How Do I Create/Edit a Camp?

Learn how to create a new camp for a limited-time event (usually one week or less) or private lessons.

See our "Getting Started with Camps" guide for more information about creating camps and enrollments!

Follow the steps below to configure your necessary settings and create your new camp:

STEP 1: Create Programs to track income

All camps must be attached to a Program to record charges and track enrollments. If you already have a program you would like to record income under for this camp, you can skip this step.

STEP 2: Create a Charge Category to track income

All charges associated with camps created from the Customer Portal will have the same Charge Category label. If you already have a Charge Category you would like to record income with for this camp, you can skip this step.

STEP 3: Create a Pricing Schedule

The Camp Pricing Schedule determines how much the system will charge for camp enrollments, including per-block amounts, sibling discounts, and special discounts. If multiple camps will charge the same amounts, you can use the same Pricing Schedule for all of them. If you already have a Pricing Schedule you would like to use for this camp, you can skip this step.

STEP 4: Create a Camp Type (Optional)

Camp Types group similar camps together to make them easier to locate in the Customer Portal.

All camps must be attached to a Camp Type. By default, your account will include a Camp Type titled "Camp". You can create additional Camp Types by adding a singular and plural title to the settings.

The Customer Portal will display the camp type image whenever a camp assigned to that type is within its Allowed Registration Dates.  The recommended image size for Camp Types is 400px x 200px.

STEP 5: Create a Camp

NOTE: If you are creating camps that run for multiple weeks or have multiple sessions per day, you may wish to review our "Using the Camp Alias Feature" article prior to setting up your camp(s).

  1. Go to the CAMPS page.
  2. Click NEW CAMP.
  3. Add Camp DETAILS. All fields are required unless marked otherwise :
    • Camp Name
    • Camp Program
    • (optional) Camp Level
    • (optional) Camp Zone
      • If you are assigning the Camp to a specified Zone that would result in overbooking the Zone, the system will display a warning.
    • Camp Type *
    • Age & Gender Requirements *
    • (optional) Grade
    • Maximum Number of Entries
    • Payment Settings
      • Camp Pricing Schedule - assigns which Camp Pricing Schedule to use when creating a tuition charge for the camp.
      • Amount Due at Signup
        • Deposit Due Only - creates a charge for the full tuition amount, but only requires payment for the deposit amount specified in the Camp Pricing Schedule (upon successful enrollment).
        • Force Pay in Full - creates a charge for the full tuition amount and requires payment in full (upon successful enrollment).
          • NOTE: If you allow customers to modify an existing camp enrollment, the system will determine whether it should charge for auto-approved camp enrollment modifications based on whether "Force Pay in Full" is enabled as the “Amount Due at Signup.”
            • If this option is selected, the system will charge for auto-approved camp enrollment modifications (upon successful auto-approval).
            • If this option is NOT selected, the system will NOT charge for auto-approved camp enrollment modifications (upon successful auto-approval).
        • No payment required - creates a charge for the full tuition amount but does not require any payment (upon successful enrollment).
        • (optional) Tax Rate - Displays any tax rate information inherited from the Camp Program and allows you to override if desired.
    • Camp Dates - defines the start and end dates of the camp
    • Allowed Registration Dates - defines the dates during which the camp appears on the Customer Portal for customers to register, and also the dates during which customers are allowed to modify an existing enrollment in the camp.

      * Age requirements must be entered in numbers. Determination of whether a student meets the "min" age requirement takes into consideration their age as of the camp End Date. The "max" age requirement takes into consideration their age as of the date of the selected camp block.  If multiple blocks are selected, the system will use the earliest date.

      The "max" age can be handled in two different ways: as whole numbers or as decimals. Using a decimal will enforce partial years.

      So in this scenario, using a whole number "max" age of 12 will allow any student between 12.0-12.9999 to register.  Entering a decimal "max" age of 12.0001 will not allow any student older than 12.0 years to register. (Therefore a student who is 12 years, 1 month would not qualify since they would be 12.0833 years old).

      If you are basing the age on partial years, please refer to the following table for the appropriate decimal values. (So for example, a camp where the minimum age is 3 years, 4 months should be entered as 3.3333.)

      Months  Decimal Value
      1 0.0833
      2 0.1667
      3 0.25
      4 0.3333
      5 0.4167
      6 0.5
      7 0.5833
      8 0.6667
      9 0.75
      10 0.8333
      11 0.9167
  4. Add CUSTOMER PORTAL Settings:
    • Show On Web - the camp will be displayed on the Customer Portal within the specified "Allowed Registration Dates."
    • Allow Web Registration - determines whether customers are allowed to create enrollments in the camp from the Customer Portal. If the "Show On Web" option is enabled and "Allow Web Registration" is left disabled, customers will be prompted to contact you to enroll.
    • Allow Parents to Choose Days - determines whether parents can choose specific camp dates when registering. If left disabled, the student will be enrolled for the full duration of the camp. (If you allow parents to choose days, be sure your camp pricing schedule is set up to charge appropriately.)
    • Auto Approve Requests - determines whether enrollments will be automatically approved providing the student meets all age/gender criteria and an opening exists. (NOTE: This option must be enabled for the system to create a tuition charge if "Force Pay in Full" is selected under "Amount Due at Signup" on the Details tab.)
      • NOTE: If a student has a custom gender assigned, they will ONLY be auto-approved for Co-Ed camps. Enrollments for camps denoted as solely for Male or Female students will be submitted as a request.
    • Display Schedule Alias in Place of Schedule Details - if you are using the Camp Alias feature, enabling this option will show the Alias name instead of the specific timeslot details.
    • Camp Picture - the camp picture will be displayed under the camp details in the Customer Portal. If you are adding a camp picture, the recommended image size is 400px x 200px.
    • Description - enter a description of the camp here for the parents to see under the camp details in the Customer Portal.
  5. User Defined Questions (optional) allow you to enter questions for customers upon registration to collect information or charge additional fees. Questions can be set to require answers.  To charge a fee, the customer must answer Yes to the question and the amount must be entered and set to “Use Price.” This price will be applied once per enrolled student.
  6. Add the Camp Schedule to show what days or times the camp occurs. Each time and date entered on the schedule is considered a block in the pricing schedule. Be sure to select a day, time and duration and click add. (If you enabled the option to display the camp alias on the "Customer Portal" tab, there will be an option to enter the alias when creating the block.)
    • When adding the duration, be sure to enter a "0" in the hour field if the duration is less than 60 minutes.
    • Schedules can be set up for a single date and time, varied dates and times, or weekly camp schedules:
      • Weekly Schedule: Allows you to select weekdays for a recurring schedule over the dates of your camp.
      • Specific Dates: Allows you to choose specific dates within the camp dates to add to the schedule.
      • NOTE: A "Max Students" option will be displayed for each camp block if "Allow Parents to Choose Days" is enabled on the "Customer Portal" tab. This will allow you to override the maximum number of enrollments on a block-by-block basis, with the following restrictions:
        • This option will not appear if "Allow Parents to Choose Days" is disabled.
        • This option will not appear if Camp Aliases are used.
  7. (Optional) The Instructors tab allows you to attach coaches or instructors to the camp.
    • NOTE: When populating the list of Instructors, the system will load a maximum of 100 instructors at a time, and allow search functionality to locate and select instructors who may not appear in those results. As instructors are selected, they are moved to the top of the list and additional instructors are listed below.
  8. (Optional) The Keywords tab allows you to attach one or more keywords to the camp for custom filtering options on reports.
  9. (Optional after initial camp save) The Promo Codes tab allows you to determine which promotional codes set up in your account can be applied towards this class. Promo Codes are added under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>PROMOTION CODES.
  10. (Optional after initial camp save) The Skill Tree tab allows you to override the default Skill Tree that the camp inherits from its Program. Skill Trees are set up under Settings>Skills.
  11. (Optional) The Auto-Approve tab allows you to set specific age and or Skill Level criteria to decide whether enrollments are auto-approved on a per-class basis, or to allow auto-approval of all enrollments just for that specific class, without having to enable auto-approval for all enrollments.
  12. Click SAVE to create your camp.

Other Customer Portal Options

In addition to the options in the Customer Portal tab on each camp, there are also a few other options related to camps.  These are located in SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CAMP REGISTRATION.

Duplicating a Camp

Sometimes it can feel tedious to create a lot of similar camps or classes. That's why iClassPro created a shortcut with the "Create a Duplicate" feature.

For camps where the only information changing from week to week might be the name, the schedule, or other minor details (such as age or gender requirements), this feature can save you lots of time and effort.

      1. CREATE and SAVE your first camp.
      2. Use the pencil/edit icon to open the camp details.
      3. Click the "Create a Duplicate" button at the bottom of the window.
      4. In the duplicate camp window (labeled "Camp Details :: New Camp), edit the details to match the information for the new camp you want to create.
      5. SAVE the duplicate camp with the new details. 

Making a camp Inactive

Marking older camps as INACTIVE helps your staff by only displaying camps that are still ongoing (or just recently completed), yet still giving the option to display older camps by filtering by INACTIVE or ALL status.

Restrictions on editing camp details

If needed, specific camp details (such as the title or description) can be edited after a camp has been created and enrollments have begun.  However, some camp details cannot be edited since this may result in data loss or other issues.

Camp details that cannot or should not be edited include:

    • Camp start/end dates - while it is possible to extend the camp start/end dates after the camp has already been created, the system will not allow you to modify or delete any camp date(s) that has existing enrollments connected with it. Attempting to do so will result in an error message being displayed.
    • Age and/or Gender Requirements -  while changing the age and/or gender requirements is not restricted, it should be noted that any existing enrollments that do not meet the new criteria will remain.  (For example, if a camp started off co-ed but you later changed it to female-only, any males enrolled in the camp will still keep their enrollments unless you delete them manually.)
    • Maximum occupancy -  while changing the maximum occupancy requirements is not restricted, it should be noted that any existing enrollments that would exceed the new criteria will remain.  (For example, if a camp currently has 15 enrollments and you change this to 10, there will still be 15 enrollments in the camp. However, the system will not allow any new enrollments.)
      • NOTE: This applies to maximum occupancy on both the camp level and schedule block level.
    • "Amount Due at Signup" settings - while changing the "Amount Due at Signup" setting is not restricted, it should be noted that any existing enrollments will still abide by the original setting.  (For example, if you originally had this set to "Deposit Due Only" and changed it to "Force Pay in Full", any new enrollments will be required to pay the full amount.  However, any existing enrollments will have only been charged the deposit amount and you will either need to manually create a charge or run the Camp Tuition Charges Task to charge them the remaining amount due.)

Changing the Program associated with a camp will automatically update the Program on any current or future enrollments to match.  However, it will not update the Program associated with any tuition charges that have already been created for those enrollments -- it will only affect new charges that are created after the Program has been updated.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).