How Do I Run the Statements Task?

Learn about the Statements task and how to use it to email or print account statements for your customers.

What are Statements?

In iClassPro, a Statement is a document displaying any outstanding charges on a customer's account. It also lists the last payment amount and date, and any account credit. It displays the current amount due, taking into consideration any partially paid amounts on charges that are still outstanding. These statements are generated as PDF files which can be emailed to customers directly or printed for handout or mailing (using #9 Double Window Envelopes).

Statements only reflect outstanding charges at the time they are generated. For a full view of charges and payments on their accounts (including charges that have already been paid), customers can log into their Customer Portal accounts or your staff members can provide a Full Ledger Report over the requested time period (this must be done from individual accounts).


Best Practices

We recommend sending statements to all customers after issuing class or camp tuition charges and approximately 5-10 days before drafting scheduled payments from stored payment information using the Payments task on the Transactions page. This way, all customers are given advance notice of any charges being drafted from their accounts to avoid unnecessary chargebacks or payment disputes.

How the Filters Work

Family Status

  • Active - (default) generates statements for only those accounts with a minimum of one active class enrollment.
  • Inactive - generate statements for only those accounts without active class enrollments.
  • All - generate statements for all accounts, regardless of enrollment status.

Autopay Status

The Autopay Status filter will allow you to run statements only for customers who have stored payment information on file (either enabled or disabled). This can be helpful in scenarios where your business has drafted payment and wishes to send statements afterward to those customers whose payments may have failed.

Autopay filter options include:

  • No Autopay - limits results to only families with no saved autopay information.
  • Enabled Autopay - limits results to only families with saved autopay information that is authorized for recurring billing.
  • Disabled Autopay - limits results to only families with saved autopay information that is NOT authorized for recurring billing.

Aged A/R

The Aged A/R filter allows you to send statements to those customers with due or overdue charges. The filter allows you to select from:

  • All A/R - any customer with one or more outstanding charges.
  • 0-15 Days - only customers with an outstanding charge that has a due date in the past 15 days.
  • 16-30 Days - only customers with an outstanding charge that has a due date in the past 16-30 days.
  • 0-30 Days - only customers with an outstanding charge that has a due date in the past 30 days.
  • 31+ Days - only customers with an outstanding charge that has a due date between 31-60 days overdue.
  • 61+ Days - only customers with an outstanding charge that has a due date older than 61 days.

This filter can be helpful to send out warnings before accounts are sent to collections.

Global Memo

At the bottom of the statements task is the Edit Global Memo button. This allows you to add information that will appear at the bottom of statements. This is a good place to reiterate any billing policies (such as scheduled draft dates for those customers with stored payment information), return policies, and other important reminders. This memo will also appear at the bottom of statements generated from the ledger, so it is good practice to enter only general information that applies to all customer accounts.

Running the Statements Task

Follow the instructions below to run statements for your customers.


Note: If your business runs multiple locations out of one account, the location selected at the top of the screen will dictate which location the statements are being generated for.

  1. Navigate to the TRANSACTIONS page.
  2. Click on the Statements task on the left-hand menu.
  3. Choose a Family Status to determine which accounts may generate statements based on enrollment status. 
  4. Choose an Autopay Status to determine which accounts may generate statements based on their stored payment information.
  5. Select what information the generated PDF copies of statements will be Sorted By.
  6. Choose an Aged A/R option to determine which accounts may generate statements based on the due dates of outstanding charges.
  7. Choose a Charge Category to restrict generated statements to only customers with outstanding charges in the selected charge category. 
  8. (Optional) Select a Program to restrict generated statements to only customers with an outstanding charge in the selected program.
  9. (Optional) Select Family or Student Keywords to restrict the individuals eligible to be drafted. Accounts linked to any one or more of the selected keywords will be shown in the preview.
  10. Enter a Minimum Amount Due to limit the generated statements to those customer accounts that owe a certain amount or more.
  11. (If sending email statements) Select Send Email to All Email Addresses in the Family Record to include all emails on file for each account in the communication.
  12. (If sending email statements) Make any necessary changes to the Reply to Address that will be displayed on the email.
  13. (If sending email statements) Compose an email to your customers in the Email Body field to instruct them to open the attached PDF with their statement.
  14. To add information to the bottom of the generated statements, click Edit Global Memo and be sure to save any changes made to that field.
  15. Click Preview. The preview will generate in your background tasks for safekeeping but should open automatically if you do not navigate away from the page.
  16. At the top of the preview, is a Filter Summary. Click Show to review all filters from the previous page.
  17. Review the accounts that have been detected as eligible for statements. The preview will list all accounts the system found that match your filters. Accounts with a box highlighted in blue will have statements generated. If you make corrections to accounts, you must run a new preview to see the changes.
  18. When you are ready, click Process to both Email and Generate PDF Files or click Generate PDF to avoid emailing customers.

Generating and sending statements for accounts can take some time. You can review the progress of the task in your background task.

Record Keeping

Once complete, the task status will read "Done" and a down arrow will appear next to the task. Clicking the down arrow will take you to a summary page.

To save this information, click Save to CSV to generate the document in your background tasks. Once complete, click on the document icon or down arrow to save the file for your records.

Need more assistance?

Customer support is available at 1-877-554-6776 Mon - Fri, 9 am to 9 pm (CT) and Sat, 9 am to 6 pm (CT).