How Do I Use the Appointments Quick Edit Tool?

Learn about the Appointments Quick Edit tool and how it can be used to quickly make changes to a group of appointment timeslots.

Quick Edit Overview


Using Quick Edit, the following details of an appointment timeslot can be changed:

  • Select an Instructor
    • Choose from available Instructors
  • Service
    • Choose from available Services
  • Program
    • Choose from available Programs
  • Zone
    • Choose from available Zones
  • Pricing Schedule
    • Choose from available Pricing Schedules
  • Show To Customers
    • Yes/No
  • Allow Group Appointment
    • Yes/No
  • Allow Web Registration
    • Yes/No
  • Tax Exempt
    • Yes/No

How to Mass Edit appointment timeslots with the Quick Edit Tool

  1. Filter the appointments list using any applicable filters and search tools at the top of the APPOINTMENTS screen.
  2. If necessary, adjust your page view to include more results (top right-hand corner of the list).
  3. Select any appointment timeslots you would like to edit en masse.
  4. Click the Quick Edit tool (icon at the bottom of the screen that looks like a pencil with three lines next to it).
  5. Once you have made all required adjustments, click SAVE to apply the changes.

Note: Saving changes in the Quick Edit Tool starts a background task while the updates are made to the appointment timeslots.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).