Which Reports are Available for Reporting Income?

Learn about iClassPro's Bank Deposit Report (FIN-2) and the Program Deposit Split Report (FIN-4) and how they can be used to track income on a daily basis.

What is the Bank Deposit Report (FIN-2)?

The Bank Deposit Report is used to track the state of income coming into and exiting the business in the form of new payments, credits, refunds and deleted transactions. The report includes details about all payments recorded within the specified date range, including the date recorded, payment method used, credit card type (with last four digits of the card), transaction/check number data (if manually recorded in that field), amount, and primary guardian name.

Viewing Income on the Bank Deposit Report

The Bank Deposit Report is a list of all of the transactions that took place at your business that were recorded in iClassPro. These transactions include new payments, refunds and deleted funds. This report can also be run with the “Show Programs” option, which will give you more information about how the funds listed were applied.

Why We are Tracking Deleted Funds

Within iClassPro, we include records of deleted funds on the Bank Deposit Report to ensure that accountants and book keepers do not run into an instance where they have over-reported income in their separate accounting software.

For example, if a check payment for $500 was entered on January 1st , then deleted one or two days later and replaced with a $50 check payment (due to a typo), it would be easy for this action to slip under the radar if we did not keep track of the original deleted payment. If the accountant or book keeper had already reconciled for January 1st before the payment was deleted, they would have recorded $550 as income for the time period when in reality, $50 was all the income they had received.

For this reason, we have included deleted funds on the Bank Deposit Report as a negative entry so that accountants and bookkeepers have a more accurate view of the entries and any daily corrections made in iClassPro. When a payment is deleted, it is moved from the top section of the Bank Deposit Report to the bottom section, reserved for deleted payments.

What is the Program Deposit Split Report?

As opposed to the Bank Deposit Report, that reflects all payments collected/refunded/voided/deleted from iClassPro within a given date range, the Program Deposit Split Report reflects when and where those payments were applied to charges.

When an employee is facing a long line of customers, it’s easy to forget to apply a payment in the New Payment window. iClassPro’s ledger system is set up to track every payment and every change that happens to each payment over time. This is helpful if customers come back to your staff with questions later.

Viewing Income on the Program Deposit Split Report

The Program Deposit Split Report breaks down income into the Programs and Charge Categories that payments are applied to after receipt. This report uses totals derived from the combination of income, refunds and deletions for the requested time frame to give you a better overview of what areas of your business money is being collected from. The top section of the report is reserved for new entries, refunds and deletions, matching the Bank Deposit Report. Payments that are recorded but not applied to a charge will be reported as un-applied.

If an un-applied payment is applied on a date following the original payment date, or a past payment is un-applied and applied again to a different charge, it will appear in the Adjustments section of the report. This section of the report is for tracking income you have already accounted for on a previous date, but has been moved around within your business on the date of the report. These types of entries will help you account better for where money ends up at the end of the financial year, but will have no impact on your new income numbers for the day.

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