How Do I Use the Staff Portal's "My Schedule" Feature?

Learn how to use the Staff Portal's "My Schedule" area to view classes, camps, and appointments to which you are assigned as an instructor, and how to access the Attendance and Skill Evaluation functions from this view.

Accessing the "My Schedule" area

  • Once you are logged in to the Staff Portal, click the icon in the upper right-hand corner that looks like three horizontal lines.
  • Choose "My Schedule."


Upon accessing the page, you should see a view similar to this:


Available Filters

On the left-hand side of the screen, you will see filter options to help limit the list of results. These filters include:

  • Date - selecting a specific date will limit the results to only classes/camps/appointments scheduled to meet on that date. (NOTE: This filter always defaults to the current date.)
  • All Zones - selecting one or more Zone(s) will limit the results to only classes/camps/appointments associated with the selected Zone(s).
  • All Programs - selecting one or more Program(s) will limit the results to only classes/camps/appointments associated with the selected Programs(s).
  • Advanced Options
    • Show if no enrollments - if enabled, classes/camps/appointments with no enrollments/bookings will be displayed in the results. If left disabled, these will not be displayed.

Scheduled Events

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a list of all Events (classes/camps/appointments) to which you are assigned as an instructor that meet any filtered criteria. Each event includes the following information:

  • Quick Actions
    • Skills - launches the Skill Evaluation interface for the selected Event.
    • Attendance - launches the Attendance interface for the selected Event.
  • Event Name - the name of the Event
  • Students - the number of Students enrolled/booked for the Event
  • Schedule - the day of the week/time the Event is scheduled to occur.

Viewing Event Details

Clicking on the Event Name will display general information about the Event, including:

  • Name
  • Service (appointments only)
  • Zone
  • Level (classes only)
  • Schedule
  • Instructor(s)
  • Gender
  • Minimum age
  • Maximum age
  • Maximum occupancy (appointments only)

Rescheduling an appointment from the "My Schedule" view

To reschedule an appointment:

  1. Navigate to the "My Schedule" view and adjust filters as needed to locate the appointment to be rescheduled.
  2. Click on the hyperlinked Schedule to launch the "Edit Timeslot" window.
  3. Select a new start/end time for the appointment.
    • NOTE: From this view, a new timeslot can only be created for the same day.  If you need to move an appointment to a different date, it needs to be rescheduled via the Office Portal or Customer Portal/Mobile App.
  4. If you wish to send a confirmation email to the family/families who will be affected, enable the "Send Reschedule Email" option.
    • NOTE: the system will use the email template under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>COMMUNICATION TEMPLATES>ICLASSPRO>"Appointment Rescheduled" for this email.
  5. Click SAVE.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).