.

Creating a Future Absence for a single date

  1. From the STUDENTS page, locate the student for whom you wish to create a future absence.
  2. Click the “Attendance” icon (checkmark) to the left of the student’s name to open the Attendance view.
  3. Click the "Record Future Absence" button in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
  4. This will launch the “Record Future Absence” wizard.
  5. Answer "No" to the question "Will this absence span multiple days?"
    • Select the day [student] will be absent
      • Set the date for the future absence. If needed, uncheck “All Day” to set specific hours for the absence. (If “All Day” is checked, the absence will affect all class enrollments on that date for the student.  If specific hours are chosen, only enrollments for classes that meet during those designated hours will have the absence marked.)
    • Add an optional comment explaining the reason for the absence (if known).
    • If the absence should automatically be considered "Excused", enable the "Excused Absence" option. (Staff will always be able to manually change the "excused" status of an absence if needed.)
    • Click “Save & Close” to submit the absence, or click "Cancel" to close the window without creating the absence.

Important Note

Due to the way iClassPro stores future absences in the database, any absences created by date are actually stored beginning at 12:00am on the day it begins.

Therefore, if the absence is created on the date that is being missed, this will actually result in two expected absence entries being recorded.

  • One absence for 12:00am until the time the absence request was submitted (which will be marked UNEXCUSED).
  • One absence for the period of time AFTER the absence request was submitted until the end date/time of the absence (which will be marked EXCUSED).

Need more assistance?

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