How Do I Create a Camp Enrollment in the Mobile/Branded App?

Learn how to create or modify a camp enrollment in the Mobile/Branded App.

This option only appears if you have enabled “Show Camps and Allow Visitors to Register for Them” under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>GENERAL SETTINGS.

Creating a Camp Enrollment

To create a new camp enrollment:


  1. From the main Dashboard screen, click the Camp Type icon for which you wish to register, or select BOOKINGS from the navigation toolbar at the bottom of the screen, then select a Camp Type.
  2. Select the Student(s) you wish to enroll and click “See Camps.”
    • If the student you wish to enroll does not appear in the list of students to be selected, you can click "Add New Student" to create a new student profile.
  3. The camp list that is displayed will automatically be filtered into tabs based on which student(s) meet the criteria. Click the appropriate tab to show the list of filtered camps.
  4. Once you have located the camp for which you wish to create an enrollment, click on the camp name to bring up the enrollment screen.
  5. The Camp Details will be displayed, along with options to enroll at the top of the screen.
    • Click “Enroll Now” to submit a request for an Active enrollment.
      • NOTE: If there are no openings and your settings allow visitors to request a camp that is full, "Contact Us" will be displayed instead of the "Enroll Now" option.
  6. Confirm the student(s) you wish to enroll.
    • If the camp is configured to allow parents to choose days, the available camp blocks will be listed below. Select the day(s) for which you wish to enroll.
      • NOTE: If any camp dates have been canceled, these dates will not be available for selection.
    • If the camp is NOT configured to allow parents to choose days, the camp blocks will not be displayed, as the selected student(s) will be enrolled in all available blocks.
      • NOTE: If any camp dates have been canceled, these dates will automatically be removed from the enrollment.
  7. Click "Add to Cart" to add the enrollment(s) to the shopping cart.
  8. The system will attempt to submit an enrollment for all eligible students. A message will be displayed if there are any problems (such as no available openings, or if there is a conflicting enrollment for any of the selected students).

Once the enrollment is in the shopping cart, you can either:

  • Click BOOKING to create another enrollment.
  • Click POINT OF SALE to add a product purchase (if available).
  • Click PAY NOW to check out and complete the enrollment process.

Checking Out

To check out/submit your enrollments:

  1. If you are not already there, click the CART icon from the navigation toolbar at the bottom of the screen to go to the Shopping Cart.
  2. Verify the enrollment information showing in the Cart. If needed, remove any enrollments by clicking on the “Remove Item” link to the right of the Camp Name.
  3. Select whether you wish to apply any account credit (if available).
  4. Enter any Promo Codes that may apply (if available).
  5. If the registration requires payment up front, verify the payment method you wish to use to make a payment. You can edit/add a payment method as needed.
    • The system will default to using the payment method on file. If you wish to use a different payment method, uncheck the "Use Payment on File" option to enter new payment details.
  6. Click PAY NOW.
  7. If necessary, the system will attempt to run a payment.
    • If the payment is successful, the enrollment(s) will be submitted.
    • If there were issues collecting payment, the system will display an error message. Please check your payment details or select an alternate payment method and try again.


Modifying an Existing Enrollment

Customers will be able to modify existing camp enrollments to select additional camp blocks if the following criteria are true:

  • The option to "Allow Parents to Choose Days" is enabled on the camp's CUSTOMER PORTAL tab.
  • The option to "Allow Visitors to Modify Camp Schedule" is enabled under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION.
  • The "Allowed Registration Dates" of the camp have not yet expired.

To modify an existing camp enrollment:

  1. From the main Dashboard screen, select ACCOUNT from the navigation toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click on the student for whom you wish to modify a camp enrollment.
  3. Click "Enrollments."
  4. Locate the camp enrollment you wish to modify.
  5. Click "Modify Schedule."
  6. Make any adjustments to the existing camp enrollment. Blocks that have already been selected for the enrollment will be checked and highlighted in blue. Check the box next to any blocks you wish to add.
    • NOTE: the blocks available to be selected may be affected by the setting to "Restrict enrollment start date based on camp start time" under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION.
  7. After selecting any additional blocks, click ADD TO CART.
  8. The customer will be taken to the Shopping Cart.  Depending on the camp pricing schedule and how you have configured your Customer Portal to handle modified enrollments, the customer may or may not be required to make a payment for the additional blocks.
  9. Regardless of the total amount due, the customer will need to click PAY NOW (if payment is required) or COMPLETE TRANSACTION (if payment is NOT required) to submit the enrollment modifications and/or make a payment.
  10. If the transaction is successful, the customer will see a confirmation message.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).