What is the Account Updater Report (FIN-22)?

Learn about the Account Updater Report (FIN-22), its filter options, and how to generate it.

The Account Updater Report will only be displayed if the “Account Updater” feature is enabled for your account.

What is the Account Updater Report?

The Account Updater Report generates a list of families whose stored payment information has automatically been updated by the account updater within a specified date range. The report includes Family Name, Last Four Digits, Expiration Month/Year, and Last Updated date.

NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true as of the day you generate the report.

Available Formats

The Recurring Billing Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.

General Filters

  • START DATE/END DATE: the system will only reflect families whose payment information was updated within these dates.
    • Currently Enrolled (Active) – Choose this option to include only families which have recorded "ACTIVE" type enrollments in classes/camps as of the current date.
    • Not Currently Enrolled (Inactive) – Choose this option to include only families which have no recorded "ACTIVE" type enrollments in classes/camps as of the current date.
  • LOCATIONS: the system will only include families associated with the selected Location(s) in the results. (Because families are only associated with a Location when an active enrollment is present, this filter will not have any effect on the results if the STATUS (ENROLLMENT) filter is set to “Never Enrolled.”)

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).