What is the Program Deposit Split Report (FIN-4)?

Learn about the Program Deposit Split Report (FIN-4), its filter options, and how to generate it.

What is the Program Deposit Split Report?

The Program Deposit Split Report reflects when and where payments and/or credits were applied to charges. The report includes two main sections:

  • Payments Received On [Report Date Range] - reflects only payments/credits created within the specified date range of the report.
  • Adjustment Made To Payments Received Prior To [Start Date of Report Date Range] - reflects payments/credits created prior to the start date of the report that were applied or unapplied within the specified report date range.

Both sections contain a table listing each Program/Charge Category, as well as rows for various types of Unapplied Payments. These could include:

  • Unapplied Payments - Payments taken that are not yet applied to any charges.
  • Unapplied Failed Payments - Payments that were previously applied to charges, but were unapplied when the payment was subsequently reported by the issuer/bank as "Failed."
  • Unapplied Voided Payments - Payments that were previously applied to charges, but were unapplied when the payment was later voided in the gateway.
  • Unapplied Deleted Payments - Payments that were previously applied to charges, but were unapplied when the payment was later deleted from the family's ledger.
  • Unapplied Refunds - Payments that were previously applied to charges, but were unapplied when the payment was later refunded to the customer.


  • It is expected that Unapplied Payments + Unapplied Failed Payments + Unapplied Voided Payments + Unapplied Deleted Payments + Unapplied Refunds + Program Totals = Total Payments Received.
    • However, it needs to be noted that the totals of the various "Unapplied" payment entries at the top of the "Payments Received On" section should "zero out" the "Unapplied Payments" at the bottom (with one total being positive and one being negative).
  • If you run the report by CREATED DATE, the system will only look at the status of payments that were taken within the defined date/time range.
  • If you run the report by ACTIVE DATE, the system will only look at the status of payments that were applied/unapplied during that date range.

Columns list total amounts applied to each Charge Category for each payment/credit type as well as a “Total” column.

These amounts are totaled in the last row of the table.

If a payment was applied and then fails, the adjustment will be included in the "Adjustment Made To Payments Received Prior To [Start Date of Report Date Range]" section to show that it was unapplied. An entry for this adjustment will also be including in the "Payment and Adjustment Details" (if enabled).

NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true based on the “As of Date” you select when generating the report.

If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our "Preset Filters for Reports" document for more information.

Available Formats

The Program Deposit Split Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.

General Filters

  • USE CREATED DATE INSTEAD OF DEFAULT ACTIVE DATE: if enabled, the system will look at the date/time the payment was actually CREATED, rather than the “Active Date” assigned to the payment.
    • If this option is enabled, the system will display separate CREATED START DATE & TIME/CREATED END DATE & TIME fields.
  • ACTIVE START DATE/END DATE: the system will only show payments with an “Active Date” that falls within the specified date range. (This is the default option and maintains current behavior.)
  • LOCATIONS: the system will only include charges/payments associated with the selected Location(s) in the results.

Ledger Filters

    • Coupon
    • House
    • Other
    • Gift Card

Display Options

  • SHOW: if enabled, the report will be adjusted to display additional information.
    • Payment and Adjustment Details - if enabled, a “Detailed Audit Trail of Payments and Adjustments” will appear at the bottom of the report listing each adjustment made to the payments/credits reflected in the report totals. This table includes Guardian Name, Payment/Credit Type, Action performed, Payment/Credit Entry Date, Payment Method, Transaction ID, Apply/Unapply Date, Program, Charge Category, and Amount.
    • Show Total Tax for Program and Charge Category - if enabled, adds additional information showing the total amount of taxes for each Program and Charge Category.
    • Landscape - will generate the report in Landscape mode (rather than Portrait).
      • NOTE: Landscape mode is forced if too many payment/credit methods are selected in the “Ledger Filters” section.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).