How Are Skill Evaluations Displayed in the Customer Portal?

Learn how to configure the Customer Portal to display Skill evaluation information to customers, what steps parents need to take to access the information, and what data they will be shown.

How do I enable Skills information in the Customer Portal?

There are a few settings under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>GENERAL SETTINGS which determine how much information will be seen online. By default, the evaluations section is turned off. If "Show Evaluations in Customer Portal" is enabled, customers will see an “Evaluations” option for each student in the MY ACCOUNT section of the Customer Portal.


If "Show Only Evaluated Skills in Customer Portal" is enabled, the system will display only skills which have been evaluated, regardless of whether these skills apply to the student's current enrollment(s).

The "Show Student Images in Customer Portal" setting enables/disables the option of displaying the student’s photo if one has been uploaded under the student’s profile.


How do customers access Skills information?

After logging into their Customer Portal account, customers will navigate to the MY ACCOUNT section.

From the "Your Students" list, customers can click on the "Evaluations" button to view Skills information related to that student.


What will my customers see?

After clicking on "Evaluations", the customer will be taken to a list of skills which the student has been evaluated for. These are broken down in the same layout that the skill tree was created in. First is the name of the Skill Tree, then the Event, the Level and finally, the Skill itself. 


Once the customer clicks on the skill, they will be able to review the rating and any comments and/or associated URLs saved with the evaluation.


Comments can be turned on and off completely under Settings > Setup > General Settings > Skill Tracking > Enable Comments on Evaluations (Visible to Customer). If enabled, staff can enter comments along with a star rating, which will be visible in the Customer Portal along with the evaluations section.


The customer can also review additional details about the skill, such as a description and media files (photos and/or videos) by clicking “View Skill Details”.

The description and media files can be entered for each skill by editing the skill under Settings > Setup > General Settings > Skill Tracking > Skill Bank.


When adding photos and videos, each item has its own option for whether or not it is visible to customers.


If the students’ skills have not yet been evaluated, they will see the notification “No evaluations found."


Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).