Learn about the Recurring Billing Report (FIN-9), its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Recurring Billing Report?
The Recurring Billing Report is a list of families with or without saved payment information on their accounts (as determined by your filters). The report includes Family Name, Primary Email Address, Primary Phone Number, Mailing Address, Recurring Billing Status, Payment Method, Card Issuer, Expiration Month/Year, Last Payment Date and Last Payment Amount.
An asterisk will be displayed to identify payment methods that are designated as the "Primary" payment method to be used for recurring billing.
NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true as of the day you generate the report.
Available Formats
The Recurring Billing Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
General Filters
- PAYMENT INFORMATION STATUS: the system will only include families
- With Payment Information – families with saved payment information on file.
- Without Payment Information – families with no saved payment information on file.
- RECURRING BILLING STATUS (shown only if “With Payment Information” is selected above):
- With Recurring Billing – the option “This Payment Method is Authorized for Recurring Billing” is enabled on the family’s saved payment information.
- Without Recurring Billing – the option “This Payment Method is Authorized for Recurring Billing” is NOT enabled on the family’s saved payment information.
- Valid Recurring Billing - the family’s saved payment information is valid based on responses from the issuer.
- Invalid Recurring Billing - the family’s saved payment information is Invalid based on responses from the issuer and therefore cannot be used.
- Currently Enrolled (Active) – Choose this option to include families/students that have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” (regardless of past or future enrollment status)
- Enrolled in the Future (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but do have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment after that date.
- Previously Enrolled (Only) – Choose this option to include families/students that do not have a current "ACTIVE" type enrollment in classes/camps on the “As of Date” but did have an "ACTIVE" type enrollment prior to that date.
- Never Enrolled – Choose this option to include families/students which have no recorded "ACTIVE" type enrollments in classes/camps.
- LOCATIONS: the system will only include families associated with the selected Location(s) in the results. (Because families are only associated with a Location when an active enrollment is present, this filter will not have any effect on the results if the STATUS (ENROLLMENT) filter is set to “Never Enrolled.”)
- EXPIRATION MONTH (shown only if “With Payment Information” is selected): selecting a specific month will show only families whose payment method on file expires in that month.
- EXPIRATION YEAR (shown only if “With Payment Information” is selected): selecting a specific year will show only families whose payment method on file expires in that year.
- PAYMENT INFORMATION STATUS: the system will only include families
NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
Display Options
- SHOW GATEWAY NAME: enabling this option will include the name of the payment gateway associated with the family's saved payment information. This would be useful for filtering the XLS/CSV version of the report to show only families who still have card data saved to an old gateway if you have switched processors.
- SHOW INVALID RECURRING BILLING MESSAGE: If enabled, this adds column to report showing the last returned failed message for the payment method that caused it to be marked Invalid. (Only shown if option for “Invalid Recurring Billing” is checked.)