Learn about the Skills Rating system for Skill Evaluations, and how to configure it in your settings.
How Do I Configure My Skills Rating System?
The Skill Rating System setup determines the number of "stars" that will be shown on evaluations based on how you rate student skill progression. iClassPro supports rating systems consisting of anywhere from 1-5 stars.
Step 1
To set up your skill rating system, you will need to go to SETTINGS>SKILLS.
Step 2
From there you can select the Skill Ratings tab.
Step 3
Choose between a 1-star and a 5-star system.
Step 4
You can also choose to name each rating. It is not mandatory but since it can be included on the Skill Evaluation Report that you can give to parents, it is recommended to help provide a reference.
Changing your Rating System
You can change your rating system at any time, but it is important to note that students with existing skill ratings will be updated to reflect your new rating system.