Learn about the Promo Code Report (MAR-2), its filter options, and how to generate it.
What is the Promo Code Report?
The Promo Code Report is a list showing specific charges that were created using a promo code during a specific date range. The report includes the charge date, description, program, charge category, family name, the promo code used and the discount amount (based on the promo code used).
NOTE: Chosen filters that relate to enrollments will produce results that are true based on the start/end dates you choose when generating the report.
If you commonly use the same filters when running this report, you can now save them as Presets! Simply load a Preset Filter whenever you open the report page, set your date range and click to generate the report in your preferred format. See our "Preset Filters for Reports" document for more information.
Available Formats
The Promo Code Report is available in either HTML, PDF, XLS or CSV format.
Available Filters
- START DATE/END DATE: the system will only show charges created within the date range specified. (If left blank, the system will default to the current date for both filters.)
- LOCATIONS: Selecting one or more Locations will limit the results to only charges associated with the chosen Location(s).
- Include Class
- Include Camp
- NOTE: Camp enrollments are considered ACTIVE in a camp for a period of time starting with the first block they have selected and ending with the last block. Therefore, if a student is enrolled only on May 5th and May 8th, their enrollment will be considered active from May 5th-May 8th (also encompassing May 6th and 7th).
- Include Appointment
- Include Non-Appointment
- NOTE: If this option is enabled, the report will include entries for any charges associated with a Promo Code that are NOT tuition-based, such as Point of Sale charges.
- NOTE: All four options will be enabled by default.
- DAY OF WEEK: selecting one or more specific Day(s) of the Week limits results to only show students who have active enrollments in classes/camps that meet on the selected Day(s) of the Week.
- Active – will limit the report to only activity in classes/camps that are currently marked “Active.”
- Inactive – will limit the report to only activity in classes/camps that are currently marked “Inactive.”
- CHOOSE PROMO CODES: selecting one or more specific promo codes will limit the results to only charges associated with the chosen code(s). (If left blank, the report will include all charges that meet other specified criteria.)
- CHOOSE CHARGE CATEGORIES: selecting one or more specific Charge Category/Categories will limit results only to charges associated with the selected Charge Category/Categories. (If left blank, the report will include all charges that meet other specified criteria.)
- CHOOSE PROGRAM: selecting one or more Program(s) will limit results only to charges associated with that Program(s). (If left blank, the report will include all charges that meet other specified criteria.)
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTOR: selecting one or more Instructor(s) will limit results only to charges associated with classes assigned to the selected Instructor(s). (If left blank, the report will include all charges that meet other specified criteria.)
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- CHOOSE CLASS LEVEL: selecting one or more Class Level(s) will limit results only to charges associated with classes assigned to the selected Class Level(s). (If left blank, the report will include all charges that meet other specified criteria.)
Class/Camp Filters
Changing the date range of the report AFTER making any Pre-filter selections may cause some of the selections to become invalid. These selections will not be reflected on the final report.
- PRE-FILTER – the “Pre-filter” limits the results of the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) and only affects the options shown there. It does not affect any actual report results.
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTORS - select one or more Instructor(s) to limit the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) to only show classes/camps associated with the specified Instructor(s).
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- If an instructor was deleted AFTER the start date of the report, the results will include relevant entries for the instructor on the date(s) before they were deleted.
- If an instructor was created/attached to an event AFTER the end date of the report, the instructor will not be included in the results.
NOTE: Entries will not be included on the final report for any selected instructor/staff member who was not associated with specified enrollments, events, etc., during the designated date/date range.
- CHOOSE INSTRUCTORS - select one or more Instructor(s) to limit the “Choose Class/Camp” filter(s) to only show classes/camps associated with the specified Instructor(s).
- CHOOSE CLASS: select one or more class(es) to limit the report to only activity related to charges for the selected class(es), as determined by the START/END DATE.
- CHOOSE CAMP: select one or more camp(s) to limit the report to only activity related to charges for the selected camp(s), as determined by the START/END DATE.
- CHOOSE APPOINTMENT: select one or more appointment(s) to limit the report to only activity related to charges for the selected appointment(s), as determined by the START/END DATE.
NOTE: Because TRIAL enrollments do not create charges, only the class program, promo code, and family name are included on the report if any "Trial Tracking" type Promo Codes are included in your results.