Learn how to configure your Customer Portal Class Registration settings, which determine how the system handles enrollments, enrollment requests, and any tuition/Anniversary charges for those enrollments. Also learn about the Class Filter options, which control which filters will be available for customers when searching for Classes.
You can view more information about the Class Registration and Class Filters below:
Class Registration
This section of settings focuses on class-specific registration settings. Changes in this area will impact all of the classes which are shown online and allow registration. Some options will not appear unless certain other options are selected, as the options are linked.
For a quick guide regarding the essential settings for Request Mode versus Auto-Approve mode, visit our article Customer Portal Registration Modes.
Count Class Requests Against Openings – Determines whether enrollment requests that are pending staff approval will be counted against the available number of openings in the class. (This includes requests for both ACTIVE enrollments and transfer requests.)
- If the setting is enabled, requests count against the number of "Open" slots in both the Customer Portal and the Office Portal to preserve the “first come, first serve” method of registration. (Requests are not added to the number of "Active" enrollments in the Office Portal unless they are approved by Staff).
- If the setting is disabled, requests do not count against the number of openings in either Portal.
- NOTE: If your business uses the auto-approve mode for registration, requests would commonly be from either those customers that do not meet the established class requirements, or customers that are requesting transfers or special enrollment types such as Trials and Makeups.
Force Start Date to Class Meeting Dates - Forces the enrollment start date to be the next day the class will meet based on the Blackout Schedule. If left disabled, the enrollment start date will be the session start date (if sessions are used and the session has not yet started), or the current date (if session has already begun or the class is a non-session class.)
- This setting will also affect how class occupancy is viewed from the Customer Portal:
- If the setting is DISABLED, then occupancy numbers always reflect enrollments as of the current date.
- NOTE: With this setting disabled, the system ONLY looks at classes as of the current date. This can lead to scenarios where the Customer Portal may display classes that actually will not meet in the future (as they will be active on the current date). To prevent this scenario, we highly recommend enabling this setting.
- If the setting is ENABLED, then occupancy numbers will always reflect enrollments as of the next day the class will actually meet. (For example, if viewed on a Monday, occupancy for a Thursday class will reflect enrollments as of Thursday, taking into account any enrollments that may drop prior to that date.)
- If the setting is DISABLED, then occupancy numbers always reflect enrollments as of the current date.
- This setting will also affect how class occupancy is viewed from the Customer Portal:
Allow visitors to choose a start date for non-session classes (only affects new enrollments) – selecting this option allows customers to choose a start date for new enrollments in classes which do not have sessions or rolling sessions attached. (Note that if this option is enabled and then later disabled, any stored values for the following two settings will be deleted.)
Limit Start Date to at Least X Days from Today – in coordination with the above option being selected, this setting limits the start date to at least this number of days in the future from the date of registration. (For example, if set to "2", customers cannot register for a class less than two days in advance.)
- NOTE: The "Limit Start Date" values ONLY apply to new enrollments and therefore could result in transfer requests with dates that do not meet this limit.
Limit Start Date to at Most X Days from Today – in coordination with the above option being selected, this setting limits the start date to at most this number of days in the future from the date of registration. (For example, if set to "5", customers cannot register for a class more than five days in advance.)
If the value is greater than or equal to '1', the Customer Portal/Mobile app will display future openings within this window and allow registration for them.
- If you do not wish to allow customers to register for future class dates, you should completely disable "Allow Visitors To Choose A Start Date For Non-Session Classes (Only Affects New Enrollments)."
- The value specified must be less than or equal to 30 days OR the value specified under SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>ENROLLMENT LOOK AHEAD SETTINGS (in days) if the Look Ahead value is set to less than 5 weeks.
The "Limit Start Date" values ONLY apply to new enrollments and therefore could result in transfer requests with dates that do not meet this limit.
If there is NO future start date assigned to a non-session class, the customer can select any start date from the from the minimum date through the maximum date as defined by the "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date" values.
If there IS a future start date assigned to a non-session class and the start date is PRIOR TO the maximum date as defined by the "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date" values, customers can select any date between the defined class start date and the maximum date as defined by the "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date" values.
If there IS a future start date assigned to a non-session class and the start date is GREATER THAN the maximum date as defined by the "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date" values, customers will not be allowed to select a different start date.
Note that all of these scenarios will honor the SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS SETTINGS>"Force Start Date to Class Meeting Dates" setting if it is enabled.
If the value is greater than or equal to '1', the Customer Portal/Mobile app will display future openings within this window and allow registration for them.
Limit Start Date to at Least X Days from Today – in coordination with the above option being selected, this setting limits the start date to at least this number of days in the future from the date of registration. (For example, if set to "2", customers cannot register for a class less than two days in advance.)
Allow Visitors to Request a Class That is Full – this option enables the Customer Portal to accept Wait List requests if the class is full. The request must be approved by a staff member through Online Activity.
If this option is disabled, customers will not be given an option to enroll or request a transfer into class that are full in the Customer Portal. When redeeming Makeup Tokens, full classes will only be shown if the class has a temporary opening due to a future absence, and the option to "Apply Expected Absences to Makeup Class Availability" is enabled under SETTINGS>MAKEUP TOKENS>"Customer Portal Settings."
(NOTE: The system will override this setting if multiple enrollments from the same family are submitted for the same opening. In this scenario, one enrollment will be approved and the others will be submitted as WAIT requests.)- Allow Visitors to Request a Waitlist Enrollment (When Not Full) - this option only shows if the previous option is enabled, and determines whether or not students will be able to request a Wait List enrollment if the class still has openings. The request must be approved by a staff member through Online Activity.
- Prevent Transfer Requests Into Classes That Are Full - if enabled, the system will allow new enrollment requests into full classes, but will not allow transfer requests to be submitted for these classes.
- (*) Allow Visitors to Request a Makeup Enrollment – this option enables the Customer Portal to accept Makeup enrollment requests in classes which have an opening available. The request must be approved by a staff member through Online Activity. (NOTE: This option only appears if Makeup Tokens are disabled on the account.)
Allow Visitors to Request a Trial Enrollment – this option enables the Customer Portal to accept Trial enrollment requests in classes which have an opening available. The request must be approved by a staff member through Online Activity.
- NOTE: the use of a "Trial Tracking" type Promo Code will override this setting, and will submit a TRIAL-type enrollment regardless of whether the setting is enabled or disabled.
- Allow Visitors to Request a Class for a Student that Does Not Meet Class Requirements – this will permit students which do not meet the established class requirements of age, gender and/or grade (if "Grade" is chosen on the class) to submit a request to enroll. The request must be approved by a staff member through Online Activity.
Allow Visitors to Request a Transfer - this will permit students to request a transfer from their existing enrollment into another class.
- Restrict transfers to Program – If enabled, students will only be allowed to submit transfer requests to classes in the same Program as their current enrollment. If left disabled, students will be allowed to submit a transfer into any class as long as the student meets class age/gender requirements and an opening is available.
Restrict transfers to Level – If enabled, students will only be allowed to submit transfer requests to classes in the same Level as their current enrollment. If left disabled, students will be allowed to submit a transfer into any class as long as the student meets class age/gender requirements and an opening is available.
Allow Transfer into the Next Level – If enabled, students will be allowed to submit transfer requests to classes in the same or next Level as their current enrollment. “Next Level” is determined by the order of the Levels under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>LEVELS.
Auto-Approve Transfer into The Next Level – If enabled, transfer requests to Next Level classes will be automatically approved as long as the selected class meets any other Program/Level restrictions, the student meets class age/gender requirements, and an opening is available.
- "Next Level" is determined by the Level assigned to the class they are transferring TO compared to the Level assigned to the class they are transferring FROM.
Auto-Approve Transfer into The Next Level – If enabled, transfer requests to Next Level classes will be automatically approved as long as the selected class meets any other Program/Level restrictions, the student meets class age/gender requirements, and an opening is available.
Auto-Approve Transfers That Match Program/Level Restriction – If enabled, transfer requests will be automatically approved as long as the selected class meets any Program/Level restrictions, the student meets class age/gender requirements, and an opening is available.
If this option is ENABLED, the system will check to see if SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS>"Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" is also enabled.
- If "Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" is ENABLED and the overridden billing schedule exists on both classes, then the system will keep billing schedule overrides in place if an enrollment transfer is auto-approved (if the billing schedule exists on the class they are transferring to).
- If "Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" is ENABLED and the overridden billing schedule DOES NOT exist on the new class, the system will auto-approve the transfer but assign the default class billing schedule. A message will appear in the Online Activity entry warning staff that the enrollment has been moved to the default billing schedule as the overridden billing schedule does not exist on the new class.
- If "Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" is DISABLED, then any auto-approved enrollments will use the default Billing Schedule on the new class.
- Show Classes that do not match Program/Level Restriction – If enabled, students will still see classes that do not match Program/Level Restrictions in the results list when choosing a class to transfer into. (NOTE: this setting will only be displayed if the "Auto-Approve Transfers That Match Program/Level Restriction" and/or "Auto-Approve Transfer Into Next Level" setting are enabled.)
If this option is ENABLED, the system will check to see if SETTINGS>SETUP>CLASS SETTINGS>GENERAL CLASS SETTINGS>"Keep Existing Billing Schedule Override When Transferring Enrollments" is also enabled.
Allow Transfer into the Next Level – If enabled, students will be allowed to submit transfer requests to classes in the same or next Level as their current enrollment. “Next Level” is determined by the order of the Levels under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>LEVELS.
Allow Drop Request – allows customers who are already enrolled in classes to submit a request for approval to drop their current enrollments.
Limit Drop Date – must be enabled to limit the requested drop date to be a specified number of days in the future. If left disabled, customers may request any drop date from the current date forward.
- Limit Drop Date to at Least X Days from Today - customers will not be able to request drop date any closer than the specified number of days from the current date. (This value cannot exceed 90 days.)
Limit Drop Date – must be enabled to limit the requested drop date to be a specified number of days in the future. If left disabled, customers may request any drop date from the current date forward.
- Allow Visitors to Request a Drop Date on New Enrollment Requests – allows students to enter a drop date for their new class enrollment (common for businesses that allow short-term enrollments in ongoing/recurring classes).
- Allow Waitlist Enrollment Cancellation – if enabled, this setting allows customers to cancel a Waitlist request from the Student enrollments view.
Allow Visitors to Override Default Billing Schedule – enables customers to choose one out of multiple billing schedule/tuition pairs set up on a class. This setup can be used to allow customers to choose billing plans or frequencies as described in our article about the Class Billing Tab.
- NOTE: The system will always display whichever billing schedule is set as the default; however, customers will be able to select from ANY of the billing schedules that are attached to the class when enrolling.
Auto-approve Requests – enables the Customer Portal to automatically enroll students in a class where there are openings and the students meet the established class requirements of age, gender and/or grade (if "Grade" is chosen on the class). This must be enabled to allow the Customer Portal to charge for enrollments, assess anniversary fees and to collect payment.
Send Email Notification Upon Auto-Enrollment Or Request Enrollments To Email Address Of Class Location – when enabled, sends an email notification to the email on file under SETTINGS>LOCATIONS when a customer completes checkout for an enrollment that is either auto-approved or submitted as a request.
- NOTE: This email is ONLY triggered for enrollment requests that use the cart checkout process, so Transfer Requests and Makeup Token redemption will not trigger this email. (Makeup Tokens have their own setting to control this.)
Auto-charge First Tuition – when this option is selected, the Customer Portal will create new charges for students that are automatically enrolled in a class. Additional fields related to charges and payments will appear once this option is selected. This option must be turned on to also bill for anniversary fees and to collect payment. Note: All enrollments which go through as requests will have to be billed manually by the staff member which approves the enrollment.
Anniversary Fee – when enabled, this option will bill an additional flat fee to customers either per student or per family if their ledger does not contain an Anniversary line item charge based on how your Anniversary Charges are configured under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>ANNIVERSARY CHARGES. Selecting this option will reveal two additional fields: the option to charge Anniversary Fees for free classes, and a field to assign the Anniversary Fee Charge Category which will be used to create this fee on the customer’s ledger. For more information about how this fee works, visit our Anniversary Charges article.
- Charge Anniversary Fee for Free Classes - Appears when "Anniversary Fee" is enabled. When checked, this option will bill a flat fee to customers either per student or per family if their ledger does not contain an Anniversary line item charge within the number of months specified under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>ANNIVERSARY CHARGES, even if the class has a $0 tuition fee attached to it. This setting applies to auto-approved ACTIVE type enrollments only.
Anniversary Fee – when enabled, this option will bill an additional flat fee to customers either per student or per family if their ledger does not contain an Anniversary line item charge based on how your Anniversary Charges are configured under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>ANNIVERSARY CHARGES. Selecting this option will reveal two additional fields: the option to charge Anniversary Fees for free classes, and a field to assign the Anniversary Fee Charge Category which will be used to create this fee on the customer’s ledger. For more information about how this fee works, visit our Anniversary Charges article.
- Require Payments for Enrollments – this option will enable/disable the requirement for customers to pay the balance of their cart at the time of checkout. If the customer does not successfully submit payment, they will not be enrolled. *Requires the use of a gateway to collect online payments.
Send Email Notification Upon Auto-Enrollment Or Request Enrollments To Email Address Of Class Location – when enabled, sends an email notification to the email on file under SETTINGS>LOCATIONS when a customer completes checkout for an enrollment that is either auto-approved or submitted as a request.
- Auto Created Charges, Set the Due Dates to X Days in the Future – Only appears when “Auto-Charge First Tuition” is enabled. This box will allow you to enter the number of days between the charge being incurred at checkout and the date that it’s due. This feature is primarily used by customers that do not require immediate payment of tuition.
- Auto-charge Charge Category – Links to the "Auto-Charge Scheduler" page to set up which Charge Category will be automatically assigned to new tuition charges that are created. (Note: this link will be removed on September 1, 2020.)
- Anniversary Fee Charge Category - Only appears when “Anniversary Fee” is enabled. Select a charge category to label the anniversary fee charge with. (NOTE: The Anniversary Fee Program will be determined by your Anniversary Charges setup under SETTINGS>SETUP>GENERAL SETTINGS>ANNIVERSARY CHARGES and the tax rate associated with that Program. Any Tax Rate associated with that Program will be used automatically.)
Restrict Enrollment Start Date Based on Class Start Time - If enabled, you will be able to choose between two options and specify the number of minutes: "Allow Enrollments Up To A Maximum Of 'X' Minutes BEFORE Class Start Time" OR "Allow Enrollments Up To A Maximum Of 'X' Minutes AFTER Class Start Time." (You can only enable one of these settings at a time.)
If the enrollment creation time falls WITHIN the window defined by one of these settings, the enrollment will be allowed for the current date.
If the enrollment creation time falls AFTER the window defined by one of these settings, the enrollment start date is pushed forward depending on how other settings are configured.
- If "Force Start Date To Class Meeting Dates" is ENABLED under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION, then the enrollment start date is pushed to the next available class date.
- If "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date For Non-Session Classes" is ENABLED under SETTINGS>CUSTOMER PORTAL>OTHER SETTINGS>CLASS REGISTRATION, the customer can choose a start date within the time frame established by that setting.
- If neither "Force Start Date To Next Available Class Date" nor "Allow Visitors To Choose Start Date For Non-Session Classes" is enabled, then the enrollment start date is pushed to the next day of the week (even if it is not a day the class will actually meet).
- Exclude Punch Pass - if enabled, the "Restrict Enrollment Start Date Based on Class Start Time" setting will not apply to enrollments created via the Punch Pass redemption workflow.
After making any changes to these settings, click “Save Settings”.
NOTE: If a student has a custom gender assigned, they will ONLY be auto-approved for Co-Ed classes. Enrollments for classes denoted as solely for Male or Female students will be submitted as a request.
Class Filters
The options available in this section of the Customer Portal settings will allow you to edit which search filters are made available for the class list under Classes in the Customer Portal.
These filters include:
- Show Age Filter
- Show Gender Filter
- Show Program Filter
- Show Session Filter
- Show Day Filter
- Show Level Filter
- Show Instructor Filter
- Show Openings Filter
- Show Search Filter
Toggle an option on/off by clicking the box next to it. After making any changes to these settings, click “Save Settings."