Learn about the Appointment Revenue Report (FIN-25) report, its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Appointment Revenue Report?
The Appointment Revenue Report produces a list of appointment bookings within the specified date range along with related financial data. The report includes the Student name, Primary Guardian/Family Name, Date/Time of Appointment, Lesson/Appointment Name, Zone, Instructor name, Group/Individual Appointment, Rate Override, Amount, Cancellation Fees, Amount Paid, Refunds, and Total Due.
IMPORTANT NOTE: inforrmation related to rescheduled bookings is only tracked for appointments that were rescheduled AFTER 6/5/2024.
If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our "Preset Filters for Reports" document for more information.
Available Formats
The Appointment Revenue Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
Available Filters
General Filters
- FROM/TO DATES: the system will only show results for bookings that were/will be active within the specified date range.
- LOCATIONS: selecting one or more Location(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Location(s).
- CHOOSE PROGRAM: selecting one or more Program(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Program(s).
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTOR: selecting one or more Instructor(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Instructor(s).
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- CHOOSE ZONE: selecting one or more Zone(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Zone(s).
- CHOOSE SERVICE: selecting one or more Service(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Service(s).
- CHOOSE APPOINTMENT: selecting one or more appointment(s) will limit results to only bookings for the selected appointment(s).
- CHOOSE APPOINTMENT KEYWORDS: selecting one or more appointment Keyword(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Keyword(s).
- CHOOSE STUDENTS: selecting one or more Student(s) will limit results to only bookings for appointments associated with the specified Student(s).
- Not Canceled - the system will only list bookings if they were not canceled during the specified date range of the report.
- Canceled - the system will only list bookings that were canceled during the specified date range of the report.
- Paid – the system will limit results to only bookings for appointments that are paid as of the specified End date of the report.
- Not Paid – the system will limit results to only bookings for appointments that are unpaid as of the specified End date of the report.