How Do I Configure the Marketing and Branding Settings? (Other Settings)


Learn how to configure your Customer Portal Marketing and Branding section, which focuses on your marketing needs (as opposed to your main Customer Portal settings, which handles visual branding).

You can view more information about the Marketing and Branding options below:

Show Mobile App Download Links

Enables/disables links to the Customer Portal Mobile App from showing on the Customer Portal. These links will be displayed in the Menu drop-down.

Kiosk Logo

The kiosk logo is a smaller image that is currently used on the Check-In Kiosk. We recommend using a 600px by 600px image (square) for the best display (the image will automatically be resized as needed).

Google Analytics/Google Tag Manager

When using Google Tag Manager, Google requires that you to set up your Google Analytics tag inside of your tag manager workspace and remove the tracking ID from the iClassPro "Google Analytics" field.

Including both a Google Analytics tracking ID and a Google Tag Manager ID in your iClassPro settings may result in duplicate events being logged.

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics tracking ID is a unique identifier Google Analytics assigns to a property (like a website, blog, or mobile app).

Google Analytics uses this ID in its tracking code to identify and collect your property’s user traffic and behavior data.

In Google Analytics 4, this is called the "Measurement ID." The Measurement ID is formatted as 'G-' followed by a combination of numbers and letters, such as "G-XXXXXXX."

Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag Manager ID is also referred to as the "Container ID." The Container ID is formatted as "GTM-" followed by a combination of numbers and letters, such as "GTM-XXXXXXX."

For more information about Google Tag Manager, visit

NOTE: iClassPro's content security policy limits which sources can be used to reference external code in the Customer Portal. If you have questions about whether the product you are using is supported, please contact our Support Team at .

Google Tag Manager events are available for:

  • family-registering - family has clicked to start the “register” process.
  • family-created - family has finished the registration process and created a family.
  • added-to-cart - items added to the shopping cart.
  • remove-all-cart-items - all items removed from shopping cart
    • NOTE: this event does not have details of exactly which items were removed from the cart as item details are not available/never passed to that function.
  • remove-from-cart - items removed from the cart.
  • checkout - family has clicked the "checkout" process.
  • checkout-complete - "checkout" process is complete.

After making any changes to these settings, click “Save Settings”.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).